Tree of Savior Forum

[RANT] who tf told swordies to be dps?

I have no problems blocking in maven and i didnt even level shield masteries plus i almost never C block ever.

You don’t even need shield blocking in maven, the map itself is a joke once you get 220 whites + aspersion. Only magic hurts

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Of course, I can make that argument about every class in the game. Once you get 220 whites + aspersion, and your level is comparable to the map, nothing can kill you easily.

Does it make you the tank of your party?

Please someone close this topic it’s way far from the initial question.

Does that make you the tank of the grinding party? absolutely. This is a swordsman thread and we’re talking about it with swash.

and you don’t even get to tank, taunt and they die in seconds.

following you and brownpaper bagger, swash and guardian IS the reason why you’d take pelt. Blocking is a mere bonus.

Honestly I dont even feel like a tank. im just the person who can draw aggro and the rest of the party will CC and dmg while I try to sustain the mobs. I just feel like there is no true tanking in this game. The party is what makes the so called “tank” shine.

Give sword 3 a 100% uptime of pain barrier and 50% damage buff… like wizards lol.

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Let’s not forget about boss. Ideally, a tank will hold the boss in place for dps, you can achieve this by either have high block / high dex / safety wall. The more of one of these you have, the more your healer can focus on help the rest of your team.

Then sword3 is mandatory

Peltasta is super over-rated and you should just let people do what they want. I’m a pure 2H spear DPS swordie and for rank 2 I went Highlander and I wouldn’t change that now.


Wizards Ice Blast and Flare taunts all monsters on the screen ? Why do you need SB if it is already integrated in a one of popular classes ?

I love Pelt! :smiley: I can’t see myself playing Swordsman without it. I’d even take it over anything I can take on R7 on most of my Wizards if I could; then I’d stop playing Swordsman. I can say that it’s pretty much the biggest reason why I went from Wizardssssss to Swordsman. Back then, whenever I get a good Pelt in my party, I feel like they pretty much take the job of both Cleric and Cryo3. They reduce the need of using potions (except for themselves) by a whole lot and they gather mobs together.

Personally, I don’t see myself ever taking anything else for it. It’s one circle at R2 for one great utility. But if anyone else doesn’t want to take it, that’s not my problem. I’m a Pelt now anyway, and I’m loving it.

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All Swords has a duty to take Peltast according to the partys of PVE . I think it’s bullshit. We have other ways to play, and yes, swordies need upgrade.

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Ice Blast and Flare cant hold aggro. Those skills do not increase provocation. As soon as someone else touches those mobs with damage you will lose aggro almost instantly.

I tend to look at those that complain when I don’t have Pelt and play the same card on them. No Wiz 3, sorry there are better dps out there

Can we discuss this for a while? Cuz yeah, why not ;P? This would actually justify Sw2 and 3 as a DPS if it came as a Rank 2 or higher only attribute.

And this is what our community achieved: creating a need for players to justify themselves in order to avoid being expelled from parties or “bullied” on forums. Good job ToS community! (and developers since we are complaining about Sword for a reason)

Which eventually led to this:

This is absolutely terrible! And yet I love it.


Love peltesta here, I usually play tanks in mmos so this suits me well. It’s got amazing utility for just one circle.

I’m guessing that the players with sw2 you’re encountering in queue are from the reopening of the game to newbies. No worries though, with such a welcoming community, they’ll surely feel at home even if they know they made a “mistake” that can only be corrected by rerolling and losing those precious hours!


It’s sad that pelt 1 is something a lot of higher level parties want but that’s how things are currently, and in the long run this hurts new players more than anything.

Why not? So if i dont tank, i will be useless? I dont care. I just want swordman c3 for special c3 costume.

as long as you are doing damage i doubt most people care.

Hmm… c3 has costume?