Tree of Savior Forum

Sadhu class Questions

imagining they use the “centipede formation”: Sadbu -> Sadbu ->…-> Monk… It would look hilarious lol


Yuck! Ive seen that movie… Now i will always think of human centipede when I’m casting Prana. -_-

lol. . formation that Centurion never gonna learn

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but your still going to need a Cryomancer/Chronomancer to keep the boss monster from moving away.

Anyone have any new and or interesting Sadhu information?

Whats with the name being different in some places? Ive seen most say Sadhu but some say Sadbu and its written that way on the skill calc buttons over at ToS base as well O_o?

screw it im not going sadhu im going for the long boring tradition of RO1 humunculus Alchemist

AFK gaming

Bokor actually has a lot of potential. especially if their skill that makes you immune from damage is castable on themselves and/or the damage recieved at the end could be dodged by using safety wall. (Need be tested)

If you didnt focus too hard on the zombie skills it would have a lot of PVP functionality all round IMO.

I was actually thinking this morning whats the difference between sadhu’s transmit prana and linkers unbilical cord. Transmit prana makes you pass your intelligence to one target while umbilical cord makes you share your respective higher stats. Now if this sharing is “i get your higher stat and you get mine”, it makes sadhu’s prana worthless since the latter has to be channeled and the former not.

or we exponential cylce increase of INT transfer capable of a supernova

That would be cool

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I think it will be more derpy power lol


As someone who is trying to retire playing a main healer role, Going Sadhu than Oracle looks really fun >_< Ironically because I can’t rid my self as a healer completely, I’m thinking of going the monk route ^^;

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Older thread, but according to the most likely more accurate wiki skills, Linker’s Umbilical Cord (Life Line) shares Defense and HP Regen…not “Highest Stat” or whatever the innacurate skill builder states.

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maybe a noob question but will ask anyway :smile:

why is Ectoplasm Attack not included in every skill simulator i find?
according to it has 15 levels so im wondering why is it not on skill simulator…

Hey, want to point you and anyone else interested to the more concise Saddhu thread :

No clue why the simulator doesn’t have that skill listed. Supposedly some stuff on the wiki is out of date. Though in my opinion I prefer it because the skill descriptions are much more easy to understand over the skill simulators.

  1. Doing malee range attack + 3 hit each attack + spreading to near target but damage will base by INT (MATK).
  2. Can use any skill but it’ll use by your body not your spirit form. Except if that skill require to be spirit form to use it’ll be use at your spirit form (ex. Vashita, Prakiti, Body Explotion)

So a monk can neither spam his Double Atk nor his Hadouken while OOBEd? If that be the case, then what a waste

I havnt play monk so I can’t confirm it for sure.
Well, they should still be able to use skill while OOB activate but skill will be use at the body not spirit form.
spirit form will do only normal attack (z) and some skill that require to be in spirit form to use.
You can do spirit form + normal attack and doing any skill with your body at same time though. @_@

What? I’m more confused… How is that even possible? I thought the body can’t move while OOBEd?

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Seem like skill level only increase range of how far spirit be can from body. (at lv15 range is superrrrr faaaaaarrrrr). Divine Might lv 10 + OOB lv 5 still doing 120-129x3 ish dmg with 133 INT.
same goes with OOB lv1 doing 120-129x3 ish damage.

So I guess only INT will mainly effect base the damage of OOB.