Tree of Savior Forum

Sadhus Out-of-Body is giving position-bugs

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Date and Time :

Game Control Mode (Keyboard/Joypad/Mouse) :

Where it happened (which map, which quest, which npc, etc) :
Any Map

Bug Description :
When going into the Out of Body Mode with Sadhu and then disabling it, getting it disabled by mobs, or using Astral Body Explosion it can OFTEN happen that the player is stuck in position. He can visually move around, but the real player is stuck on the previous position. I confirmed that while looking at the other players screen. This often leads to getting killed because the client doesnt show the players real position. This makes sadhu unplayable and unreliable in dungeons.

Steps to reproduce the issue :

  1. Create a sadhu and get into Out of Body
  2. Cancel out of body by using it again, getting hit or by using Astral Body Explosion
  3. You will now have a 20%(?) chance that your position will be bugged
  4. Stop enjoying the class you played because the developers didnt actually test it

Screenshots / Video :
None, sorry

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@Staff_Julie @STAFF_Ethan Please take a look. This is gamebraking for this class. Doint daily missions with multiple bosses just will not work. Its a serious bug.

Yeah, I’ve been getting this bug in my Sadhu too. I think it has to do with when you use Prakriti.

Basically you get stuck in position but your character can still move around ,and after a while they get teleported back to the position they got stuck.

The only way I saw to get out of this bug is using OoB in the position you bugged, and Prakriti out.

It’s really troublesome. I hope IMC fixes this soon.

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Yeah, thats how I try to “fix” it too…but I die a lot due to this. In the level 100+ missions I die due to this all the time. The class becomes unreliable

I am not alone on this guys.

@STAFF_Ethan @Staff_Julie

We are aware of this particular bug thanks to a prior report. A fix is in the works, and we’ll announce a patch as soon as it is available.


Oh god thank you! <3

Are you also aware this bug also occurs when Out Of Body is in effect and you are pulled into an instance? Like a boss battle?

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I play a Sadhu and have also been experiencing the same problem. I’m suspecting the real player is not actually left at the spot, but tethered back when the game recognizes you too far from your original body position. I suspect this because I can often move my character a fair distance, cast a safety wall, and be “rubber-banded” back to my spot. The safety wall is cast away from original position.

It’s very gratifying to see responses from IMC that they acknowledge these things fairly swiftly. I love the game so far and do not mind the bugs early on when we get these responses. Just a future tip to keep the player base happy. Keep it up IMC. I want to enjoy my favorite class to it’s fullest!

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same problem after patch :confused:

Yep still happening and going strong after patch.

I wish I knew of this sooner… I lost a good 40 odd crystals because I was being hit even though I was running away from the mobs… Got to level 131 without dying once, till Sadhu OOB bugged me out and killed me. :expressionless:

Any ETA on this being fixed? Makes a class extremely flaky.

Equipping and unequipping anything while in OoB also causes position bug. It will always return your spirit to the starting position where you first casted OoB.

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The real pain is the bugs + the nerfing of the class just a real solid ■■■■ you from the devs to the user.

Still happening to me. So I guess it is not fixed yet.
Mostly happen when using Astral Body Explosion.

There is that ONE time that I cannot get back into my body by skill. Was in the dungeon and a party member have to duel me, hit me, in order to get me unstuck.

Pfft…they dont care. Not enough people play sadhu to invest their precious time.

Good thing this is just my secondary character, my main one is thaumaturge.
… oh wait