Tree of Savior Forum

Ranking up made less punishing, but still permanent: The "Circle Reset" fix that works for everyone

Can we please not get all armchair programmer on an idea suggestion? It completely ignores the actual idea.

I do not see how this would effect end game whatsoever? You can only change your latest circle, and if you do you must re-level it from 1 (presumably without cards).

It’s not exactly an easy choice to make.

Also…my idea completely disallows resetting your rank 3 if you’re rank 6 or whatever so I’m not sure what you’re on about.

What if we limit it only to circles before the final available circle? Again, please read the OP before displaying in your response that you didn’t again.

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As long as you cant change previous circles and have to relevel the new class if you change it, im fine with it. Also, only give the option once at each new rank.

Adding a way to reset you character back to character lvl 1, rank 1, and be able to relevel your whole character would be a nice addition too.

As for what ive said in other threads, if some just says “class reset pls” I will disagree with it. Posts like this i can agree with if i think its a good idea.

Yea its called repercussions as i stated.

That has to do with a million restrictions on everything, and nothing to do with class resets.

Factoring in how complicated something is to implement is a basic part of any case study. If you are going to present an idea of any kind, you should expect to be able to overcome that objection, unless your idea is not reasonable.

Your idea does not combat the general complaint of why people want a class reset. They realize that they made a mistake much later on.

You need to stop assuming people don’t read your drivel as an argument.


I have no problem Americans, the education system is just poor. I frequently hear about it from the friends in the states. Which gives me those assumptions.

Not that I’m defending that other person you’re replying to. There are still some problems left:

  • The guild creation; you could create a guild and then switch to other class. This isn’t what IMC probably wants.

  • Alchemists, squires etc. crafting classes; you could now switch to one of these classes and earn a nice bunch of silver for very little need of dedication for crafting. You could always switch it back after you’ve earned enough and continue leveling your main build. And do the same trick again at the next rank once you’ve leveled the previous one.

But I admit, this proposition is by far the most sensible one I’ve read on these forums. I haven’t bothered reading those long threads though.

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Well you know what they say about assumptions. They make an ass out of u and mption.

EDIT: There is a reason why people flock to the USA for a college education, even from asian countries. Our collegiate education is one of the finest in the world.

Grade school? I agree, it is ■■■■ on a sandwich.

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Or… you must have disbanded your guild before you reset, in the same sense you must unequip all items off a character before you delete them. Funny how you always try to find exploits but you fail terribly at it.

Do you even have a squire or alchemist? lol.

I remember in basic training my training instructor used to always say, “when you assume you make an ass out of you and me.”


Now what your describing is additional work/programming to make this exist, and the more it requires the less feasible it becomes.

What? It DIRECTLY addresses the exact issue at hand.

The biggest complaint people have is lack of information (DESPITE forums and TOS Base), compiled with bad skill descriptions. This leads to often picking classes and feeling misled and finding out its not for you.

If you can play a new circle you rolled for a few skill points and then find out it wasn’t your cup of tea, you can then pick a different circle for that rank while being reset to class level 1.

It literally, directly, and exactly addresses the primary issue of build ■■■■ ups.

It does NOT address completely changing your character top to bottom every single circle at every rank…because that’s not likely to happen.

If you picked Templar, create a guild, and then swap circles, all Templar-related affiliations will disappear with your reset, so yes, the guild will disappear. So people who plan to be a Templar should probably stay a Templar. Also, if we limit it to ranks before the final available rank only, that prevents this problem completely since Templar is a rank 7. Until rank 8 releases in which case, it’s not difficult, if you want to keep your guild, you have to stay a Templar, simple as that.

Red circles may not pick yellow circles, and yellow circles may not pick red circles.


From reading other topics on this matter, it will sometimes take multiple rank ups for people to realize that you have made a mistake.

What if you think that priest3 is great, only to find out that you wasted your time getting there and now you want to try something else?

With your model, you could de-rank to priest2 and pick something else, but priest2 by itself is garbage. The solution is to remake your character, and next time do some basic research or ask the community for advice.

Your idea would solve one minor complaint on the issue, be a bitch and a half to implement, and ultimately satisfy very few people. The glory of MMOs and forums is to be able to vet things out amongst your peers before you dive in.

You do realize with alllll the restriction this would require to function is making it less and less feasible every restriction that has to be added right?

IMC didn’t seem to have a problem selling an MMO that restricted trading, I don’t think these are too big a deal.

Restricting trading was adding a simple restriction to one thing that already exists. What your talking about is creating something new that would required layered restrictions. These are 2 VERY different things.

Your argument here is that…people would just ■■■■ up their second choice after finding out their first choice was bad?

Call me crazy but are you actually presenting any kind of rational argument in this post?

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Totally off topic, but while our college education quality is great, the expenses to get in are probably what he’s talking about. Especially for a time when people are more or less expected to get a degree for a job, the cost is wild unless you spend months doing scholarships + get a decent grant. That’s not even counting how competitive it is to get into certain majors, but I suppose that’s how you get the best of the best.

just thinking about loans spooks me.

First of all I see zero issue with somebody leveling a crafting class only to switch it later and re-level a combat class ONLY during the same rank.

If they put in the effort to reset their class level and level it up 2 god damned times just to make a bit of extra silver I’d say they earned it. They are potentially massively offsetting their class level progress in ratio to their level just to do something like this.

Yea your public education is poor. Your college/universities are good but they are heavily cost restricted and keep the majority of your country out.

Its just a system that confuses me when other countries keep the cost down so 70% or more of there population has degrees or likewise.