Tree of Savior Forum

Reports from kToS indicate Alchemists suck, any plans for improvement for the international version?

High level alchemists in kTOS report choosing to reroll rather than deal with the almost nonexistent profit due to rampant undercutting of the potions to where they’re even cheaper than the vendor prices.

Are there any adjustments planned to prevent this upcoming issue? I was pretty excited about alchemist, but if it’s as doomed as it appears I’m just not sure anymore.

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there is still gem roasting


Well, this is an issue created by the playerbase themselves in conjuction with bots.
Players want potions.
People see the oportunity for money.
People make a shitton of Alchemists as do botters for Silver selling purposes.
There’s an overpopulation of Alchemists over time.
Potions begin to lose value due to overstocking in the market.
Guild farming makes getting the Alchemist materials cheaper and easier.
Potions drop once again.

It’s just how economy works man, also none of them use Divine Might for shenanigans I see.


Economies aren’t designed to crash, the same thing doesn’t happen in every game, only when they don’t do anything to fix it.

Alright, tell me how you would fix the potion price issue then.
You can’t just evaporate Alchemists out of existance or anything like that.

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That’s a question you would have to ask one one of the kToS alchemists, if you can find one.

maybe give stats(such as SPR) related to craft skills , higher spr make stronger pots.

or just ignore it if ppl think alchemist suck then less player to play = higher price.

It has a reason why most mmo out here separate it, not take crafter into main classes.

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Dude it’s simple suply & demand, there’s nothign you can do about it if there’s simply too much people suplying the product.
You can’t hire some hitman to reduce KToS’ Alchemist population by a 37% or something, this is just sheer cold capitalism and people not being able to properly play the economy.


Yes, there are things you can do about it. Increasing the minimum profit through various means including but not limited to things such as making adjustments to the material costs or increasing the minimum profit by making the vendor-available potions less attractive of an option in comparison.

There’s no reason to let the same problems that happened in kToS happen a second time when there’s still time to look for an adjustment.

Can you offer something constructive, or are you only here to be contrarian?

I don’t get it. kToS screws their own economy and you think the devs can turn that around?

Yup, the problem is dumb alchemists cutting each other instead of keeping the prices high.
We had the same problem during iCBT2.
Nothing to do about it, it’s a problem created by the community and which should be solved by it.

To be honest, I’m more concerned with the Item Awakening nerf and the uselessness of Briquetting

You want an idea ? I have one.
Make potions requiring some (easy to farm) guild items. Make theses items harder to farm for solo players.
Then allow guilds to prevent by some way (like guild wars) the farming of theses items by other guilds.

Another idea (I had it during iCBT2) : Allowing Alchemists to trade potions more than one time.
It may allow (very) rich alchemists to raise the market price of potions.

Not that any of this talk has any sense since I doubt that it’ll ever reach dev ears.

edit :
Oh ! Another idea :smiley:
We could make the NPC prices of the requirements for making potions increase the more potion you make. Would require some “auto market fine tuning” dev by our Korean friends and we know how bad they are at this :stuck_out_tongue:


Then the minimum price will just drop even lower.

Except the vendor potions were already less attractive as soon as Alchemists pop up to begin with?

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I don’t think the NPC wares should be touched just because there are a buttload of impatient alchemists out there willing to undercut into oblivion to move their product faster.

If anything, I’m surprised they haven’t all banded together to price fix them since it’s not exactly illegal in a virtual economy.

In every MMO people will cut each other all the time.You just need to play the market game and be more wiser.

It only sucks for mney making, if you make a pure crafting fro the gear and magnum opus is a pretty good class

Aren’t those due to players capping such that most of those potions are loot drops from high level mobs, which then flooded the market??

Yeah!! alchemist cartels. Do like the role play. I imagine an event similar to the one from Toaru Ossan no VRMMO Katsudouki where suddenly all NPC’s no longer sell pots. They ran out. Not that it would matter if alche pots are already selling below NPC prices :slight_smile:

Honestly, I feel all merchant classes are strictly public servants now with the way trading works (and the merchant tax).

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I like the way it works, obviously not the part about bots, but the thing is, what controls the price is the amount of people selling it, they will be cheap because guilds make it way easier to farm potions and also the other methods of making money like Pardoners and Squires or something end up being not so useful for bots since you can leave your char selling and play on an alt char anyway.

Is also important to think about how far can botting take you. You will probably never be able to bot in really high-level dungens, I mean 550+, where the most valuable receipts and equipments will probably be dropped. Lower level botting will make money for selling mostly “famous” mid-level receipts, so their price would be simply be defined by bots, as people leveling up would be able to get them easier than farming (probably?).

I believe the problem is, bots won’t affect much of late game, only when it comes to potion making, simply because it’s easy to make a bot farm potion items.

My opinion and the way I’ll play: I won’t make an alchemist unless I see I’m losing big money, I won’t bot so my alchemist would not be so profitable, since I’d have to farm my own stuff. If the bots problem is completely solved and prices rise again I can make an alchemist for personal usage.

Not so sure abbout the usage of other skills, gem roasting is good, awaken is now odd but can be very good with luck.

I believe alchemists will end up having to go rank 8 to take rank 3, maybe for making level 500 potions? also some more useful crafting skill? not sure if what could be though, hope it’s just not damage oriented or anything that doesn’t work together with “This char stops at rank 8, gimme profit”.

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Why are there so many alchemists? Wasnt those supposed to be hard to grind? Maybe there is something wrong with their leveling sytem. Has tos leveling became too casual?