Tree of Savior Forum

<Re:build> Falconer-Mergen

i see, thankyou for all the answer~ ill try finding my most suitable class~

im just swap from musketeer to mergen and i fall in love with this class so i have a lot of question (FOR PVE PLAYER). centaurus card is worth it ? (now im using 3 glass mole some said burst damage is good than centaurus ).
2.What is the different of adding Fletcher instead of Ranger ? 1(My friend told me i should go fletcher but now i adding ranger to my build and i dont like the way to craft the arrow of fletcher.)
3.What type armour i should use im pve player plate or leather ? (velcoffer or savinose)

  1. mergen needs high aoe to show true potential

  2. ranger gives 2 important buffs: steady aim and critical shot buff

  3. perhaps leather savinose

how does steady aim work?
if i use skill with 1000% SFR +lv15 steady aim, will it become (1000+22.5)% or 1000+(1000*22.5%)?

thanks you for fast anwser. one more question do you have a skill build of fletcher fal mergen ? i wanna try but idk what is the best 45 point on flet tree.

Sorry I never specialized in fletcher so I refraim from giving you a skill build that may only mislead/misinform you

@myself Actually good point. I never did the math if it was additive or multiplicative (not a math genius)

@greyhiem answer: (physical attack&enemyDEFformula x SFR%) x 1.225

what about accessory ? what do you using or high end acc suggestion ?

If falco for pve should be drakonas frieno set

For fletcher which is a bossing build, drakonas pasiutes

thanks man what about the card what do you use ?

Gold marnox, centaurus, zaura, netherbovine, gazing golem :slight_smile:

How is frieno? I debated getting that over Pasi, but ended up with just using Pasi. Was easier to make/buy.

I’d say great. Remember when we used to speed farm astral 21f with less than a minute per stage until stage 5? I can do the same in outer 15 now partly because of drako frieno

what about pamoka what should i go for ?

Most of the time Kraujas for velco

im using savi set so korup right ? is that a mistake of mine crafted this savinose set i dont even know archer using velcoffer sad life

can i ask about combo skill when boss fight i feels so weak now

this is my stat and my bow didnt finished all of the pamoka yet about to complete it

Don’t get me wrong please, ofc you are welcome to use Savinose. In fact, you’re bow is at par with a +16 velco bow.

Nothing wrong with this build in terms of providing bossing dps esp with your gear. Prob is, this build could be outshined by many other meta builds out there at the moment. Take for instance bossing, this vs taoist meta. Or for cm diev miko meta.

There is currently some sort of petition to buff 2h weapons. So we just have to wait and see.

As to your questions, spam skills and simply make sure crit buff shot is always active. Make sure to slow targets too to increase some dmg brought about by some recent buff changes to Ranger

ok thanks you so much my sensei

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As falcon merg ranger, your single target will always be lacking. It’s not a great single target spec. You honestly just need to spam everything.

Also the new bow from the Dev blog looks like crap. Another crappy bow. - _-