Tree of Savior Forum

Reality Check: TOS is a casual MMO

That’s why I said it’s not very casual friendly.

It’s not in a few ways but the real question is if those ways are on purpose or just design oversights (since IMC is clearly prone to those).

outdated and flawed game design =/= difficulty.

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I don’t know what you are trying to say but I agree.

If you just take into account total exp needed, mid game is in the 240s

He’s not even close

Except exp gain scales up as you get higher in level obviously, so you can’t calculate it as such.


It scales more to mob HP than level actually.

great, you come up with the complex algorithmic expression that calculates exactly how fast everyone earns exp including accounting for different play styles, and play times, and how not every monster at the same level provides the same exp, and so on.

exp gain does not scale equally with exp required.

meanwhile we’re just going to take the easier route:
total exp to level cap: approx 1.2 billion
half that: about 600 million. (level 253 1/2)

200ish is 1/6th the total, and 225 is like 1/3 the total.

Monsters at higher level give more exp, and thus no matter how many excuses you have to summarize it obtusely, it’s a complicated answer to a complicated question.

They also take way longer to kill and their scaling doesn’t follow the exp needed to lvl at all

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