Tree of Savior Forum

Racism and Xenophobia

I have to say that Portuguese language in a international chat and forum creeps me out. International means that anyone should speak International language (in our case its English) so all community could understand each other.
Little example: I haven’t see any Russian (my home land) that speak on Russian language on forum and chat (for 8h of gameplay and 40+h reading forum).
Srsly, that’s most awful things about Brazilians.

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You never played Eve Online… did you?

I really have no idea how to express that disappointment I have in my own nation as an American. People are just disgusting, and it sickens me when others are treated poorly. I can’t even begin to apologize enough for all the harsh treatment.

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People are baiting Brazilians, and it seems to be working. Most BRs respond to criticism and generalization by acting in the exact toxic manner they’re being portrayed…doesn’t help our image at all.

Being Brazilian myself,I’d say our bad rep is somewhat warranted, unfortunately.

I could care less about all the bad blood, I’m enjoying the game. Hope this doesn’t end with us IP banned.

Well they said ‘recommend’ in their announcement post. So I don’t think so.

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Im actually really glad there’ll be a new latin server… it means more fluid game experience and they didnt even say anything about blocking the other servers o.õ anyway even if they do what is the big deal? is beta… its a test phase, it’ll reset in 30 days anyway, they are not punishing anybody, it’s almost a gift ._.

I’m worried about how this will affect their attitude towards us after the beta is over.

Yet another game we’re barred from, I’m sure :s

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It’s so zzzzz, RECOMMEND
“If you are a Latin American tester, we recommend you to play at the Latin American Server.”
Forget IP block for now. Who knows in the future …

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I don’t think so.
If it was their will, they just had to IP block right now and that’s it. But they’re spending more money on a different server and plus this another server will be running 7 more days = more money spent.


The solution about this my friends,is using a report system that actually works.
Print screen WITH the transgression. A punishment system with actual numbers: 1 transgression= Warn
2 transgressions= Mute
3 transgressions= Ban.
Thats Simple.
If its an br that’s “hueing” at you, warn it and ban.
If it continues,mute it.
If it manages to somehow continue. Ban. Thats not very complicated to do.
And not about the brazilian people only. actually, every transgression like bug exploit, trash talking, or anything like that could be listed as a transgression.
About the Language.
People are free to use any language they want. neither you nor anyone else should have the power to limit a culture just about what YOU think is annoyng or not. Want to get into the conversation of another people? Find a translator and be happy. take some time and LEARN another language, as we have to, even if Chinese, Portuguese and another lot of languages are actually GLOBAL and not only local languages.

I sincerely hope that some moderator read this. or even an administrator.
Sorry for the english mistakes tho. As you can see,not everyone have the time to get into YOUR culture just for YOUR confort.


Sadly it’s not just USA that sees us like that, but the entire world. What I find funny is that a lot of “politically correct” Americans are the first ones to judge and treat others poorly.

I understand what you’re feeling and I apreciate it, but like it’s not right for me to pay for something that others did, it’s also wrong for you to want to apologize for the discrimination that others did. No one should pay for what others did.

I hope that we don’t get IP Blocked as well, but it’s the more realistic ending for this case. It’s just that, as a company, IMC can’t show a more… harsh treatment, so we can’t entirely believe in the word “recommend”.

Just the fact that we’re being excluded (in the case of a IP Block) is a punishment. But if they don’t IP Block, it’s a present. But I’ll still play in Lamia exactly because I don’t want to see the hue players.

LuG is there for you (since I’ll just drop out if that’s the case).

Yet another situation where the silent majority will pay for the loud minority.
For all the good willing brazilians out there, I feel very sorry. I know extremely well how it feels to be judged for something people around you did, but not exactly you.
Well at least for the beta you probably still can stay, but this doesn’t sound good for the future.


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Stereotypes exist for a reason.


Yeah, I can imagine what you said, and sometimes I even think that there are people that’s not even Brazilian doing some “huehue” just to give us even more bad reputation, but whatever. I didn’t know that NA and Brazil hated each other so much… I thought it was something more related just with the gaming world.

Well, I like NA, I have nice friends there from my work and all. Reality is sad, I want to go to the 2D world, marry my waifu and forget all this

And this reason is called >minority<. Try counting how many people huehue around the chat. Yesterday I counted just 4. The problem is that they spam a lot. While on the other hand, the >majority< is playing normaly and even trying to hide that they are Brazilians just to not be discriminated and treated like shiit.



yeah, sure, have you ever heard about vocal minority?

I always try to treat everyone equally. Everyone is different and their own being, worthy of a chance to prove what they are and what they’re not. If a lot more people had this sort of mind-set, then it’d be a happier world. lol


I just want to play and enjoy my game but people are making it pretty hard with xenophobism and sometimes appealing to racism. I don’t want to see servers made to specific regions. Isn’t it supposed to be internacional? We are all missing the purpose of “games” in general that are unite people not segregate. I’m really disappointed with some people of our community.

Gamers aren’t planks.

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Report buttons should be a thing, but they also should be sent with screens, so if the report is something made out of rage should penalize the one reporting.