Tree of Savior Forum

Regarding Token acquisition via illegal DLC purchase

Hahahaha. Yeah, just like your life.

Actually. Most of my high-end items were crafted or traded by 1:1 trading as I almost never have silver in my character. lol

I have 196 Alchemist, Full Roxona Plate, Arch Rod + Arde, 25 lvl pyro attributes, 1m silver and about 200h played since start. That’s not that much i have, but i want it to wipe since commanderload fail and now i want it just more.


You know what’s needed here though?
Look at Tree of Savior as its own damn entity. Stop wanting it to be some other game, stop trying to force it to be something else. ToS is what IMC wants it to be period.

If we can’t accept that then we aren’t accepting IMC’s game and wishing it to be something it isn’t.

That’s what I had to do internally to truly start to appreciate what the game is about.

The game tries to take silver out of the equation between players by making players have less chances for loot, have to spend the silver on skill enhances, makes you have to constantly spend silver on something.

Whilst if you get an item the item’s value can be determined by its rarity but IMO what IMC is trying to do is keep the silver count low.


Sure the main source of economy is the “Trading house” i agree.
I"m not talking about the prices as they are usually made by demand and supply or if there is a exploit to generate silver but who knows how much silver these exploit users sold to “RMT traders” i bet is one of the reason silver got so cheap like 1cent=1k or even cheaper(i know there are other reasons like BOTs) and there are other things that influence the economy other than TH

And how long do you think it’ll take for new spammers, goldsellers, botters, and new exploits to appear? Are we going to wipe again then?

Without XTRAP, Gameguard, Ahnlab, etc… They would be back right after maintenence is finished… IMC hasnt really taken any measures to stop botters at all, but they have been banning exploiters and gold spammers


I agree there are so many standalone game guard clients that can run in the background nowadays. From the looks of it any simple one would work. Considering the bots are just using clientside packets to manipulate what’s being sent to serverside. It’s actually basic bitch sht.,

Come back when you have sissel bracelets and weapon that is actually rare and expensive to make (don’t forget to enchant it to at least +10) :slight_smile:


Philippines. Talking about my life. Eh, you should be ashamed of yourself.
I mean, sir.

Take silver out of the equation? when everything is around silver? Refining, Skill Enchance, “Buying” TP Potential Scrolls(not directly), and mainly TH… you constantly have to spent silver on something but you cant generate all that silver only by “playing the game leveling” only if you got nothing else to do just playing the game…
Getting good or average equips cost silver even the low level ones some people just dont want to farm these items as they focus on leveling so silver is needed. At mmorpg there will always be those who are “early farmers” and the “hard grinders” there are people who dont really care about equips till they reach near-endgame and will level with what they have but there are those who want to get nice equips so they can kill mobs easier thats why IMC is no way trying to keep the silver count low and if they are it will not work this way.

This is NOT limited to BR:


I’m not an expert, but what i can say is that Steam going to answer to IMC about this issue, cause is an exploit on their platform.

On the other side, wipe is an stupid solution. Probably theres going to be a big ban hammer, because is kinda easy compare the database of active accounts and purchase items.

And about economy… well, no idea. <excuse my english, spanish here>

wonder where are all the xenophobics now?
if this is real gj sir :slight_smile:

LOL ikr! 1/3 of these lvl 220+ i’ve seen wear regular equips… like WTF how do they grind with regular equips? im havin a hard time grinding and im wearing very good equips


Easy solution wipe all characters ban everyone :stuck_out_tongue:

If they did reset a lot of people would be pretty pissed.
I wouldn’t mind so much if I got a ton of tomes and, maybe silver bonus 100% drop rate weekend or something. Still even then it would kinda suck.

Many games just ban the people that have ridiculous money or clearly have been exploiting which is a lot better than punishing your legit players.

Dude calm down, learn what the numbers mean first before you get a heart attack.

So I couldn’t read the whole thread… Where does that 500k number come from?

  1. It could be the number of ppl who added ToS to their Library.
  2. It could be the total number of DLCs sold.
  3. It could be the number of ppl who have actually downloaded the game.
  4. It could be the number of ppl who have actually downloaded and started the game at least once.

If it is the first or the second option, this number does not prove anything at all…

that’s a good idea.
I’m not xenophobe or anything but EU server should be for EU and possible surrounding regions. (e.g. middle East). But other regions have other servers and no reason to play on the EU one.

anyhow, regarding topic, there is already another one on the same subject with the same replies…

dont always expecting wipe on any exploits… every wipe will causing gamer to turn their back on the game as some legit and innocent player that invested their time to the game all erased. people will jus turn away too… wiping will only be the last and only last option.

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