Tree of Savior Forum

Rank 8 - The information about those classes are soon to be revealed


you don’t have to translate it for this X) Also others said something that they will be able to fly on brooms or something…but I dunno how true it is XD

i think enchanter will be a support class IMO, and if onmyoji is rank 8 then wizard will have 2 support rank 8 classes. hurray for support wizs lol.

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large aoe for the entire cleric tree is much needed

Here more skill name/animation last updated 09 june

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are those skills only for the base classes? or are those skills for any class

If those Cleric skills are not for a new class…

Storm Calling->Druid?
Dark Sight->Oracle?

I have ideas for the others too but those are weaker X)…

…maybe Hidden Potential could be a new Kabbalist math skill…?

It is a new skill for that class tree I don’t want to tag it as rank 8 skill because it might be rank 6-3 skill or rank 7-2 skill

seriously they need to make around 48 skill
8 skill for rank 6-3
8 skill for rank 7-2
32 skill for rank 8

that 12 new skill is just part of it.
Kabbalist new skill might be this one Double Chance.


stormcalling = what wizarrds always wanted xD, but too bad, they get a broom

ok from that new info i think its now this:

Wizard: mimic and enchanter (the skill enchant)

Swordsman: luchador (takedown and headbutt skill)

cleric: shepherd and daoshi (stormcalling and entrenchment)


A translator actually confirmed it is not Luchador…if he didn’t lie… so I think it will be Murmillo.

For wizard as I understood those all are Enchanter skills but not sure.

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at first they made more sense as luchador but now looking at it, they make sense as murmillo also

looking foward to see the new things about archer tree!!

oh i just hope there will be something for archers to make auto attacks stronger. is all i need^^

you guys will get a puppeteer class fmi.

appraiser, hacapell, bard (peid piper) mergen and a few more but i forgot

In a side note Onmyouji make more sense in Cleric tree than Wizard tree.

From Swordsman what I would guess would be:

Evade Thrust -> Fencer C3

Frenzied Slash -> Doppel C3

Headbutt & Take down probably from the news classes likelly to be Murmillo or Luchador.

I wonder when the centurions will return :open_mouth:

Oh, and I dream that they will turn my falconer c3 one hell of a dps.

(Or just change the color of the symbol from red to green, it works too)