Sanctuary at level 10 doubles your magic defense while you’re channeling, so he times it out so that Pora Pore triggers while he’s channeling sanctuary. He’s not using sanct for the damage boost.
not enough Magic def to survive, Broken skill should be fix
Excuse me @greyhiem @crevox or anyone else well informed, can someone please tell me any more detailed information about how Sage’s Hole of Darkness works? All I know is what is in the description of this simulator ( but I’d like to ask how much is the bonus that the description mentions, and what’s this skill behavior when used against bosses, will it just not work, deal partial damage (the % shown in the tooltip) or the bonus damage too? Thanks in advance.
It deals 20% more damage to enemies that get sucked inside the hole. Against bosses, they aren’t affected by the skill and will just take normal damage.
Seems like BM3 builds are more on skills and less on AA. Anyone who knows why people still opt for dex instead of str even when the skills aren’t attack speed based?
There were discussion from Ktos player using some calculator and I also play around a bit with it. Let say raw 500 str gives additional 20% damage increase, 500 dex gives like 10% increase. The difference gets reduced with more crit chance you have.
While dex gives you evasion and aspd on some skill, str still gives better patk for min-maxing especially with Glass Mole card. I don’t see any option is wrong so it’s more of your preference.
There’s more to it: critical attack provided by DEX. BM3 builds crit a lot (Ranger3 and Rogue2 seem to be the norm now) and you also get some crit chance with the new Tracer Bullet attribute, so besides having more aspd, you get a good dmg boost for your critical hits.
So does Dual Gun Stance’s skill level affect Outrage?
Yes, I think it does affect the damage. Higher dual gun stance for higher outrage damage.
(after patch) Bernice ranking
What is Bernice ranking? Looks so interesting. Is that the Korean version of classbuild ranking?
Solo dungeon
We already have this on iTOS
KTOS vids
Ktest patches already live on KTOS.
One of the ported patches, translated by Crevox:
Another ported patch: raid on live server, and several resets for several changed classes.
After-nerf meta AA cleric with new Asio mace (summon doll) solo stage 7. If you are unfamiliar with new raid items, view the guide here<< (includes raid vids)
Summoner after patch
Pyro3 Sorc3 Necro3 challenge stage 6 solo here<<
Wiz2 Linker3 Sorc3 Sage2 and party drake raid here<<
Hey Greyhiem. Any videos of Acio Pisto in actionl? Really excited about this one.
Not yet. Some players have it but don’t want to show (video) it without strong enchant.
ichor happened on this one
When I find more new raid weapon (test) vids, I will post also collect it on the guide thread, so you will be able to easily find it.
Some are quite popular for visual appeal, for example mergen’s rabbit summon on Asio bow.
Asio mace Doll summon procs on skills, so it’s great on multi-hit builds. For example zealots will easily proc doll and kill dolls with constant AoE. Similar for plague doctor, druids, and of course the AA-cleric builds. However it does not get damaged by plague doctor’s DoTs (bug?).
Did I see correctly sorc build first in damage. :o
Sorc is very strong after buffs. Froster lord’s magic-based attacks + linker’s spirit shock 25% magic defence break debuff. And new sorc buff adds another 20% defence-ignore buff on froster lord. Think his froster deals up to 150k per hit per attack.
If you use strike-summon, you cannot apply your own bonus physical defence break, but strike-summons may get wizard3’s lethargy strike-damage attribute. If your party includes physical-def break characters, wiz3 + marnox or necroventer would be good choices for boss.
Good to know the buffs finally delivered. Been a long wait for sorc3 to be good. I wasn’t expecting this strong tho, perhaps nerfs coming next again?
Asio mace Doll summon procs on skills, so it’s great on multi-hit builds. For example zealots will easily proc doll and kill dolls with constant AoE. Similar for plague doctor, druids, and of course the AA-cleric builds. However it does not get damaged by plague doctor’s DoTs (bug?)
Does the aoe damage from the doll also proc effects like Verijo or Biteregina?
Why there is so fel inqui 3 videos e.e
Hi guys
Any fletcher mergen CM videos available ?