Tree of Savior Forum

Regarding the Repeatable Quest Exploit (Fixed)

There still has some quest that reword a status increase item (str/int/weight…etc) can be exploit.

I said it unreasonable, because this is just a test dude, all of dev should expect this ■■■■ to happen now not later(OBT).

Well, we have two kinds of these exploit-er right now

1.The guy that just want to test the Rank6 classes and stop at that, not thing more.

2.The stupid idot kid that just want to fck up everyone and use exploit to do some crazy sht like Rank15 ,1000 all Stat, Skill level 20+ , Centurion kidnap party.

The 2th group should be ban from cbt, because they over doing it only for their own fun, not testing.
For the first group it’s ok to just leave them be, cbt going to end with a wipe in a day anyway.


Was anyone really expecting there wouldn’t be a wipe? Come on, the game doesn’t even have a hackshield and could literally be cheat engined.

Threatening to ban the already tiny fraction of players who stuck with this mess of a cbt that everyone knows full well would be wiped regardless sounds like a great way to start!!

You released the game in such a state that literally copy pasting 2 lines could break it - i also fully expect you to break it tomorrow when trying to fix it. Remember a few weeks ago when it came out that you could cheat engine the game (something SO basic that even offline games don’t fall for it anymore if they don’t want to) and you rushed to implement that sorry excuse for an anti-hacking measure that actually did nothing to stop the hacking but instead prevented several players from logging in for weeks?

All this exploit really did was allow people to extensively test rank5/6 classes (and BOY are they bugged). I didn’t use it, i actually haven’t played in over a week now but i had to come back and laugh after hearing about this debacle - we in for a real ride when this officially launches, though i suspect it’ll be a real short lived one. :joy:


I agree.I think banning a mass of players because a vital,game-breaking bug was found is a bad move.Also pointless,because we have almost no time left in this test.If anything,I think they should implement the fix and see if it’s strong enough to prevent the same thing from happening again.This is what testing is for.

I have friends panicking now because they’ve done this and don’t know if this announcement means doing it now gets you banned,or if you HAVE done it will get you banned regardless.

The second type of players you described there most definitely deserve a ban,they’re quite inconsiderate and just want something to brag about to their friends,not to test the limits of the server or get to a certain rank.

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The first one if i ever saw one, at least on the server i am in, was 1, the rest all fall into the 2nd group, so from there i can pretty much figure out that 90% or more is under the 2nd group.

Well in the end, at least this incident served a purpose of save Korean Version of cancel its OBT or at least delay it.

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Some how IMC already fixed it. that was fast. O_o


Good to know, the response was pretty fast too.


Now that’s totally something lel
Well at least something majorly game-breaking was actually found in this iCBT2

The bug actually allows you to practically take any quest of the game so if it gets fixed then even those not so popular ones with those rewards won’t be exploited anymore

Don’t panic. Doing it and keeping it to yourself to test stuffs and not intentionally breaking the server doesn’t mean you’re Abusing it :sunglasses:

I don’t think ban people in a CBT is a good move.


It makes you wonder,doesn’t it? I was thinking the same and I told them as much,but I guess we’ll see.

So simplistic, and who will take their time to check who did out of the so called “good” will from who didn’t? In the end, who will decide if it will be banned or no is IMC not others judgement.

In the first place, as i said lots of times, God i hate repeat myself, finding an exploit/bug/glitch and report is fine, now starting to use it with some retarded excuse of testing other stuff? There are a load of players who tested what you wanted and gave/will give feedback on then.

Hypocrisy have limit.[quote=“PoohVz, post:29, topic:124004, full:true”]
I don’t think ban people in a CBT is a good move.
I think depend on the situation but as i said above it’s IMC call.

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Yeah, we’ll see how IMC handles it
Many people will most likely rage and try to get the hype killed with a bad decision X_X

Oh well, only thing we can do is suggest, wait, and see

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Pooh! where have you been all these time xD

haha, i’m sad about Archer in this game, i’m thinking about my class-choice all these times. Then when i make my decision i realize there is not much time left so i will wait for another CBT or OBT.
Then these time i found a team in Special Force 2 SEA :smile:.
I still stalk on this forum everyday, but lazy to post or comment.
Just like i said b4 iCBT 2 :smiley:


btw, i still remember the day Asiasoft VN banned 20000 hackers in Cabal VN server.
It’s like 60% of players base.
And 2 months later, the game has been closed.
So i always like a roll-back or smth else more than ban people.
And yeah, it’s IMC’s decision so we will see how they gonna do about this.
And i also suggest ToS can use VAC-system.


Its the one Valve use on Steam right? I’m 100% on that, but IMC need to do something about code injection like this one or VAC would be useless.

I saw someone said that they already done about it, isn’t it?

And ya, VAC is the one Valve use on Steam for their games like CS:GO, Dota 2, v.v, but now other games on Steam can use it if they want too.

They’re not banning anyone because bug was found. They’re banning because it was abused, by people who had nothing to do with discovering the bug. And that’s against the rules, is it so hard to understand that there are rules? Banning someone for breaking rules is only a natural thing to do, otherwise what’s the point in having those rules in a first place.

Bug was already found and reported, both privately and publicly, everyone else had NO LEGITIMATE REASON or excuse for using said exploit at that point. People who abused it for selfish reasons deserve to be banned, period. Testing skills and classes is not an excuse as well.

There are plenty of people who reached lvl 200 without abusing anything and they already tested all skills and reported which skills are bugged or not working correctly, so this part of job is already done in this beta. If someone didn’t get to try out some skills because they didn’t have enough time to reach certain rank it’s entirely their problem. Purpose of beta is not letting every single person to play around with classes, it’s just for finding and reporting bugs.

Hope they would get banned. Literally lost my appetite to play because of them.