Tree of Savior Forum

GvG consent needed?

I watched all your GvGs and open world roaming and fights with other guilds, this is what got me so stoked to play tos in the first place.

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I saw lots of vids from you too, tbh i just cant wait to be part of that experience, they cannot change that by any means, drama is a necessity in a society to make it worthwhile, if you dont care you dont play.

Also like someone one else mentioned, there isn’t actually a necessity to pve without a growing and consumist market like the GvG creates, if people dont need anything from you why the hell are you grinding at all?

GvG is an necessary evil.


PvEers will just quit.

There’s no way for PvEers to defeat the PvPers whose sole purpose in life is to cause misery to others. Killing PvPers won’t help because they’ll just come back and harass the PvEer until the PvEer quits.

No amount of alliances will protect the PvEers from the PvPers in an open war game. Not to mention the amount of protection money a PvE guild must pay will soon bankrupt them.

PvE and PvP communities should be split. The communities are so different that they should never be together.
It’s like a flock of sheep with a pack of wolves. Put them together and soon you’ll only end up with wolves.
IMC can double their player base if they make separate servers.

PvEers like collaborating with others rather than inflicting pain and misery to others. Perhaps this is something that PvPers can never understand.

Seriously this world is so messed up because of all the PvP type personality people trying to get pleasure by hurting others.


I change my mind because of the poster comments.

Guild War should need consent on both sides. It’s for fun, not griefing.

Let the big heads battle their differences out.


At least you get the idea, no real need to create separate communities though, just differ how PVE and PVP guild works.

My previous posts show that im not for the idea thats just what i hope would happen if consent doesn’t become a thing was in response to someone who was very for the idea

There is a problem with having separate pvp and over guilds: crafting.

The main benefit of guild is the crops grown for crafting Alchemist items. Instead of fighting for resources like treasures that “grow” out of castles in RO, in TOS we fight for resources that grow out of guild lands. Ultimately both resources were/are valuable for the power and profit that they provide. And as a result of the pvp and pve value Alchemist potions will inevitably provide, people will fight for control of the market.

This is not just human nature, but a design features which itself is a clever way to mitigate the over production of the most potent potions.

So if you are in favor of requiring guild consent, then you are supporting the market being flooded with TOSs version of god items…and you are missing the entire point of the TOS guild system.

Ya, i was thinking on the same ideas, completely agree with you mate !

This system could be very cool and funny, but still need some restriction and strict rules allowing the system to work well !

Those restrictions would accommodate all the type of guild : small or big, so won’t create any useless drama like bullying or other shi*t issues !

Jesus, just make PvE and PvP servers. Problem solved. Nobody should be forced into pvp if they don’t give a rats ass about it. And people who love pvp shouldn’t be restricted.

However, there should be options for these 2 groups to segregate themselves.

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I don’t see godly items as godly when they are locked out of PVP, remember I mentioned them being separate completely, in a way that PVE guilds will never pose a threat to PVP guilds at all, that includes the materials that get produced out of PVE guilds, which can only be used for PVE.

If you don’t get my idea, since you play RO, you should know about Battlegrounds, the supplies can be made separate for BG use only, in TOS, we can make it so that PVE guilds only produce PVE mats, nothing of which can be used for PVP/GVG/PVP events, because they signed up as a PVE guild.

Eh…but then you still have the market flooded with potions for pve. Also in RO BG rewards were mainly account bound and so did not directly affect the market

An easier remedy would simply be that as soon as a guild starts growing crops, they can be attacked.

This keeps potions valuable while allowing folks to make a pve guild if they want to, Just so Long As They don’t try to farm the pvp reward, TOS’s crops (aka, Castle treasure).

And we had that thread earlier about how Alchemist potion tanked in price.

Despite KR server not having consent required, and apparently recently another ‘civil war’ started.

So turns out this ‘fight for control of the market’ you speak of doesn’t do crap as far as making those potions worth more.

And really? God items? I’ll admit that alch potions are stronger than vendor one but it’s faaaaaaaaaaaaaaar from being a god item.

p.s. Don’t know if the alchemist master no longer sell the materials for potions, but even if so, it can be farmed without requiring guild to grow them.


Do you have the link for this aforementioned thread?

The comparison between god items and crops/potions isn’t their power (tho if alchemistso can one day make +3 aoe or -50% cd potions…then they literally are like God items), but the device they represent.

Both are pvp rewards that directly impact virtually every other part of the game, especially the market.

Alch potion have existed since before GvG, and the materials aren’t exclusively from guild base.
(I don’t know how much you can get from guild base, but I think grinding the mob that drop the mats might be faster)

Here’s the thread about the price, the civil war thing was mentioned on reddit some time last week.

I wouldn’t split the playerbase in PvE and PvP servers. If some guild pisses other guilds off, they deserver to be crushed. If a guild gets repeatedly bullied for no reason, there will be guilds punishing the bullying guild…over and over and over again.

So much salt! So much fun! Just put some trust in the community! :wink:

Thanks. Also wow…if crops can so easily be attained outside of guild farms so that the market is flooded…then that’s just stupid.

I think ~90% of crops required for elite potions should come strictly from guild farms, and when they start growing the guild can be attacked.

But if crops don’t hold any true value, then the only value in attacking other guilds is just trolling which only ruins communities.

It definitely needs to be tweaked one way or the other: either give ppl something to fight over thru gvg raids or make it consensual mass dueling only.

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So any word on this yet, I would realllly love to know this info before attemping to level a temp to rank 7 and finding out that way…
@Staff_Julie @STAFF_Ethan @STAFF_John @STAFF_Shawn @STAFF_J @STAFF_Ines



  1. A neutrality function has been added to the Guild System.
  • If you Check the [Declare Neutral] button in the Guild UI, the guild will become neutral.

It’s still no consent for actual warring guilds, but now people who don’t care about PvP can stay neutral.


I know this topic is pretty old, but it’s still relevant, with the recent guild wars, I would like to know if it’s forced war, or accepted war, or this neutral war system, can a guild leader please confirm this that has went to war?