Tree of Savior Forum

Rank 8 Swordsman Preview (Translations)

Barbsairs can use spears if they go Dragoon route. It seems the only class that would avoid a reroll for those Corsair c2, right now.

You’re listing all the benefits Highlander has whilst only stating one benefit that Barbarian has without properly describing it, so I’m going to give a listing of what Barbarian offers:

  • Two AoE Stuns in the form of Helm Chopper and Seism, Seism being a beast in the damage it does.
  • Cleave, which does double damage if the monster is stunned. Also applies a + to crit chance buff on yourself AND soon a + to slash damage for 5 seconds. It will have 3 overheat meaning you will have 15 seconds of slashing/crit buffs before it goes on cooldown, which will be shortened (to 18 seconds iirc).
  • Warcry - At level 5 (circle 2) it provides +125 attack, a pseudo taunt, as well as slightly reducing the defense of 5 enemies. At level 10 it gives +330 attack and applies the debuff to 10 enemies. With the patch the downtime is around 20 seconds.
  • Frenzy - At level 5 (circle 2) it lets you stack it up to 10 times for * 150 attack, but the downside is it goes back to 1 if you hit a different monster. Circle 3 ups the attack to +400 damage as well as giving an attribute to only halve your stacks on different targets. Downside is stacks only increase on basic attacks, upside is stacks aren’t lost if you use skills only (iirc).
  • Pouncing which I don’t have experience in, but I have read and seen that have be used as a pseudo cyclone if maneuvered correctly. Downside is its long cooldown.

The stuns are quite helpful in PvP whilst the buffs will help in PvE. The stuns also give you an easier time tanking if you took a circle in Peltasta. You can’t take damage if they’re stunned, right? Now I’m not trying to say Barb is better than Highlander. They each have their pros and cons and it’s up to the player to decide which they would prefer.

You’re quite right. At this point of time, I fully believes barbarian IS a better choice in DPS terms for most of the game content.

Still, Two those stuns and buff(cleave debuff and helm chopper stun) are present in Barb1, and Seism, Warcry and Frenzy are still simple flat numbers, with barely any scaling. Pouncing I can’t really talk about it.

Overall, Barbarian really shines in mob grinding, and when mob HP is low, or should I say, when mobs hp is proportional to your damage; however, it will get overshadowed by future classes, just like pre-buff concentrate and gung-ho, who are usefull buffs for their rank but get’s a sharp drop in utility when higher numbers make them seem irrelevant.

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The point he’s making is that we’ll reach a certain point (rank 9, rank 10, etc.) when the Warcry buff won’t mean much anymore because of powercreep. Also regarding Frenzy, with so many skills from all those ranks, do you really want to AA to stack Frenzy when you’ll probably have enough skills in your rotation to not have to AA. At that point you’ll probably ditch Helm Chopper from your rotation, leaving Seism for the situational stun and Cleave for debuff only and Pouncing here and there.

What HL offers just seems more appealing in the long haul. Armor Break will stay relevant as enemies defense continues to increase. Crown will stay relevant as magic enemies get stronger. Cross Guard is always relevant. Even bleed will continue to get stronger as you gain rank bonus for STR.


I have experienced a Barb3 and pretty much abandoned it for various reasons.

Barbarian is THE most effective class now for damage boost, in the “charge shot” style. It is right to say that those buffs will be made lame by new ones, but that will take a very long time.

However, Barbarian have one problem. Frenzy pretty much requires time to be good and frankly, I don’t even bother using it in quick-response required situations, magic mobs and PVP. It has a pretty long CD for the time it is activated.

Frenzy works as a good damage source for tankers, maybe, because you can facetank while building the stacks.

Warcry is fine, though it is only good at barb3, imo.

Helm Chopper is horrible in PVP, any other stun is better than this skill.

Seism and Pouncing are excellent skills.

And pretty much all skills have high CDs, which is shouting ‘one time burst damage’. This is freaking annoying to a player like me whose gameplay is based on constant use of skills in order to build damage, I pretty much hit and run with swordsman.

Barbarian is good if you want to take time and deal one massive instant damage after a lot of charging. It is a type of playstyle that can not be ignored. But Barbarian is a big no no if you depend on hit and run. Not because it is completely ineffective, but because it’s not optimal, as it will make your game harder.

I don’t think Highlander is actually better than Barbarian. I think they have more synergy than differences actually.

I know that you feel that Highlander is going to be better for the long haul due to its scaling skills, meaningful debuffs, as well as skills that synergize well with your party, and it might very well be the go-to class as more ranks are added. And I agree that perhaps even just taking barb1 for cleave can be an option just for the cleave synergy with other circles (allowing to pick up more highlander circles).

I just wanted to show that barbarian wasn’t just a one trick pony, albeit it can feel clunky with frenzy and pouncing. I think that both classes are suppose to work together honestly, as migliole stated above.

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But that’s about the same effect Spear Lunge has, except Cleave has more overheat and also buffs crit rate.

Honestly the new cleave is really good but it’s really just a buff to Doppel builds. 1H Sword still makes no sense on any Swordsman build - to the point where if you’re going for Murmillo, you probably want a ■■■■■■■ MACE instead of a sword, just because Rodelero will give you so much bonus strike damage, and honestly some of the high level maces are better than high level swords for physical attacking.

i think gungho copy by clone
warcry, frenzy, DOV
as long you cast / stack those skills before cast bunshin

as you can see
Her kunai is 5.404
bunshin 5.281
Different 123 from concentrate

Double slash 4.792 bunshin 4.669 = 123 different

Wait, hook from corsair can be used while mounting right? Why not sw3>cata3>cor>lancer for pure pvp?

Nice feedback guys, but, are you guys considering the buffs barb are going to recieve?


And while we are at it, I see my answer got a pretty big bias toward highlander. Explaining myself: I had the same question as OP for months, so, in the specific case of OP question, i gave an specific answer.

Doing what I believe to be a 2h true dps, i would always chose High over Barb for the reasons stated above, but it does not mean that Barb C3 can’t make a character just as good of a DPSer. In fact, it will take a good chunk of time till power creep makes Barb start to look bad, so play a character you like above all else, OP

But as I said OP, i’m still learning, so take my advice with a grain of talt


Who’s talking smack about my Barbarian3? Stop your freaking Highlander or whatever swordman class propaganda. Nexon has proved to bring reliable buffs to every swordman class every now and then.
Saying that Highlander is better than Barbarian.
Saying that Peltasta is better than Rodelero.
Saying that Cataphract is better than any other swordman class.
Saying that Doppelsoeldner is better than Shinobi/Dragoon/fencer or any rank6,7.

All of that sh*t talk just proves how bad and mad players you are. A truly swordman never trash-talk a neighbor swordman.

Get f*cking real and play a swordie to 280.


Wellllll… After The Murmilo Announcement Its make me exited because i LOVE SWORDMAN CLASS…

From Here i want to REMAKE TROY Movie
and become Achilles



  1. Cassis Crista = Increase Block FROM ARcher and Magic
  2. Jump Leap = STUN
  4. Spear Lunge + DragoonTooth
  5. Umbo Blow – Change Stun
  6. SHIELD BASH till dead

I Hope IT will WORKS…because it will be funnnnnnn

If you believe in yourself, you can make it work :slight_smile:

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Pouncing is beast. I could do 100k dmg with it as long as I use my Restrain first and with proper positioning of course. You don’t wanna take damage while using it.

And we’d all be using Doppel skills much more in the higher ranks. Barb skills are better fillers than Highlander imo.

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No swordsman class that specializes in one hand sword :disappointed: guess I’ll quit swordsman now, make a cleric and pretend to be a magic swordsman instead.

If you want you can support this to make it happen. LOL

Has anyone got information yet whether Epee stance works with a dagger equipped instead of a shield?

Swordsman 3 > Cataphract 3 > Corsair > Lancer = The ULTIMATE frontliner, I see this beeing mandatory in any GvG comp.

Thank god I’m still rank 6.

Cata is all about mobility and Iron Hook locks you in place.