Tree of Savior Forum

Rank 8 Swordsman Preview (Translations)

after waiting week to get that cursed class and spending bunch of silver on mats for those Shinobi quest craft items I’m also not gonna bother to do this.

it’s way to stressful and annoying.

I was so hyped to make Shinobi class but it ended with big disappointed since I didn’t made meta spear build… I barely have strength to play ToS nowdays now. Just to log int, kill harpeia on all characters, get those talts (because petamion recipe is not for me I guess) and do event…

2hand weapon give 10% damage modifier right ?

ask about DOV level 10
if i already stack 10 times then i recast the skill
what happend ?
its back to 1 stack or still 10stacks ?


Show more respect to the proud “recaller” of insert guild name. Templar needs some sort of passive attribute to plainly recall 38 members at once. Not going around with BS.

Back to 0 stacks.


4. Can you tell us about the reasoning behind allowing non-swordsman classes to wear plate armor?

  • There has been a lot of feedback from users saying that the swordsman class feels underpowered as tanking type characters.
    We are planning on bringing armor sets that will be unique to the swordsman class to iTOS as soon as we can.

RIP full CON cleric/wiz

3. I’m wondering if you’re working to fix the weapon swap FPS drop issues.

We’re currently working on the problem of FPS decreases with weapon
swap; it’s an issue we’re testing internally. We expect our frame
improvements to produce positive results concerning this issue, and we
will apply them as soon as the testing process is finished.


About time bro! Finally something to separate the tanky class from the tank wannabes but i hope those unique sets offer dps/tank variations or swords will really be considered tanks regardless of how they’re built…

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Mate! I actually just like spear classes xD

cool cool. shame fencer don’t get any cool attributes for earlier skills but w/e.
the new classes look impressive.

It specifically singles out Peltasta and Rodelero but gave those classes only as examples, so it’s possible that Hoplite may be covered too.

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I wonder if Murmillo is able to use spears too, and not limited to swords only…

But yeah, at least my squire will have something to do now than just standing there and go AFK all the time… :slight_smile:

Hmm, currently i see 2 alternatives for dps swordies if you arn’t following the spear meta. Fencer (rapiers) and Dopples (2H swordies). 1h swords are just not for us swordies. Everything good revolves around utilizing the spear for finestra and spear lunge. If cosair had hexan at c1 then it would have been awesome to go cosair to fencer and use hexan with those preparations and stuff. Ah well, wait rank 9, 10 ,100 and see how things are.

2hd sword lack of damage and bonus
compare to brandish +322 to large enemy
rapier +286 holy damage which mean x2 to dark enemy
which is almost World boss is dark type & all bos is large type
not to mention gain more +153 attack from arde dagger

2hd sword just meh…

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And that skill have 1-2 minutes cd. It will be BIG. Kappa

For doppel what do you guys think, high 3 barb or high barb 3?

But which one you think is more versatile?

Happy with my fencer c2 but im more worried about my pelt-hop c3- dopel c1 right now… what are my options ? Was aiming for shinobi but now that i read / see all this im wondering

I go for Barb. I took High just for the crit dmg passive, Cartar (addt’l strike), Crown and Cross Guard. should be enough. Pouncing is beast.

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Official English version has been out for a while. I think I got most of the translations right except for those horrendously difficult Fencer skill names.

If they would go Dragoon 2 then their build is good but lets not forget that those people went catagoon because they thought it is the best build out their for PVP in swordsman tree, meaning they will likely choose lancer in rank 8 cause it offers more than Dragoon 2.

Rank 7 is a filler rank for Cata3. Dragoon would be a waste if you go lancer in rank 8 because scaling wise dopple or pelt offers more than skills from dragoon 1. Dragoon 1 will fall off in rank 9 or rank 10. I would rather have 50% scaling in damage or 18% eva scaling + guard than 4 skills that would be outdated in the future.

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Eh pelt without being able to use 1h spear feels underwhelming to me. But in my case i do have option to go swordsman c3 instead of dragoon c1 if indeed dragoon is filler then i would be swordsman c3 peltasta cata c3 lancer c3.

Maybe lancer have attribute for 1h spear or is incompatible with 1h spear tho.

Well assuming the worst you cant use 1 hand spear for Lancer, swash only use is for PVE, you have plenty of time to switch between 2handed spear and 1 hand sword + shield then taunt and guard.