Tree of Savior Forum

Regarding Server Log-in Issues [UPDATED]

For me the best solution was to use the “exit game”. I waited 2hr to log in, and have what everybody loves… lags…
Really good job, servers was prepared perfectly… I hope those problems will be solved… For now i don’t even want to play TOS… :frowning:

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i thought so too but i’ve been invisible at statue trying to port for about 5 minutes now


Just bring back the damn Q, Better do 2hours Q then no one freaking being able to play

You gotta be kiding me. I thought we saw the worse with that xml exploit…

Most of the people don’t feel like using 150 tp to change their team name, maybe if you guys make team change for free for a few days, people would actually move to the new server.

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What i said about we going to pay for testing the game was true, so many bugs and lags ;_;

The main problem is that people paid for this. If IMC just made what promised with an Open Beta, it would be normal. But they sold the game, so it prove the IMC’s irresponsability.

should have prepared 5 server >.> the one time when you wish you were on a dead server xDDD

how is klaipeda STILL broken!?!?

So many people compared this to Ragnarok Online, no service with compensation in place of. Deja Vu anyone. Keep at it GM team. You have a lot of anxious Saviors. :slight_smile:

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This is nothing like Ragnarok Online… its more similar to Secrets of Solstice

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So er people paid for this mess of a game? Bet a lot of them are regretting it now.

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Imagine when F2p comes out… loads of more players will swarm in O.o

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glad i did nt buy any packs…

It’s crazy but I 2nd this.
And apparently so do a few others



No thanks, some of us were actually able to play in EU server and some people played 14hr+, we dont want out chars deleted

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You only need to make transfert possible to all player on the 2 old server, in this way the eu and sea community will leave the 2 main server and there will be no more bottleneck and lag.