Tree of Savior Forum

Say Yes to job reset

You guys make it look like there isn’t a middle ground here. Flash news! Midcore players exist. It’s not a casual vs hardcore debate. You have a wide range of players with different interests with mixed capabilities. As a midcore player (ex-hardcore, back in the day…) myself, I support limited circle resets.

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I’m pretty sure anyone is going to care if they do what was planned making this game 800 levels with 14 circles or what ever. People might not admit it now but you’re not going to want to reroll when the time comes going through this grinding process again on potentially multiple characters.

One of the biggest things they’ve been hitting and changing in this game is supports too. So suddenly when you’ve thought you had a good choice in lets say Plaguedoctor today they go and just ruin it later. You don’t just freaking want to gamble on a class getting buffed later or worry about nerfs which have been happening.

Whether you’re softcore, hardcore, midcore, nightcore it doesn’t matter when everyone just gets fed up and leaves. Or the game doesn’t even get off the ground to begin with because they can’t even provide stable servers.


Hm…but that was what I said in the first place. :smiley:

We need this​:muscle::muscle::muscle::muscle::muscle::muscle::muscle::muscle:


I just wanted to let you know that, while this may be obvious, one staff member knows of this need for a circle reset and liked my post; Class/Rank resets (that people can agree on)

Hopefully, we might get a statement soon!

It won’t matter. They could literally say there will never be a circle reset in this game and people would still spam these threads. Literally over half the forum community is against them anyways.

Way to be defensive, I said we might get a statement. Meaning, any statement, even if it’s in my favor or not, would be nice.

Also, if you’re talking about that strawpoll, it’s still a rather small poll on the forums. Far from all players are on here, and I think many ‘elitists’ dwell here so I wouldn’t say it was fair to begin with.

Many also thought the options presented didn’t fit them as well so.

I really don’t understand the hate with job resets, like… what? Really all it is is just a massive time saver. It’s not P2W, it doesn’t ruin your game experience, so why do people hate this so much? I first read this thread shortly after making a 2nd archer to try a different build and I instantly thought to myself “Hm… that would be nice, I wouldn’t have to spend another buttload of hours leveling all over again”. Idc who you are, the act of grinding is not fun. Killing monsters? Kinda fun. Experimenting with multiple builds? Fun. The grind just to do so? Not fun. I doubt that very many people can 100% say they like grinding; I bet your attention is divided between multiple activities when you have to grind. That alone is proof of how monotonous it is. This game’s main selling point is the massive amount of classes that are offered, and the ability to customize builds. Why would you not want an item that would support that feature?

Seriously, what are the cons to having this item available?

-Cash only? I suppose this is bad if you’re broke or are too young to have income, but the argument that “If I can’t get it, then no one should” is childish at best.

-P2W? How? Please explain.

-could possibly shorten how long a player plays?

Some Pros:

-Will encourage riskier and more diverse class builds knowing that you wont have to grind another 200 levels in case your idea doesn’t turn out to be that great. As it stands now people will pick their class based on the opinions of those before them, which severely diminishes the amount of creativity that can be had with the current system.


-We all make mistakes. Sometimes things are poorly implemented and you have to learn that first hand. For example, that absolutely garbage AI on Hunter Pets. The only discussion I’ve ever seen is how the damage is spotty, but that AI is game breaking and really needs to be addressed.

Let’s talk about the controversial stuff a bit.

Nerfs/balance: Newsflash some people are tryhards. I myself am not one of them so if my class gets nerfed then oh well. I only care primarily about how fun it is, and secondarily about if it can kill at a decent rate. Unfortunately not everyone is like me. Is it the players fault for making a class simply because it’s been a proven success and eventually gets nerfed? To those who say yes, quit being a cynical jerk. We as players do not directly control what gets nerfed and what doesn’t because we don’t design the game. We just play it; just because we say something is overpowered or extremely weak doesn’t mean it’ll get a fix. Those who get their thrills and satisfaction from seeing big numbers shouldn’t have their fun taken away due to that which is commonplace in games. Doing so will make people not want to play, because again: Grinding is not fun. You may not mind grinding, but it’s definitely not fun.

-Time: Some people will say “I don’t have a lot of time”. “I have (insert responsibility here)”. To which some people will reply “Well, me too but I can still play often”. Okay let’s get this straight right now. All of our situations are not the same. Just because player A, B, and C all have similar life obligations does not automatically imply that players A, B, and C all have the exact amount of free time to enjoy playing this game. Just because you can play and do level 1-150 in a few days does not meant that someone else can. Quit imposing your situations and experience on to other players with the assumption that it works the exact same for everyone.

It just seems like everyone who’s against this idea is worried about what someone else is going to do. Why do you care what another player does with their character? Why do some of you want someone to feel punished for making a decision on a class and then being disappointed about said decision? This is a game. It’s suppose to be fun. Quit being jerks.



On topic: I would like to see IMC give us a limited class reset that could be purchase once a month just like wakfu.

No one want to reroll a lvl 400-600 character with this amount of restriction and boring quests (unless you are no-lifer)


Play MOBA if you want instant success. iTOS is about theorycraft and hard work like iRO was.

Many of the best builds are impossible to level with, and those who choose that route should be rewarded. Like wiz3/ele3/warlock. The highest dps build in the game and the most ridiculous build to level rank 4. Like in iRO, when I created my GFist Monk it took months and months and months of dedication because it’s the hardest build in the game to solo level. How was I paid off? I joined the #1 WoE PvP guild on the server and dominated at lvl 99.

Play MOBA if you want instant success. iTOS is about theorycraft and hard work.

So it’s a con because -let me get this straight- someone will pick an easy route to level with, and then circle reset to an optimal build? That’s not a con, that’s a time saver. It just sounds like you’re getting caught up with what someone else is doing. Why do you care what someone else does with their money? Your gripe is purely personal and internal. When a developer makes a change to a game they should be made with the majority of players best interest in mind. Unfortunately, and respectfully I can’t say I care about whether someone takes easy street to get where they are. I focus on me. This is also - in my opinion a design flaw with the game itself. MMO’s should be about the journey, not the destination but with ToS it’s all about the destination and everything in between is just monotonous. Which may also be part of the reason this bothers you so. If you look at my cons and then look at yours you’ll see that mine are made with a whole player base in mind. While yours could be applicable to every player, (assuming we all think the same, but we know we don’t) yours is largely self-gratification or pride, and not about improving the game or maintaining the health of the game itself. Even so, your issues could easily be addressed with a bit of intuitive thinking. Instead of shooting down the idea entirely, try to find a middle ground. I could think of numerous ways to implement a circle reset that could still keep your pride intact.

It’s not about instant success; it’s about encouraging creativity and diversity and correcting the mistakes that come along with it. You clearly missed the point of what I typed, or didn’t read it at all.


Instant success to what?

What of the top build are “hard to lvl”?name plz.
wiz3/ele3/warlock are hard to lvl? Are you joking here?

Jesus man, I’m so glad to have you on our side.

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our side Can win this.

I got pardoner buffed and pretty much oneshotted my way to rank 3, by then you have magic missile which oneshots packs up to rank 6.

First of all, way to be defensive. I just said that it won’t matter if we get a statement. Even if it’s in my favor or not, this type of thread will still be made.

Who thought that? Who thought that at all? What option would possibly be missing?

You think ‘elitists’ were drawn there, but i think ‘lazy entitled casual players’ dwell here. I guess that would even out to a fair sampling then. The title wasn’t even biased. Both of those player groups would be drawn to that thread.

lazy entitled casual players? If some ome dont have 24h a day to play dont make him casual.