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R8 Archer Skills Translation

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new meta cheap enchant skill , A3R1Rogue1Falconer3 , double MultiShoot and double feint barrage

hard choice
Hackapell skill can only be use while mount
A2>R3, A2>QS3 seem still viable for hackapell
but the filler in R6, 7 are the question
basically sapper and hunter can be left out
Scout Camouflage and Cloaking cant be use while mount, only Flare Shot will be benefiting Hackapell, so probably not a good choice either
as for Rogue, seem Sneak Hi is the only skill benefit hackapell too, so, out
Wugushi C2 and C3 skill cant be use while mount, C2 offer good AOE, but having Wugushi might help boosting single target DPS
Falconer skill could be use while mount, but going it seem to be a waste without going C3, or just stay C1 for circling, in this case, C3 is impossible, and Circling dont seem to be benefiting hackapell at all
all Fletcher skill can be use while mount, spammable AOE, but putting Fletcher in, probably have to drop A2 for Fletcher C3
SR, restricted with pistol, hackapell have 2 skills support pistol, 1 of them restricted, and 3 skills support 1 hand sword, with 2 of them restricted
comparing all 4 skills, the pistol restricted skill seem to be less efficient in PVE, and wielding pistol meaning have to give up 2h bow in quick swap, personally feel 100% dmg bonus for flying mob is too much to miss, and SR3 skill seem to be too good to miss when going SR 2

guys any info now about stacking arrows? only by basic attck? or can stack using skills?

does STORM BOLT got attribute lvl increase?

-re roll for hakka.

Hakkapelle looks awesome

Hackapell is too weak, worse than pre buff R7 when released(Musketeer and Canoneer were awful at release).

Mergen looks extremely boring.

Not a good rank for archers.

Mergen does look pretty boring, but Hakkapelle is at least a unique twist. It can equip normal 1-handed swords in the off-hand slot, which makes for strong itemization.

And no one here talks about A3 > QS3 > ?? > Mergen

what does it bring? Kneeling shot + Running Shot + Mergen attribute (increased range from attribute)

unless IMC fixed their camera option, or remove the zoomy function.

I think for hackapel, 2 skills support for pistol but 2 skills restricted, and 3 skills support with 1H sword but 1 skill restricted.

Note: Skarphuggning and Storm Bolt required a 1H sword, only Leg Shot that requires pistol, and Cavalry Charge suits all with sub weapons.

QS3 > Mergen is bad because the mergen attribute only works with 2H bow. Meaning you cant use the new grand cross and your damage will be lower than ideal.

Hackappell pet, also stay invisible when use Cloaking?

man i feel deflated since i’m locked into falconer3 with seeing all these big numbers while I have to content with “boring” support stuff that’s just the same as c1 and c2 only its slightly bigger circles

I think you forget about auto swap, we can still use GC as main weapon and put 2H-Bow on weapon swap.

You lose the damage bonus when you swap out of the GC

Thanks a lot for the translations!

Here I am now, theorycrafting builds in my head…

Now, if Bazooka from Cannon C2 could be used together with Running Shot…
That could really hurt, even if situational.

Smoke grenade seems awesome for me, 50% more damage from Cannon and 12sec duration on level 5… and of course the debuffs.
33 seconds cooldown is ok, other cannon skills should also be on cooldown at the time.

For Musket, Bird Fall seems a nice addition and Volley seems another good burst skill.
About its attributes, most can be useful in PvP imo.

SR is all about love… and I love it.

Falcon makes me REALLY curious about how AI will trigger the skills with Preemptive Strike, and how buggy or not it might come to us.

And last, but not least, Mergen is looking great for me
I am trying and trying to think about a good synergy for this class, since I dislike ranger and fletcher… maybe an A2>Sapper2>Wugu3>Mergen…

But I’ll be a patient boy(cough) and wait for more videos and info about all these classes before start making decisions.

Anyway, thanks again!!

Quickedit: Aiming and the circling skills looks great on paper. Hope it turns to be useful.

it says Bow or a 2Handbow.

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Now Musketeer player have to choose a hard choice. Because they add a lot of new attribute. B-Stroke & B-Thrust become pretty strong skills/unity. (B-Thrust(Bleed-NoRegen)>B-Stroke(doubleDMG+doubleDMG 10sec)>VolleyFire>Snipe>PenetrationShot/HeadShot/CoveringFire = XXX)

Problem we don’t have enough skill point.

For someone who play QS3+Musket. With new attribute Kneeling Penetration Shot+Rapid Fire.
Allow player to pushed back the enemies while spam kneeling+rs.

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