Tree of Savior Forum

Say Yes to job reset

what are u talking.
differ base class and differ roletype is not the same)

say no to reset.
rework, try again.

Aside from the arguement:

Please, everyone who sais: ā€œStop, donā€™t make this a casual game.ā€ and so on.

Guys, grow up. You wont be hardcore or more in life if you play a ā€œhardcore gameā€. You wont be badass irl, you will be still bullied irl, you will be still a 0 irl and so on. There is nothing to accomplish in a game. Being a hardcore gamer is more pathetic than being a casual gamer. If you take a game seriously and you think about it as an achievement in life, you are on a wrong road.

Please, Iā€™m always feeling bad when I see comments like that, cause it feels like that Iā€™m playing together with a bunch of losers. Itā€™s ok if you like a game and you are investing much time into it, but do not talk about it like itā€™s a hardcore thing and only the strongest should survive. This is only a gameā€¦

On topic: Job/circle reset would completly kick up the game, but the problem is that itā€™s a beta game. It is beta, cause it is not a full game, itā€™s not called beta for fun in Korea.

The lack of informations and etcā€¦

Imc should really write some basic things about classes and so on, cause that will lead to a massive lose of playerbase.

There is no one who will just reroll after 100 lvl (even itā€™s not a high lvl in this game), cause he will just rather quit. Everyone deserves a chance to play and enjoy it, without starting all over.

I know that some of you have infinite time, but most of the people donā€™t. Ok, you say thatā€™s ok if they leave, cause they are not qualified to play this kind of complex game, however this is not about being complex, itā€™s being non-informative.

I mean, I understand that you think about yourself as a strong elite, badass guy, who is playing as hardcore gamer, but this is just a game. If my ā€œloserā€ friends will leave this game, cause they find it too harsh and will refuse to play it anymore, I will go and leave it too. This is just an example, cause other people will do that too.

In the end, you will have a low population server with only kids whose are thinking about themself what you read above. Is that what you want?

Iā€™m not supporting the job/circle reset nor going against it. I will support it if the game will need that feature and I will be against it if the game wont need it.

That will be decided as soon as free to play will hit the game. If people are leaving and saying itā€™s bullshit that their character is useless duo to the lack of information they gotā€¦ Wellā€¦


I give my ā€œyesā€ with all the pleasure, and ā€œnoā€ for masochism (because thatā€™s what hardcore means).


Show me a single game where you can reset a high level character in which you can then select a completely different class path, every game has a quick class description on several websites and thats not a reason to say that ā€œit needs a class resetā€ thats just plain lazy, if you got it wrong, reroll it like the rest of the world gaming community when they screw up on their chars

dont be a ā– ā– ā– 
create a new character

its not beta stop it. imc SADLY didnt think they need more beta(open or whatever) and got for a Early accesof a full release.

Just feel like posting what someone else said.

What do you think?

I think a training room would be absolutely perfect and it would even help newbies understand the game more just like the hardcore players want and there wouldnā€™t be a need for resets.

There is literally no downside that i can find for a training room like this and it would solve both sides problems.

elder scrolls online is one. :slight_smile:

you people are the one acting like fags here.

a training room will work if imc can do it,reset is away more easy thing to do , hell privet servers can do it for games that normally donā€™t have it in.

True but a training room like that would still make both sides happy lol.

I mainly want resets so newbies dont quit the game cause no resets at all will just kill the game in the end.


Adventurer journal achievements (like map completion) are shared through account.

So make a new character will simply screw you. You would lose an estimate of 200 lv 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 exp cards.


1600+ cards wasted.

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I agree. The game is unfinished for one. Making people get stuck with terrible class circles is not the way to go.

Lot of skill descriptions are wrong or donā€™t even contain right information.

We need this in the game.


No, those arenā€™t shared. Only collections are. Relog your account and it will all show correctly. Itā€™s a bug. Game is a buggy mess.

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Soā€¦what you are saying is that all i need to do is close the game, login and choose the new character (instead of my main character where i did map exploration) and it will be on 0, like itā€™s supposed to be for new characters?

With arguments like these, how you can be expected to be taken serious?

Itā€™s heavily debated in recent years that players are getting too ā€˜ā€˜spoonfedā€™ā€™ with information, or the things they should do.

For example the debate about ā€˜ā€˜quick action eventsā€™ā€™, or the one about not reading quests because you get all these shiny map markers telling you what to do.

It seems to me many players resent having too much information available without having to put in (their own) time and investment.
Now quests already show you where to go with markers nearly always in this game. So itā€™s already quite an informative game in that regard.

But it seems that by intent the developers have decided not to give too much on information on classes or abilities, so that players could enjoy investing time and figuring it out for themselves.

So if your opinion is that you would really like more information readily available, then that is a fair opinion. But donā€™t consider it a flaw of game design, when many others appreciate this very same thing.

And please stop using this excuse whenever it feels convenient. Regardless of original intend, we are not playing a beta.


You donā€™t have to take it seriously, thatā€™s the problemā€¦ This shouldnā€™t be taken seriously and seen as an achievement in life. Everyone should take it as a game and be less ā€œhardcoreā€ and see that if the majority or very high percentage of people wants circle reset, it is needed. Thatā€™s it.

If you think that they should rather quit and you are not bothered with a game with a small playerbase, I have bad news for you.


Lol. you need to stop trying to tell people how to think. You cant just come up in here trying to change the game into something its not when the majority of people do not want resets. Trying to change the game to fit your personal needs, its pretty selfish.

You dont like to take games seriously. You think everything should be easy and free of risk. You dont want to use up your precious time on a game. Your playing the wrong game. Thats it.

Reading some of what you wrote i can see your probably just a troll. Iā€™m not sure why im even replying to you.

Hmā€¦but I just said that my opinion is based on what the majority wants. I will go with the reset if the majority want it. So , whatā€™s the problem here? You failed to read? Also, if the game is changed toward the majority, how is that selfish?

Arenā€™t you guys the selfish ones with the ā€œlol casual noob rerollā€ thing? Cause you want this game this way?

Yeah, I donā€™t want to take a game seriously, cause the gameā€™s purpose is to entertain us, not making us quit or be an achievement in life. Is this game means so much to you? Cause that would mean that you need a professional help.