Tree of Savior Forum

Sadhu class Questions

Im considering Sadhu now as my 1st character.

  1. What attribute (physical or magical) will the Out of Body auto attack do?

  2. Can other non Sadhu abilities/skills be used while under Out of Body?

and the most OP of all

3 Does multiple Sadhu doing Transmit Prana stack? (In theory a party of Sadhus transfer their INT to a single Wizard which will now do absolute bazillion damage) aka ‘power of friendship’

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Well I’m a bit confused about the stat. Apparently Out of body attack is magic, so INT based. Further I’ve seen a vid of a Sadhu with mostly INT with a good amount of SPI as well. No STR, but when he auto attacked just with his mace not OoB, he actually still did half the damage of his OoB hits… Thats physical damage but with no STR so I don’t get it… Unless that mace was a beast XD

Yes can cast some skills while being OoB. The safety barrier for one. Also I’m pretty sure I’ve seen Cure cast while OoB. So at least some work.

I thought about the Prana stacking too. I’m pretty sure it couldnt be alowed since it would be a huge exploit. You could probably one hit kill bosses with a handful of Sadhus! But I dont know for sure… Maybe you can do it. >_<

Why did you decide on Sadhu if you dont mind me ask.

Video Link?

As of reason. I believe you and I have made alot of theory crafting on how to exploit OoB and want to see if it would really work.(before they get nerfed)

I dont know where thw vids were but I can point you in the right direction :slight_smile:

The best vid for seeing a long amount of Sadhu game play and the stats and mace hitting i was talking about is a vid on youtube where 3 different classes Wiz-Ele-Sad (I think) are grinding as a party in a dungon. It goes for like 10mims or more. I dont want to trawl youtube to find it again >_< sorry.

And the one with the sadhu casting a cure tile is over at the tosgame forum. Im almost certain someone linked it to show ppl.
Hopefully i didnt dream it XD

Look in the Cleric section^,^

there’s no way Prana is going to stack… LOL
can you imagine 5 sadhu with tons of INT stacking this skill on a single wizard?

Karja, I found the video Aries was talking about.

Go to 0:49. The body casts Cure while in spirit form.

Also, OoB basic attack (Ectoplasm Attack) is INT-based. I asked the video uploader (below) if all skills were INT-based, we said ‘only intelligence’. I guess basic attack also fits there, since he only uses OoB’s basic attack while in spirit form. lol

@EDIT: I really don’t know if Prana stack…what would stop 2 Sadhus using Prana on the same person at the same time?


Thanks Celov, :slight_smile:

No offence to everyone but I’m tired of finding things for ppl now. T_T
From now on ppl will just have to take my word for everything =P

even if it does work you need dedicated rank 3 Sadhu players for that which i doubt there would be since there’s Oracle class in that rank.

you think that people wouldn’t do this? lol it would instakill anything lol

lol . . do you know what I’m imagining with that?
5 sadhu casting prana into a monk and, that monk become super saiyan god monk . . KAMEHAMEHAAAA!!!


the problem is monk is STR based the Prana stacking is INT, unless the monk has INT based attacks

Monk have . . sunrays hand is Monk’s AoE Nuker which the damage formula comes from STR, VIT and INT . . boosting INT will obviously increase the Damage

Also, Transmit Prana is not Monk exclusive, you can also use on INT-based characters like Elementalist, Cryo, etc.

so this will be meta if it does stack, as all raiding guilds will have dedicated sadhu Prana teams for each of their wizards.


Im very certain it wont work. Just because it sounds OP and not fun

What…? it’s sounds OP, but it’s funny !! can you imagine one shot a boss with a kamehameha? that’s fun in my book :wink:

fun only in the beginning . . but later it wont fun anymore because its begin too easy, D:

Fun for the Monk maybe. Boring for the chain of Sadhus <>
The whole complicated boss fight and all your classes skills wont matter and all you do is cast Prana -
- no my idea of fun at all.

cmon guys… who doesn’t like laser beans?? :frowning:

I do like the Hyper beam, my friend. but only if supported by 1 Sadhu. . more than that. it’s broken . the whole thing is broken