Tree of Savior Forum

Regarding the Repeatable Quest Exploit (Fixed)

I find it funny that 2 groups of people are mentioned and 1 of them is portrayed as innocent group although they abused exploit just the same. Even if they just wanted to reach rank 6 it doesn’t make it OK to abuse exploit, so in the end of the day it’s still an exploit abuse done for selfish reasons.

It’s like comparing a murderer who killed 1 person and mass murderer who killed 20. Sure enough second one is worse, but both broke the law and deserve punishment.

If this was any other time, I would agree with you. But this is near the end of a closed beta, where it’s all getting wiped anyway.

I think @PoohVz made a good point too.

The game is at a point where this kind of data is valuable to them, even what was found through exploiting. They can look into how to fix and prevent it all again next time around. We’re testers,I think finding bugs and errors, even in this way,was part of the job. Like most others, I’m thankful it was found before the Korean OBT started.All of that being said, again, I think so close to the end a wipe makes much more sense.

At least it was fun :smiley:

They need to fix those character that reach rank 80(!) class. They are the one responsible for crashing the whole channel when they try to log in.

Maybe a rollback would be better than a downright wipe.

  1. wipe
  2. extend icbt2 for a week or two
  3. give us the same patch and rates like korean have now


I can see in CS:GO, Valve didn’t ban people for exploit reason.
Many famous youtuber public many exploit then Valve will know about it and fix it asap.
But FPS can’t compare with MMORPG, but at this point when CBT is coming to an end. The best way to deal with it now is try to fix it asap.
For me, i really happy because someone find this in CBT, i can’t imagine it happen in OBT.
In the future, IMC should have more moderator or GM on this forum to prevent such a post like the last one.
Exploit and post on forum to teach other how to use it is banable.

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Hope and dreams are wonderful words

There’s really no point unless they want to clog their database with suddenly like 50-60% more accounts. Takes like 5 minutes to make a new account…

Funny thing is they prevented future use of the exploit and using it today will result to banning but I still see centurions and multiclass characters roaming around lol

They fixed it already.
Post’s title is changed.

we can only hope

but oh well, i’ll just play kobt instead on 17th

the only border is the language

Just gonna intervene on that bold part. I had already hit Rank 6 on a legit chara, but I wasn’t able to go through all the other possible class choices to confirm what works and what doesn’t in preparation for writing a Guide and I know someone else who was using it for the same thing. Now you’re right that it’s still an exploit regardless of what it was used for, but not everyone abused it for ‘selfish reasons’.

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Human are selfish by nature, don’t be ashamed for it.

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I actually feel more bad on the people that didn’t take advantage of the bug. So what you gained by being self righteous in the game? Possible e-girlfriend? Friend gave you some e-respect?

What I learned by taking advantage of the bug:

-Tried every class, every circle, all their interactions with one another. Something that would take months, if not years of playing to acquire.
-How stat bonus works and their profound effects at high amount (I think I was rocking 3k INT)
-Viability of multi-classing
-Tested most obscure C3 skills and got a feel for it (QS/Thau/Linker/Etc)

You guys cry of ban which is highly unlikely and unfeasible.
-It’s CBT, they expect this much of a ef up.
-Test ends in 2 days.
-They can always make a new account.
-IP ban? Hello proxy.
-ToS hype train is running slowly, banning people would be a bad idea.
-Waste of time and man power to sort who abused or not.

Cry all you want. I pity that you missed the most fun I had on CBT. You whine about the constant crashing? Day one was much worse haha.


Just Banned If you don’t want to know about more hidden bug in This CBT

PS. I’m sorry for your loss about good tester who try to find bug

Idiot :joy:

The only idiot here is you if you think a simple ban will stop people from playing.

Alternate account, proxy, IP changers, every heard of those? Guess not because you are dumb.

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You’re doing nothing but looking for excuses to trash talk other players. The last thing a beta test needs is a “this part of the job is already done” attitude. This is coming from someone who didn’t use the bug.

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they can always ban proxys doofus

Shhh guys if u find bug or other way to exploit this game don’t report it…u will be banned for being honest.
Like i care if get banned…still got alt account to use and i know some good bug that not yet fixed

Report via email or a ticket is the best way.
Report in public and show how to do it is the worst way to report about a bug.
Not being honest, it’s being stupid.

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