Tree of Savior Forum

Rank 8 Swordsman Preview (Translations)

Just wondering why you think Sw3–>Cata3–>Dragoon 1 builds are on ‘suicide watch’ now?

Wouldn’t they just naturally just go into Lancer 1 or Dragoon 2 and still be viable?


Finestra + Spear Lunge + Kunai = you can put your Cross Cut and Moulinet in dumpster

even without clones this skill is deadly.

that’s also deadly skill with Finestra/Spear Lunge… and now look at Dust Devil… oh sorry I mean Dust Garbage.

The fact that IMC made both Corsair and Shinboi be godly as spear classes shows what they think about sword builds. BIG GIANT MIDDLE FINGER. Swordsman … what joke name

ye and you will have useless class because non of Shinobi spells won’t work with those mentioned classes and won’t don’t deal big damage since the lack of spear lunge and finestra. Picking class for gimmick herp derp build just for one spell (clones) that can’t be maintained all time is idiotic idea.

Without clones your damage will be much lower. Even without Clones Hoplite2/Corsair2/Shinobi combos will deal more damage than HL/Dopel

You can forget about Slash based Shinobi build unless IMC finally gets their ■■■■ together and give Shinobi strong Slash skill similar to Kunai or add attribute that would allow to change Kunari damage type. It would be pretty neat unique feature for hidden class

let’s be real. Spear classes are way to overpowered compared to every other build path for Swordsman class… just the fact that Spear builds can get fuckton of crit rate thanks to Finestra is ridiculus.

heck even rank 7&8 classes designs confirm that IMC just favours spear weapons/pierce damage over swords/slash damage

Rank7 classes = both spear/pierce damage based
Rank8 classes = another spear class while other one is tank/shield based class that works better with Pelt/Rode

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Exactly why imc should get another team when making a new class for swordsman.

Call me stubborn but i refuse to follow the spear meta. I swear I chose swordsman not spearman but with the current meta its impossible to neglect spears at all on a 1 hander build.

I didnt give up and didnt abandon my swordsman but now I guess its time.

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Youre welcome to give murmillo, fencer and doppel a try.

I can see doppel 3 do some grotesque damage with cyclone lvl 15 + concentrate alone

Forgetting Templar is even a class.

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So now that we got details on rank 8 swordies, it definitely looks like corsairs are getting the short end of the stick. But before we state that it’s all doom and gloom for corsairs, we need more info about the skills of these new classes and their weapon requirements. Based on this info, corsairs may still have decent rank 8 options, especially if you went spear.

Lancer - if they don’t require mounts for their skills or if even 1 or 2 skills doesn’t require mount, then maybe it can still be a good option, but based on the gifs and class preview, I wouldn’t get my hopes up. It looks like it’s completed restricted to mount and meant only as a follow up for catas.

Murmillo - Although it’s been touted as a sword + shield class, who knows maybe it works with spears too considering spear/shield shinobi’s a thing in this game. But it’s in the same situation as lancer, if it has at least 1 or 2 skills that doesn’t require shield (which based on the class preview maybe it does?) then might be a decent rank 8 choice.

Dragoon - Now dragoon specializes in 2H spears, but they can still use 1H spears, so still a viable option. Problem with dragoon is that you can’t skip right to C2, you have to start at C1 if you already chose a rank 7 class like cor3 or shin. Which means you’ll always be one rank behind.

Doppel - Although it’s a rank 6 class assuming you never picked it up in prior ranks (which you probably didn’t as corsair C2 advancement conflicts with doppel), and i’d usually advocate against choosing a lower rank class meant for classes designed for their appropriate ranks, with a few exceptions, doppel being one of them. The 50% boost from DoV by itself makes doppel a viable choice even for rank 8, but how it’ll deal with new content designed for rank 8 ie. with the new rank means a new level cap, at least an additional 50 levels or so, so 330 might be the new level cap. And with level 300+ maps, means dealing with 200k or even 300k hp enemies.

If none of these options seem viable, then rerolling is the only way to go at that poing. Now barb/high>cors are another issue altogether. sword cors are simply not as good a spear cors. They have even less options than spear cors. You might just have to reroll altogether.

See, like I said before you skimmed and quoted everything and assumed everything is in the dumpster right now just because Spear Lunged Kunai x5 is good right now means you didn’t read what I said. You don’t need a Slash Shinobi skill, you need a GOOD Slash skill that CAN be copied by the clones, and as of RIGHT NOW in kToS it’s only Moulinet and Cross Cut boosted by Cleave (or Double Slash lol), which still isn’t enough but is a nice step towards making Shinobi viable for the non-spear routes.

They’re in a bad state, but discrediting them when all these changes being flung all over the place and even making ever KRs regret their HL2 > everything and there are no circle reset potions to fix it for the new meta.

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  1. Rework Barbarian and Corsair. Barbarian should be improved version of Highlander but sadly it isn’t (Highlander offer much much more and is capalble of dealing more damage) while Corsair is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay better when played with Spear build. Dust Devil is waaaaaay to weak compared to Hexen
  2. Rework Shinobi so it would be hybrid of Slash and Pierce damage class no only Pierce and this way it would open more diverity for Shinobi build not just “go spear or go home”
  3. Give Barbarian “Finestra” selffbuff that would work for swords. Barbarian class already feels as the weakest from all Sword classes. If IMC already decided to copy “Spear Lunge” effect into Barbarian (and make Cleave increase slash damage damage on enemies) then why not also give huge crit rate selffbuff spell?
  4. Give Swordsman, Barbarian, Doppel and maybe also Corsair/Shinobi class attributes that gives boost when using swords. Higlander gets more crit damage when using 2handed sword… but why other sword based class don’t get any benefits of using sword weapons?

boom done.

Spear meta would be dead since both spear, 2handed sword and dual wield build would be balanced and have similar damage


Maybe artifact shield… A foldable chair or riot shield?

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Confirmed Murmillio + Luchador = new WWE meta build


Its okay if you cling to the spear meta kid but dont forget peltasta or else it would be useless. Other than that. Okay. Who cares about spea… I mean swordsmans nowadays? People who plays this class are hardcore masochists at the moment anyways.

Next thing folks is a huge wave of swordsman rerolled for elememes, fletcher, or aa builds. Lol

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the problem is that I hate spear meta and would love to see it die finally. But IMC don’t even tries to kill it or finally hardcore buff/rework all sword/hybrid themed classes

+1 Specially those people that want to make masochist/“allah akbar suicide bomber” sword themed builds based only on using Clones from Shinobi kit and forget that you take 5x more damage when clones are up (and they don’t use skills very often) ;p

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In other words imc just raises a big middle finger to one hand sword type corsairs and said you cant be kirito you plebs. Lol

Too tired to reroll to spearShin or any other class… yeah ill accept that middle finger frm imc for now. Cant afford to spend 450+ hrs more to attain the same level my swordShin currently has.

I guess ill be (not quiting) MIA for now even though Patch Merge is just around the corner…

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