Tree of Savior Forum

Regional Servers: Euro community was been forgotten

He is saying that instead of having 4 globals servers, there should be something like 2 global servers and 2 regional servers (one of theses being an eurasian server, since we’re on EU topic). You could even call the US servers “regional server” then…

edit : ups, preceded by black_light

thank you
I was having a hard time functioning my brain since it’s Friday. xD

Where did you get 24% from? The other post has like 40% are you guys nuts or European elementary schools don’t teach geology? Russia is in Asia, it’s right above China ok? Look at the map. Eu only has 12% of the population. They will only lose money if they host just for you, which is contradictory to their goal. I thought Europeans were highly intellect and educated since they had the brightest scientists during the wars. They’d be so disappointed to see their great great grand children this stupid.

IMC already offered 1 time transfer of account. Still crying? Gahd.

It is true that EU server might be delayed if EU players will not play on OBT. I mean, they are basing their actions on the amount of player per region. Just play the game on March 29 and wait for EU server!

Let all the players all over the world gather on first OBT coz we will eventually leave East coast server. I am also waiting for SEA server, so yea. See ya ingame while we still have 1 world. :slight_smile:

At least they teach us sciences and english…

I present you Russia !

No need to thank me :slight_smile:


Our ancestors are prooud of you ;o;

Lol the lack of geography in modern education. :open_mouth::laughing::joy::upside_down:

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Yes yes! EU server please!
We don’t ask anymore (for now :smiley: )

I know how you can get EU servers. Go around convincing everyone you know to play the game. By the time you get enough people to start playing and they make new servers you can transfer to it for free.

I’m pretty sure IMC would make EU servers if it was feasible. It’s not like they are ignoring the people who wants it. The fact they made an announcement about it and are offering team transfers if/when they can bring you new servers proves this.


As someone stated in steam comments:


All Russian players want Euro server, and Russia have big territory in eastern Europe (try wikipedia if you dont know where Russia is :slight_smile:


Keep in mind this is data from the Founder’s packs sold on steam, it is NOT an accurate count of the players-per-region.

IMC is still keeping an eye out on the numbers, wait for the OBT to start, then we’ll have a better idea.

Then we wait for their verdict about the need (or not) for new servers.

You have to admit, the ping isn’t that high from Western Europe. It is in the low to mid 100’s.

If you are seriously complaining about sub 100ms then you’re just a crybaby, because that’s the same ping Brazilians get to the US server and you don’t see them complaining.

The ONLY demographic that REALLY needs a European server is Eastern Europe and Russia - 13% of the player base. That is not a significant amount at all, so shut up.

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Western Europe is more then just the west coast of Europe you know. Even if 100-150 is playable, it would still be a benefit to have much lower ping.

Anyway, as others have mentioned the numbers are skewed since many EU players waited with buying due to lack of of EU servers.

Western europe.

You know, not everyone is sitting on a direct connection to the USA like Britain does. In addition, a lot depends on the server’s ability to handle traffic. The 150ms most of europe gets by pinging an empty server will increase pretty damn easily to 300 if its a bad server.

Exactly this, i played the previous beta and it was fine… and as they said if enough people, after F2p goes live, are a good number they will open a europe server.

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Thank god for that! I’ve been asking Devs foreeeeever to give BR’s thier own Huehue Server.

You really dont understand do you?. If they make EU servers they need to make 1 server for eastern europe, 1 for russian territories and1 for western europe. Why? Because if only EU server was located on western europe, RU+eastern europe would QQ about high ping

We will see when servers launch, if they see a huge influx of players from EU/Latin America they will launch servers accordingly.