Tree of Savior Forum

Rogue master is a futa

Yeah if you read your quest on rogue’s class mission, it says “his”,

The Rogue Master told you that you need to take a test before he can teach you his skills. At the training field of the entrance of Kateen Forest, use smoke bombs to the monsters that are rushing in and defeat them.

from Tos fanbase


hmmm I dont know now…


Probably a translation error,but I like the confusion nonetheless :sparkles:

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Thats good Sh*t, i will fap with this futa

maybe he can “backstab” you without a daggar…?

i dont know korean but i guess its different between she and he…

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I fixed this in the translation project. No ETA on when the update will be pushed to the live server.

Thanks. :slight_smile:


RIP the dream. :sob:


hahahaha why would you!!! who tells you his a girl…or i mean shes a girl…ah whatever, leave my MASTER AS FUTA PLZ

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welcome to the new and real world…?

“Goddess” Saule is in the same category.