Tree of Savior Forum

Say NO to 50% Squire - Alchemist - Pardoner Tax!

NOt sure about this but to awaken an item someone actually have to trade that item to the alchemist? At least that’s what i heard… if this is the case then awakening itself is a joke since you can’t trade in the game

IMC is something like a Dragon, while The Economy are a large mob that is weak aganist Pierce atks and holy element.

And IMC Keep casting a Stabbing Lv.15 with Gung Ho Buff + Concentrate + Finestra + Chaplain full buffs + Weapon Ecnhance + Spear Lunge debuff and wield the best Two-Hand Spear of the game on the Economy…

:cry: :cry:


Same idea of people trading cards despite them being untradable by simply going through the dice roll of the game.

Your open to scams on both sides but people are going to do it either way.
“10 talt per awakening”.

You have to admit that there is no point to repair on a player when it costs 5 times more than a full repair on an npc.
Nobody will use it, as such the skill is fundamentally broken.
Taxing is just as funny as setting up cap limits on dungeon runs and such. Its a quick, temporal fix that should be a place holder till the devs figure out how to balance skills/things better and then remove them. In ToS’s case however they seem to be permanent and thus a monument to ****y designing and no effort / no intention patching/ balancing afterwards.

Sad, a real bad thing to do with the economy =/

There are plenty of silver sinks in the game. Market tax, especially for high price items, levelling attributes, repairing, socketing/unsocketing gems, teleporting, etc. That being said, 50% is too high, 10% might be too low. 25%?


Complaining about free silver (can do it while logged off etc). If I was a Squire, Alch etc I would willingly put a low price so most people can buy, even if I only get 50% it’s still more silver than I would’ve gotten with any other class.

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Bots generate inflation, not legit people.

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It’s not about get 50% richer… it’s about get 100% poor. Nobody are going to use Squire Shops, because they are ridiculously expensive!

Repairs are our normal inflation control… We had a lot of trouble with hyper inflation before patches were setup to reduce it. Mainly with cost of repairs, and reduced silver drops.

I could see an argument for lumping more wealth with the crafters I guess by reducing taxes on things like this. But we’d want to reduce silver gain by another means. And that means taking away more from non-crafters or allowing inflation to become higher.

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Well I guess my plan to become filthy rich just went down the drain… :stuck_out_tongue:

In all seriousness, OP its best you just make a poll or petition or something so others can just vote (it’s much more convenient).

The problem is that Squires have a coast to repair you weapon. And this coast, without the profit are more expensive than the NPC services.

OMG! What are you saying? Dou you never had an Alch or a Squire?

People, please help change this reality, exemplifying below to understand how all this charge is absurd.
IMC Needs to talk with us and reworking these rates.

Well the Repair Kit price is (80 Silver)

One White item with 4 Stars, coast 4 Repair Kit = 320 Silver

The game grab’s 50%, so… if the squire offer the service at cost price (80 Silver Each Repair Kit) he will lost 160 Silver…

If the Squire offer the service at the double of the cost (160 Silver Each Repair Kit) he will earn nothing

4x 160 = 640 Silver - 50% = 320 Silver | 4x Repair Kit = 320 Silver

If a Squire wants earn something, he need to put 250 Each

4x 250 Silver = 1000 Silver - 50% = 500 Silver - 320 Silver = 180 Silver

1000 Silver will give a profit of 180 Silver to the Squire…

NPC ask 380 Silver to Repair…


I’ts not free silver. It costs materials to repair things. Even if you put your price at the cost of your materials, you’d still be charging a higher price than what NPCs charge.

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Do not forget that you need to level up a Squire also… Time = Very Rare Resource…

can’t agree more. What’s the point in crafting/moneynaking classes if you can’t trade with your own characters? I think devs are just stupid with these restrictions that they are creating for ToS. So many things in the game you can’t do because of restrictions I mean basic functions that EVERY other MMO got.


This tax is ridiculous and pointless. It ruins the choice made by the crafter and forces them to apply prices that are wholly unreasonable to most players, thus limiting their customers. They should have FULL control over the pricing of their services, and alternative means of getting the reagents.

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The squire repair needs to not cost as much as the npc one. It doesn’t make sense otherwise. Maybe they need to lower the repair kit costs.

50% is pretty steep. 30% is more reasonable.