Tree of Savior Forum

Regional Servers: Euro community was been forgotten

thats why we had an almost german only server for ragnarok - wich survived years (maybe 70% german and 30% french spanish etc) and they never looked like a ghost town WoE was super active and about 30+ guilds involved

you didn even know how many russian guys use our server yet you claim to know that EU ppl are dumb - thanks buddy

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ONE german server? wow
there were like hundreds of other NA private servers because it was a popular game… one server is like a grain of sand in a desert or a drop of water in an occean. [quote=“sephi4321, post:85, topic:154620”]
you didn even know how many russian guys use our server yet you claim to know that EU ppl are dumb - thanks buddy

If they cant see why IMC made this decision from their business prospective, I don’t think they are very bright either…

yes ONE “german server” WOW - are you playing dumb right now?
EU is asking for ONE server WOW and maybe more server WOW after they see how many we are WOW and yes there been tons of private server were german played as well WOW there are even hundrets of private RO server WOW cause the game survived for so long WOW but you think ToS will die WOW even you got no effing clue how many countries play on Europe server WOW cause you didn even know about russian guys WOW but i played on so many european server of different games WOW and know it from experience WOW cause im talkactive in games WOW even in MMOBAS WOW with so many russian guys WOW


I’m sorry, but reading your post was far more obnoxious than reading any of @12ahl3’s.
If you think someone is being an idiot, is it a good practice to imitate their behavior?

not gonna read through those wows… its just becoming silly. you lost ur argument and took it like a kid. bye

sure its becoming silly if a guy who knows nothing about european server claims that european are dumb for asking for a european server + claiming to know that a european server would be a ghost town next year

you never had an argument in the first place - your only purpose was to come here and troll your so called “dumb eu guys” and now youre trying to play “the mature guy” and play the kid card xD sure thing

^ joined march 7th - account created for the one purpose to spread hate on every none american? ya how mature xD

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if you can’t tell the difference between a joke/sarcasm and a real comment, you are just way out of my league… just stop posting

nice joke to call EU people dumb and guys who play the game for free beggar - anything else to say? except your none existant knowledge about EU player and their server? and some mere guessing how EU server would die in a few months?

Hello , I live on the planet in March .March planet server please

Sure bruh, lets write to the EU parlament cause i wanna play an mmo on an EU server.
If i would be a politician reading such a letter i surely wouldnt know whether to piss myself of laughter or shoot myself out of sheer despair.

Next on the table: Deciding EU’s future…

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Thats incorrect. A german based server would give pretty good ping for all those areas.

After reading this, i find myself desiring physical pain just to suppress the feeling of stupidity tearing through my system.
Yes. Lets create absolutely no new servers, because there would be still people left who would want more servers. Its a lot safer to create none and have LITERALLY EVERYONE EXCEPT MURRICANS CONTINUE TO MOAN ABOUT IT.
Also: We should remove all laws, because there will be always some people breaking them.
Educate yourself while you are at it:

Yeah, remember world of warcraft? It barely lasted 2 months before losing all players and diei… oh wait… it didnt.
What you are essentially pushing here is that the game is utter **** and the only way the population can change is in the negative. Im sure IMC is happy that you defend their choice in such a manner.

You mean because the client was reverse engineered into a free source code system called eAthena.
Yeah, its not like there were hundreds of servers because some folks essentially stole the game and set up illegal servers, its because “it was a popular game” so gravity decided to shoot itself in both testicles and just allow everyone and their mom to create private servers.
There is nothing on the planet which would make more sense than this, now is there?

Oh and btw: The EU region asked for one single server in order to have less problems. Not hundreds, not thousands, not one for every country on the continent, not one for every city on the planet. One single, so we wont have to play with 250 ping.

Implying that the EU region is just some random no consequence place with absolutely no players

30% of paying customers are from the EU region

More than 50% of f2p players are from the EU region

I live on the planet retarded4life. Pls send servers for fail attempts at sarcasm and trolling.


That’s the thing i dont get. IMC is already planning to open multiple US based servers on 29th, because lets be honest they will get filled pretty fast. Now lets assume that number is 3, so they will already fracture the player base in 33% chunks. So in all of this, couldn’t they have gone just another step and made that 30% better for EU? I’m failing to see how this could ever be a bad investment based on the fact they are using Amazon servers(not sure). So instead they just decided to potentially lose 30% of revenue…

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Did anyone of you had problems in icbt with ping/latency?

I did, especially when playing my archer.
Sometimes skills weren’t even “registered” or suffered loooooong delays.

The data shown by IMC doesn’t represent anything. The data is based on people who bought the DLC packs.

Many, MANY European players didn’t buy the DLC packs because there was no EU server planned. Those who bought it either don’t care about ping, or just decided to deal with it.

Therefore, IMC is deliberately trying to fool the community into thinking that “there’s not enough EU population to make an EU server a necessity”.

Pretty sure that if there was announcement of an EU server before the DLC packs became available, that the Western EU population would be much greater than a mere 12% or whatever it was.

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^ this
“You don’t buy my sh*t service so I will not sell you a good service”.
Best way to piss of customers and make them go to the competition.

I played cata and it literally felt like id play with 30 ping, never anything delayed.

I don’t think that’s quite the whole truth. At least I was just waiting for the announcement how they are going to deal with the possible EU server. The previous info of having to keep the founder’s packet saved in the mail box just in case for possible EU server wasn’t really tempting as there was no info how long you would be just keeping it there and not being able to get any benefits from buying it.

Now that we are getting the free server transfer, I think the problem for many players just disappeared. ~150-250ms ping sure limits on some builds but it still wouldn’t render the game unplayable in general unless there is lots of packet loss (which means you just have bad isp). I think the ping problem, while it’s still there, has been blown out of proportions.

At least I believe this game has lots of potential to become a hit after it gets polished during obt. I don’t mind not having the full potential to be the very absolute best player during my grind to end game (which will hopefully take rather long) as long as I can still be good and enjoy the game.

TL;DR: I think many didn’t buy the FPs because there was too much uncertainty whether they would lose too much in case of EU servers were added later, not because EU servers weren’t planned to exist at the beginning of obt.

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nope, not me :stuck_out_tongue: their internet must be bad.