Tree of Savior Forum

Say NO to 50% Squire - Alchemist - Pardoner Tax!

I know why they do this, they want to fight back goldseller that use this store a way to trade silver.

but it’s pointless at this point.

I didnt know there were such taxes.

I’m strongly against them. Crippling game features because of gold sellers is silly.

If any one got a diferent solution, can talk here!

If its 50% without a token and it drops to 30% with a premium token, I think it’s reasonable…

Personaly I use a squire most of the time to repair my weapons/gear because of the bonuses they give me… I am lvl 130 and I’m not rich however this game has alot of money sink. and it’s a good thing because it prevent inflation.

if the premium token does not have that -20% tax reduction… I would say drop it to 30% for everyone… because 50% is quite alot. :slight_smile: that’s my 2 cent.

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If Squire c1, yes. But need to wait for a bit more until you can see Squire c3 in town. After that,you will always choose Squire C3 Repair shop than NPC.
Unless you don’t mind paying NPC 15k per repair without extra durability.

So, Squire c3 will make more money than Alchemist pots. :sunglasses:

I will just go out on a limb here and say just remove the stupid tax. Or better yet, give Squire the ability to add special bonuses to weapons they repair. If not, just buff the current repair maximum durability bonus (example, level 1 gives 5, level 2 gives 10, etc) - that way the extra repair cost can be justified.

i guess that’s explain why squires setup weapon enchants rather than repairs

Wow, are you serious? -.-

This is silly. Players should be able to do things better than NPC, otherwise what’s the point of them existing?

No, don’t lower the tax, if that happen goldsellers will have a very convenient way to transfer money ingame.
And in your calculation, I don’t see you take account of exceeding durability, because we’ll have to go repair less often compare with repairing at NPC.
I don’t denied that the repair fee is not right. So I suggest lower repair kit cost and/or rise NPC’s repair fee, not lower the tax.

@Staff_julie the IMC have something in mind?

I Say no to 50% tax rate for Squire, Alchemist and Pardoner shops!


I Say no to 50% tax rate for Squire, Alchemist and Pardoner shops!

I am a Pardoner myself and tbh, I am selling everything for the double of the price than how it was in icbt so my profit income is no different (just slower since less people can pay).

I agree on having a tax (10%-20%) to have some money sink in the server.

I should mention, buying supplies for only 300 buffs each (sacrament, aspersion, blessing) costs like 350k. (another money sink in the server)

If you sell all the buffs together for 3k (like it was on icbt) you get: 3.000*300/2 = 450k. That is only if you sell everything, what usually is not the case. Unless you play a full time AFK Pardoner you gain no profit, it is more likely to lose $$$.

So of course the prices are atm all 2x compared to how they where in icbt. It might drop to 1.5~1.8x but no less.

You make a merchant class to make profit while AFK-ing. It takes time to level a priest c3, pardoner c2 since they have no valid attack skills and you can’t solo late game with them. Farming silver is impossible with a pradoner.

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Goddamit, why would you make some of your classes completely useless IMC? I bet there’s gonna be a good bunch of ragequitting once everyone reaches rank 6 and alchemists find out they’re screwed.

Market 101:
50% tax = less silver in the game
less silver = lower prices for everything

no 50% tax = more silver stays ingame, every price of every item will rise, people will need more silver and even your service prices will rise again to adapt these changes.
Newcomers will have a harder time joining the game because the items they sell to the npc will still have an old fixed price, being more worthless than before.

Coming from other games without money sinks:
this can get ugly very quickly.


So, what’s your suggestion? Keep the broken classes?

Squire repair, 10k - for my weapon. NOPE, I’ll stick to blacksmith for life.

NPC repair, 2.8k - for ALL my gears, including swaps and atlernate armor.

Yeah, I think you need to think again there, buddy.

why broken and useless?
Just because of the 50%?
I think it’s really really usefull to keep the entire games economy in place.

Isn’t that more of a problem for the buyers, not the sellers?
price is price that fits the market so it’s still profitable for the service seller but not unreasonably high because the seller is greedy and wants some nice new stuff quickly.

I don’t know if it’s just IMC making bad decisions regarding these taxes, fundamental feature restrictions like trade, spawn rates…

Or do they have statistical data backing these decisions or just lazy way of thinkg “oh, we need a fix, put ducktape”.

Can you reread all my post, I only against lower tax, I even suggest alternate ways to balance the profit of both sellers and buyers. So what do I need to think again here?