Tree of Savior Forum

Quests ruined ToS

We play MMOs to have fun with other people.
We play single-player RPGs to have fun with the world and story.

This game will fade away just like TERA, Blade and soul, and so many others that I don’t even remember the names of anymore.

Here is the details:
There is four legendary MMOs that are decades old, yet people still play them till this day.
But why?
Why not all these new mmos with modern game mechanics and player friendly systems?

Here, I will tell you.

  1. World of Warcraft
    Everyone and their mothers played it, it wasn’t because the game itself was good, it was a social phenomenon and something shared is something fun. When could a kid brag about this leet guild doing raids to his friend’s mother. For WoW you could, enough said, everyone knows about WoW.

  2. Ragnarok Online
    It had something for everyone, but everything in the game seemed to guide people to play together, or at-least require alot of socializing. Veterans can get newbies into the game by power-leveling them, people formed really close personal bonds through grinding together for months and months. WoW marriages? There are way more ratio of real life marriages that came from Rangarok. Hell, people took the roles of NPC’s offering warps, being buff slaves in party, spending whole weeks farming potions for the guild? Yeah.

  3. Lineage 1 & 2
    Everything in that game was about guilds and alliances. Most chars could easily be replaced by bots. But loyalty and coordination and obedience in mass pvp could not. Doing world boss meant you needed only 4 people to fight the boss, and about 50 people to kill everyone else that wants it. Drama, spies, RL bribing. It was like Game of Thrones, Korean mmo edition. It was the only video game where some russian committed 1rst degree murder over. Thats right, it was two alliance leaders. No life nerds got so heated in drama, one planned the murder of another in real life.

  4. EVE Online
    This is like the western modern version of Lineage 2. Everything correlates almost 1:1. Though the target audience seems to be completely different, EVE and Lineage 2 is in spirit, the same game. Guild and alliance doing epic scale battles where gear and value is lost. Solo player grinding is reduced to something a robot would do? Yup, 1:1


Arguing about class resets. Are you kidding me? Who is going to play this game for over a year? About 1/10 of you.

You know why?
Because the whole experience of the game is to grind for a thousand hours till people are level 500, all while solo.

I don’t care if my swordsman is weak as ■■■■ and no one wants me, when dungeons give 50% bonus exp for playing with strangers who I wont even see or talk to afterwards. Yeah, replace thoes guys with bots, or AI that block the doorways, same ■■■■.

You could get a max level char in WoW in like 100 hours tops (if your bad) then its all endgame from there, playing with friends and guilds.
Similar avoidances to grinding could be made for L2,EvE, RO…

I aint re-rolling my char in ToS, no way. I rather go play with my guildmates in other games where we can ACTUALLY play together.

If I was IMC:
Make mobs give 50x exp.
Make mobs do 10x more damage.

People will socialize and make friends.
Bots will die and make pennies and dimes.

People having friends and playing with friends in a videogame will outweigh any “amazing modern cool gameplay” gimmick you can come up with as a developer. Realize it you money hungry company executives. No, people dont respect you because your a soulless money making machine.

Quests, hah, what a joke.


The only game with a real social circle is star wars galaxies and you didn’t even mention it.

Go play on the emu server and report back.

Edit: Btw you can always not do quests and maybe you find likewise ppl.

Additionally quests stop at 235 so then you shine! :wink:

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So if i understand your post right, your complain is you have made a swordman without peltasta or even a worst swordman and no one want you in their party?.

Deal with it

Old games? times change, like life.

Also if the other games are so good and better, why are you playing tos? go play the other games, no one is going to miss you!


I was actually thinking, what will happen if nobody grinds anymore and there’s a player that’s just starting? Sure, there are quests, but it stops giving decent exp at a certain level. This game requires you to rely on others for decent exp. At level 50, you can do your first dungeon, but who are you gonna do it with? Grinding alone will be tough and it will only get tougher once you get in the higher levels. You might say, the cards are there to help, but even with those cards, you’ll have to grind eventually.

A lot of us right now probably won’t have to deal with this problem in the future, but that doesn’t mean it’s not a concern. Slowly, people are going to leave. That’s reality. And there won’t be players to replace them simply because the game is designed in a way that solo players can’t grind. Or even if they do, it would take them 10 times longer to achieve max level. They would most likely quit before they reach 200.


I actually hate the wow phenomenon and that dungeon/quest spam culture. I love d3 and ragnarok because of the grinding. This is now they planned ToS initially and they should have sticked to it.


OP has a point though. It is way more fun grinding with people than grinding along. Who hates having an ass to grind to?


I feel the quests, dungeon and grind are an okay balance. Some might think it’s not but thus far, I’ve already made friends from the different countries that are in the SEA and heavily enjoying to spend my precious hours into TOS. And we happen to still be chatting our dischord and try to do things together as much as possible and help each other out.

Also, you have a choice to reroll if not, get some friends and play with them.

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i believe… this 280 level is just a Beginner Area.
this game has so SO! much potential… that i can assure you guys.

in IMC i trust.

Its fine, we have to actually coordinate now.

Remember when a salamander in RO could 1 shot anyone and ran across the map in under 0.5 seconds. People did fine, we have the same mechanic in this game.

Please get good, or are you sometime of idiot who cant do more then face-roll your hotkeys.

No one will miss you either. Think about it. Thats is the point of this post.
How many really good friends have you made in this game? I have about 30 people online right now that I play games with cuz we were friends on Lineage 2 or Ragnarok. These friends are people I play random games with all the time, right now I am waiting for one of them to cook and eat and we can play some factorio. (great game btw)

Understand the point of this post please.

Thats why there was always leeching. Even tho you got like 5% of the exp you could still level up fast.

But instead of fighting mobs, your are talking and getting close to the people who will be your friends and guildies.

Then you ask, why will anyone do that for a newbie.

Because once a game gets to that point, new players become a commodity, every clan will want more members who is loyal. Developing a new player will always create a more loyal and friendly guildie then inviting someone who is already at the endgame.

Grinding with friends is fun, questing with friends is impossible. [quote=“senseofeven, post:8, topic:241636”]
I feel the quests, dungeon and grind are an okay balance
All of these should be all with friends, quests can be designed to be massively huge and or repeatable so people can do them together. Dungeons should reward playing with friends, not with randoms who you wont talk to.
Grind exp is really bad, Questing exp from level 170-190 is about 9x faster then grinding and 3x faster then missions. (I calculated with a cata with trot, so might be more extreme)


Do you only read the first sentence I post? Haha.

Everything feels okay because I go out there and make friends in game and it IS surely very rewarding.

If they are balanced why do we grind only when we need to?
I mean, as long as we have dungeon runs available and quests to do, we avoid grinding. This in a game supposed to be a heavy grinding one.

Grinding is not on par with anything else, that’s the reason everyone avoids it, even us who loves grinding field maps.

You could be having more fun… You don’t want that?

[quote=“linzhang7, post:10, topic:241636, full:true”]Thats why there was always leeching. Even tho you got like 5% of the exp you could still level up fast.

But instead of fighting mobs, your are talking and getting close to the people who will be your friends and guildies.

Then you ask, why will anyone do that for a newbie.

Because once a game gets to that point, new players become a commodity, every clan will want more members who is loyal. Developing a new player will always create a more loyal and friendly guildie then inviting someone who is already at the endgame.

Let’s be real here. Do you honestly think that someone will babysit a new player until he’s maxed? Do you even have the slightest idea of how much grinding is needed to get to 280? It doesn’t even end there.

@linzhang7 you have a point. If they would only increase the exp of mobs in grinding spots, but also making them stronger so it is not easy for anyone to solo, then that would be very conducive for parties to thrive in those places . It will also solve the problem of over congestion in instance dungeons and exp gain difference with questing. Also, instance dungeons should only give a little experience advantage over grinding spots. This way people can choose whether to do quest, grind, or do dungeons, and be not forced to just do one of these for the sake of gaining massive experience.

Oh ya. I bet you haven’t reached lv 200+ yet.
Try to withstand a spiral shot from archer at lv 223 map.
X10 damage…man, you sure are funny


I undestand your point, but remember that those games were created some years ago, when there were very few MMOs and really nothing to choose from. If those games were created nowadays they would meet the same fate as many others that were forsaken just one year after release.

No you can’t. People need to stop saying this, because it is flat wrong. Quests are mandatory in this game as they provide a LARGE amount of stat points by the time you do them. They are FAR from optional.

You get stats from quests?
If that is the case, I need to do more of em instead of grinding with friends… xD

Yes typically the story quests but there are others that give stat points or increase weight limit etc.