Tree of Savior Forum

Say Yes to job reset

It was less about addressing it more about until it is actually fixed reset can be put on the back burner cause that constant twitching is annoying

I do feel that the head twitching is annoying… but what does that have to do with class resets? ^o.o^

Can’t you take your frustration on twitching heads out on another topic that is centered around it? Why do you have to address it here? ^o.o^

Okay, you guys win. I’m okay with Class Resets. After Rank 10 has been out for a year or so, and with extremely heavy penalties. (Penalties excluded when there is drastic changes in balances of a class. Unless of course it’s the FoTM. That’s your fault then. You knew it was OP, yet you still played it.)

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You know the head twitching thing is such a stupidly easy fix that it really shows how incompetent IMC really is as a company? All they have to do is change the default head model back to center from the current side angle it is now which would take about one minute to edit a line of text or code, or just swapping the files changing their name. People could prolly do this themselves if they wanted too.

Add class resets, balance the game, hmmm

Tree of /Wrist! That’s what kind of move it would be to let people reset their pve circled char into a pvp one.

Think there would be a bigger fuzz about it if it was true.

Fk it. Just add class resets. This game needs to just die already so I don’t have to be so frustrated playing it.

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Class reset is a temporary solution to a permanent problem. What really needs to happen is making each class along with each of their circles be a good choice no matter what build you make.

I personally think each class should work like this:

Circle 1: You unlock the class. It comes with the class’s signature skill and passives. For example, Hoplite opens up the option to wield 1handed spears and gets Finestra. The importance of these skills is that all or at least most of them will synergize well with just about any class build you create and possibly even with other base classes. (It’s an MMO after all!)

Circle 2: You gain new skills good for that class alone but more importantly, you gain passives that enhance or change how signature skills work, making them more powerful, not to mention more skill ranks.

Circle 3: Now not only do you gain max ranks for your previous skills, you gain the class’s ultimate skill, which should usually be a long CD skill that’s exceptionally powerful and great for various situations depending on the skill itself. As a hypothetical let’s say a Wugushis Jincan Gu (circle 3 skill) “detonates” any target inflicted with any poison in a certain radius from where it impacts with the ground. What this does is makes the target suffer the entirety of the poison DoT(s) remainder damage instantly and if they die, little poisonous bugs will spawn for about 10 seconds and attack monsters. And let’s say this skill has like a 5 minute CD.

I think this would make more builds much, much more viable and we wouldn’t constantly see a need for specific builds like cryolinker.

The class system is flawed. People will always resort to min-maxing and eventually killed the point of having a versatile class tree.

I feel sad for those who really want to enjoy the game, and later realized nobody wants them in grind party. People are really merciless at times - “oh you’re a swordie without pelt? Bye!”, “not a linker, chrono, or elem3? Bye!”

And most of them only realized that when they’re like 200 levels+, when they’re forced to party with others to grind.

Will class reset really solve the fundamental problem?

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What about a betrayal system? The possibility to change just 1 rank.

A class reset is just an advance skill reset. All the classes are simply separate skill tree that you choose from. Take away the class names and costumes and all you’re left with is choosing between which set of 4 skills and 1 or 2 passives you want to play with next.

Don’t even need ranks, you just choose a skill set every 15 class levels. If someone has a class level of 50, then you know they are rank 3. Don’t let the words “class/rank reset” fool you into thinking it’s something more than what it is.


What if the real purpose of the game…

is to be the savior who would save the game from the evil clutches of IMC?!

Guess what happened?

I think a full reset would interest a lot of players that left into returning.
Some people would leave, but overall, i think more people would return.

Full Reset wouldn’t really bring anyone back.
People left the game not because of a lack of a reset, but because of how crappy IMC runs the game and doesn’t fix anything to make the game play worthwhile.

People don’t want to be playing with terrible fps, random disconnects, bugs bugs bugs, and sheer lack of optimization.

The reset is to help current players who don’t want to reroll a new character.


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Why are you bumping this, they’ve already given you job resets and are planning a one circle job reset in the future.

Some people won’t be happy until they are given 50m and rank 9 right after creating char. Also ability to oneshot boss, kepa drops 3m silver each etc.

I dont even know why they are playing games.


Are you really comparing real life jobs with a game gimmick? lmao dude