Tree of Savior Forum

<Re:build> Falconer-Mergen

I have 8 aar base with just cards and gear.

wow! you can clear bernice with that aar? wooow!

With circling and food, I get 19 total. With some bad boss rng, i still got 60 levels in bernice. Itā€™s not as high as other people atm, not even close.

I feel its more about boss rng and killing than wave clear in Bernice. Thatā€™s been my experience.

On the side note, I wish they bring back the old animation for Sonic Strike. Now that PES triggers both Pheasant and SS, it can use a nice visual difference.

Also, the old animation feels and sounds more crisp and solid, making you feel the hawk does hit hard

Fletch/Mergen and Falcon/Mergen, which one works better in pvp guys?

ranger qs mergen for art ranger / def of qs or pp
fletcher is good but hmmm style fletcher qs pp
falcon is good but it depends what kind of position you play
in my opinion

If you do a lot of solo or small group stuff, falconer is nice.

If you do Boruta, you only need 1 dedicated falconer.

Fletcher gives so much more dmg potential, we have 3 fletchers and 1 falconer for our Boruta group.

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Do you guys think falc still as useful after they have increased hitboxes twice bigger?

For me, if your charā€™s AAR is below 10 etc, Falc is still nice to have.
While maxed Circling increases your AAR +5,

itā€™s attribute gives you +3 more, total +8.
Falcā€™s other attack skills are nice burst too.

Thing is, Triple Arrow is not as strong as it used to be now. Homing being buffed is nice, but really is the only skill benefitting from aar in mergenā€™s kit atm

new triple arrow is stronger than old triple arrow. Did you use lv 15 triple arrow for comparison?

triple arrow is too stronger, you no need to use lvl 15 but in 5 + misrus bow is great if you have 20 aoe and no falcon in your build

With fletcher skills, I donā€™t see any issue with lowered Triple Arrow and losing falconer.

The problem is that Circling has changed and thus have lowered the ā€œdamage potentialā€ of Triple Arrow despite higher SFR. Both Triple and Homing use AoE attack ratio in figuring out how many it hits, but unlike Homing arrow that got an extra OH, Triple didnā€™t

Say with old Circling with 20+ AAR, with either/r Homing arrow/ Triple arrow, will hit 20 mobs regardless. In a CM setting, say I hit 800k on each 20 mobs thatā€™s a big help

Now with new Circling, even if I hit 10 mobs with 4m each, that is still only 10 mobs (depending on aoe defense - your total AAR) that I am clearing.

Circling was, for a very long time, an OP buff to all AAR dependent skill because its mechanics increases your damage output multiplicatively by adding the number of mobs you can hit your skill

In a bossing point of view, yes definitely all skills are stronger due to higher SFR, but again I am speaking in a cm settinf PoV

This is my build for ranger-falco-mergen. Which is doing pretty well so far, atleast for me.

Is Barrage that good? I have High Anchoring maxed instead.
You should also max Bounce Shot, itā€™s very nice and I think even better with the corresponding freezing art.

After playing a bit more with my build, Iā€™m now completely sure that Down Fall is garbage and not worth investing a single point. For bosses, better use Arrow Sprinkle and the other skills. The two points I have in that skill will go back to Triple Arrow which scales well for more damage.

My exact thoughts about Downfall too. Even though Iā€™m fletcher now (sorry I have abandoned you falconers), not much time to use down fall before other more important skills come up.

Iā€™m debating triple arrow or sprinkle to put those points in. But Iā€™m only at 12 aar, buffed.

Barrage, I have the arts for it, itā€™s decent for bossing.

Downfall has always been a shietty skill imho, only good on paper :hatched_chick:

@Ennislol quite understandable, I too feel though that Falco has turned into a great dps class but Fletcher now can do the same in CM + more single target utility. How are you fairing with Fletcher so far?

I donā€™t enjoy it as much as falconer, it feels more stressful but itā€™s so hard to deny how much better it is. Crossfire, Bodkin, Magic Arrow are so good. Magic Arrow ARTs in very interesting in cm too, its quite nice.

The changes to mob hit boxes has made me feel better about not having falconer. I make due without aiming and circling through crossfire/magic arrow.

I suggest giving it a try, Iā€™m trying to pare down the skills (hence why Im debating not taking downfall anymore), because you just have so many skills/OHs with fletcher, that are just straight up better than downfall.

Fletcher had always been this way, I am aware that even before it has more dps potential than Falco. The strong suite of Falconer was its utility which made Mergen so great, which is nowtaken away. Falconer now is more of bursty DPS circle rather than a perfect synergy with Ranger-Mergen.

I have been giving it a go, actually. With changes to hitboxes, Aiming lost a lot of use too. Which cards are you using?

I may have to edit the main post of this thread soon, given the situation :cry: