Tree of Savior Forum

[Sadhu Skill Suggestion] Transmit Prana

Additional Questions:
What if two or more players are in front you?
Do they receive 50% INT each??! or distributed 50%?

Wizard Party and Your Prana. lol :smiling_imp:
this would kill Swell Brain of Tomato actually unless you are PURE CON

frenzy mode is HAPPINESS.

to rationalize this as not so imbalance.
alot of things can knock you out of safety zone. you’re body can be hit even when faded in pvp. these effectively cancels oob and transmit prana.
even giving additional damage received penalty would be fine when transmitting prana for sweet sweet attack speed. even loosing health is worth it… (clerics have heal :blush:)

Side note: transmit prana has a cooldown which hopefully will be lowered.

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I’d like to know too. I kinda assume that they let transmit Prana only transmit INT that the player really possesses (so, BASE INT + EQUIP INT).
Else it would probably be a huge mess… But incredibly funny.

“How many chars does it need to kill a world boss?
1 Elementalist + X Sadhus”

I know the idea has a tendency to be imbalanced but it has the tendency to move the community towards an awesome goal.

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To summarize for the time being:

The skill itself seems strong enough for now. People would like to see a reduction in cooldown and/or a increase in the spirits attack speed.

Personally I highly agree on the decrease in cooldown.

I would also love to see higher attack speed when using OoB, but I think this should not be tied to Transmit Prana.

I will go ahead and open another topic for suggestions on Out of Body.

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I created another topic for suggestions on how to improve Out of Body

1 + X Sadhus.

I guess that would not work if Transmit Prana is only counted as one buff.
If its stacked, then bless his godly INT.

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get krivis for divine stigma, kill mob, get the int buff, go oob, use transmit prana = god

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@Staff_Julie @STAFF_Ethan

I just reached Sadhu 3 after some weeks… I maxed transmit prana and can now use it on level 6 (thanks to divine might). However, it does NOT work as was shown in the video I was sent by @Staff_Julie.

In the video the sadhu uses the skill on his own spirit… and this does not work in this version. I regret having chosen sadhu 3.

I also just did a dungeon, the level 175 dungeon. Due to the incredibly high cooldown of Transmit Prana I was able to use it 6 times… and it MISSED the other player 5 times. Yes, 5 times…

We made sure she stood infront of me…and I got the cooldown on the skill…but she only got the transmit prana effect once.

And even then…even her beeing a Elementalist 3 the damage increase was very very disappointing.

Also note that my character is PURE INT …I have over 400 INT and gave her 60% of that INT …and the damage increase was a joke.

WHat I am most interested in is why Transmit Prana does not work as shown in the video.

Just to clarify again, I message @Staff_Julie and asked how Transmit Prana works cause nobody knew due to the bad skill description… and she showed me the video…

I really hope to get some comments on this…for now, I will stop playing ToS.
I love the game, but after spending so much time to reach sadhu 3 I am now very very disappointed… Sadhu 3 absolutely is not worth it…absolutely not.


and with what blaxim said. this skill is utter crap.

2 minute cooldown for a 10-15 second buff. I get that 200-300 int is a lot… but is it? for a circle 3 skill.

I guess there’s a few ways this skill can go.

reduced cooldown with a longer buff duration with possibly no int or halved reduction on the sadhu?

Let it actually buff the the OOB so it does do a 50% increase in damage…with reduced cooldown. 2 minutes in too long for a spell that may only utilize it for a few seconds.

Needs to be easier to use. It doesnt really have a visual on where it’s cast but it seems it’s really close infront of you. so larger AOE? but still only affecting the one person.

Let it target multiple people with the same cooldown and longer duration.

OR just a whole new spell. What was the intention of this spell to begin with?

EDIT: Just had a thought. To get around the OOB no longer being able to get buffs. What if the transmit prana were to put INT into the weapon itself and not a buff. Let it cast on self if casted on no one and that way the OOB should have the buff yeah?


Your points are all valid, but your numbers seem off? As far as I can tell it’s got a 3 minute cooldown and a 60 minute duration. And it does end up actually more than doubling your spirit’s INT due to bonuses. (If you have like 360 INT, it’ll boost your spirit up to about 730 INT)

Edit: Woops! Wasn’t caught up with the Sadhu thread. Feel free to ignore things that are wrong that I said!

But yeah, a feature that makes it so that it applies to your spirit if out and it doesn’t hit anybody else, and maybe refunds the cooldown if your spirit isn’t out and you miss? Also, 30% uptime on the one skill you gain from an r6 class seems pretty bad. If not just 100% uptime (bc tbh Sadhu is in sorry shape and needs a buff, especially if you’re going c3), somewhere around 50% or 60% uptime would make more sense. And I personally think a shorter cooldown would be better than a longer duration. (1 min duration, 2 min cd?)

What if Transmit Prana was a casted buff skill like:

  • You use OoB to summon your soul

  • You cast Transmit Prana, your Soul starts to seep out spirit ooze around you.

  • Allies within your OoB ooze gain movement speed and a % of your Int?

As if it made you like a mobile Jolly Roger’esque flag? Just a thought, ofcourse it would still need to be actually usable, but an Aura would be pretty neat.

This skill should be changed a bit.

I’m no dev expert but, it would make sense for this skill to have the following:

It could work like this-

It works in harmony with your OOB so as soon as you use OOB Transmit Prana would kick in.

Each rank would increase your party members int by 5% so it would be 25% at max.

But this wouldn’t be instant to avoid it being OP.

It would build up as you attack while in OOB.

So let’s say it adds 1% int every attack when it’s rank 1 and it would add 3% out of the 25% at max rank.

The buff wouldn’t just end when you interrupt OOB, each and every stack would slowly dissipate every 3 sec so you actually have time to run around if you have to.

This would make OOB a viable option to use and remain in it instead of using it now and then, you would actually play as a sadhu instead of just being a Possession user.

Just my two cents.

u sure the transmit prana not working on ur own spirit???

the only thing it needs is to lower the miss chance. and lower the cooldown
no “buff up oob spirit” or anything like that cuz that would mean “go 3 ranks in sadhu when u couldve gone druid to double ur oob ( a c1 skill ) dmg” just a lower miss chance and lower cooldown. b4 julie showed the video nobody cared about transmit prana, now that u guys thought i would buff the spirit and it didnt everyone going crazy about how it doesnt buff ur spirit and it didnt reach ur expectations. and u guys told me to shut up when i said something about oob not being good. well im happy i can now o druid c2, il probaby never use oob once i get druid c1. blaxun, hope u feel good enough to re roll or just live with it.

i also dont think they will rebuff transmit prana,if they nerfed it, why would they rebuff it, they nerfed sadhu and arent buffing it.

Yes I am. Even Julie confirmed it. I have a sadhu 3… I completely stopped playing ToS for now…this was my main char…and it’s just bad now…

What we’re discussing here is how to make Transmit prana better. Cause im sure you can agree that a 3 minute cooldown spell for a buff that is only up for roughly 10 seconds is pretty lame for a third circle.

It’s not that they nerfed Transmit Prana, It’s that they nerfed putting buffs on the spirit all together. So this was just a result of them trying to fix the double damage from the square tiles we all initially thought worked.

The reason why we seem butt hurt is because, obviously, we like this class and the thought, the idea, that transmit prana gave the spirit extra damage was great, something we all wanted.

Now that it’s not, of course we’re a little upset but we’re not telling everyone to deal with it and do something else. We made a sadhu to be a sadhu .We’re giving suggestions in order to make this skill slightly better so others who go to circle 3 sadhu don’t feel like it’s been a huge waste of time or something has been robbed from them.

Now i went sadhu c3 for the heck of it. I just wanted too and I honestly don’t really care that transmit prana doesnt work how it was shown in that video. I am what you said to do, living with it.

Also the reason why we told you to shut up regarding OOB is because you, to EVERYONE, constantly just said that it was crap and nothing else. Bokor effigy does more damage therefore it’s crap. You were 80 levels above the map and couldnt one shot the mob therefore OOB is crap and by memory that was in a build where you had minimal INT and still refused to listen to what everyone was saying. You just shut everyone down and no one appreciated the negative comments you gave back to them.
We tried to explain that OOB is an auto attack based off of int and with more mag attack it’ll slowly get better and that effigy has a base damage with SP usage.
If OOB used 50 sp every attack and did less damage than effigy then I’d understand where you’re coming from.

Back on topic!
I feel Transmit prana is most likely going to have a change. Just don’t think that change will happen anytime soon. Though i’ll agree with @BlueByu that the cooldown/duration should change. At least as a quick change to make the skill usable because currently there’s just no point in using it.

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well im full int now and effigy still does more dmg than oob.
sadhu has 3 dmg skills
oob - meh
astral body - good but buggy
possesion - only actual good sadhu dmg but is really weird on how u get interrupted with everything

atleast the cd arent that long when u compare it to the wizard cooldowns, and i still dont have an arde dagger so im expecting oob to be great when i get one

Lol again. Effigy is stronger than oob I know. Think of oob as a ranged punch and not a spell. Think of oob as an archer hitting from range and not a skill. Think if any swordsman just auto attacking but at range. That’s what oob is but instead of strength to increase damage, it takes int. That is what we were trying to explain. I’m sure any attack spell is stronger than oob.

I don’t play mages but I’m sure there long cool down spells do more than prana at least

Also with arde I found an increase of 100 x 3 and not 153 x 3 like I thought it would.

Sorry for off topic xD