Tree of Savior Forum

Reclass system - Any thoughts?

cant really justify why i like oren over apple, right?

i cant just convince people to like Blue if they prefer Red…

just a matter of preference.

erm, if you want a tldr version, coz i dont miggle well with casuals…
im allergy to them.

(read my 10000+ words replies on my main account @haukinyau, i’ved been through this topic since May)

No you’re too… Hmm… touchy feely. You’re like his supportive little buddy.

And I suppose.

More importantly…

You don’t always.


Like this.

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Give your idea about the Pro’s and Con’s not just opposing somebody’s post.

Since most of the game time you play here is by soloing, dont you think it’s a good thing for those who wanted to play support on end game. Or those who’ve made mistake might have the opportunity make their character better.

Since they(IMC) knew a lot of way to restrict things, i don’t think that this will be abused. For example, when you reach around certain level you can use the Reclass system, and then it will be only 1 per Account. Something like that

Wasn’t really a bait. I like those types of people. Helps keep people sane. Someone like @haukinyau needs that. He’s on here so much… He’s got no one else to spend his time with but a gaming forum?

Probably wanders around town alone at night scrolling through the forum on his phone. :frowning:

He just needs some hugs…

A recl@$$ system?
Is this the repackaged name for cl@$$ reset? You are too late to the conversation poor newbie (should’ve never started).

Let me shorten it to re@$$ system.

Limit it to once in a life time favor, once per char, 1000TP per toon - it won’t bring the horde of players back in.

You can rebrand it anyway you want, still won’t save the game.
The game was hardcoded in with FAIL (unfortunately) and no matter how you wanna wipe its @$$ up, it’s still gonna poop FAIL.


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you didnt put effort to read the 10+ thread created past month,
you think you deserve people to just write a summary for you?

no wonder you people asked for Class Reset.

Easy baby is easy.

staph, you making me blush

even my gf isnt putting so much attention to my personal well being…

i merely here for the hue, i told u before, forum is more accessible and fun and more interaction than ingame itself

the only word you see people talk ingame is TY


I tried to search for topics before posting but no good answer from the IMC itself. So im just taking my chances. And i’m not on the wrong page of the forum. As long as i’m able to say things i wanted, i will. It’s my right to do so.

I’m sorry she must be lonely.

And do you think you have the right just to oppose people like you do. Consider people who are working too and cannot play much, this can help them too not to create another one of same Class path kind.

not as lonely as your TOS…

monthly downward playerbase trend…

TOS need more love, from whiteknight blackknight anyknight~

again, this was addressed to in previous threads, with many solid rebuttal and alternate suggestions.

if you really do care for the game, please, spend atleast the next hour reading up the old threads.

i wasnt here 16hours a day in the forum doing nothing.

Meh… Those things are covered in the same crap this one is… Why don’t you at least have the courtesy to link to the important parts of another thread that was flooded by your alts.

Searched it on google. Nothing matters appeared regarding this matter. Even the Reddit come up with SHARING OF ADVENTURE JOURNAL TO ALL CHARACTERS, if reset will not be possible. Im not so stupid like what you are thinking.


so, yea…

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You’re not talking to IMC you’re talking to a fellow gamer… And I think that mentality is probably part of the problem.

then you should have the intelligent to find the few threads in the forum.

so now its my fault again u cant find the information you need?

like, how u guys blame IMC lack of information on skill description?

its dejavu all over again at this rate…

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Like De javu being your main account banned by not reading forum rules, and see the result. For now, all i know was i posted on the right thread and just saying my thoughts. And don’t just call someone being a newbie not without knowing who really they are.

forum account is free

sue me?

relax, @jomzpogito.gaming , you definitely getting your Class Reset, it was unofficially being admitted to (though with very vague expression-like response from TOS facebook)

its almost fact already Class Reset is coming.

so, what is there to discus about a already known fact.

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