Tree of Savior Forum

Questions for Pyro 3


If you pick Sage for R8, Hell Breath gives you meelee immunity, Missile Hole gives Mages/Archers semi-immunities. You want a mobile character but almost all Pyro skills are groundbased.

Also hell breath debuff does not work as quickcast with Agni Necklace because it’s applied on the target so they add up mutltiplicatively (different tiers of multipliers).

My character is indeed mobile, I wasn’t talking about my skills though…

And I’m getting Enchanter instead :open_mouth:

I have another question here. As i stated i my post above, i’m still not sure what class to take for r7. Which is better, warlock or thauma? If i choose thauma, what should my stat allocation be? Full int? Or a little con then rest to int? Also what armor should i get? Honestly all this time i play, i dont care on armor til i realized mobs keep hitting me harder lately on my main cleric.

The reason i dont wanna take link 3 for r7 cause as some people stated there are mobs that immune to link, and since we dont know how many maps will have more mobs like that in the future, i personally dont think it’s wise to take link 3. So my intend is to choose either class that give me more dps capability or support what i already have.

I have same build as you, but i stopped lvling it at like 210 and will pick it back up when we get agni.

For rank 7 im picking kino for the utility. things like swapping bosses and mobs into firepillar, fireball+pp combo, picking people up in pvp and holding them in firepillar, also teleport is cool.

I think, lifeline is enough of a good reason, you can have sometimes people with 650 strenght or int or 400 dexteritry and a full con sharing the whole stat for team.

I don’t think thaumaturge1 is a good rank investment at r7, simply because the only really relevant thing you get out of it is transpose, which for many reasons is an extremely situational skill. If you go heavy int and transpose into con, you’ll just end up with an empty health bar that needs to be refilled every time you cast it. And if you go heavy con, you’ll transpose into sub-par int and then end up with an empty health bar once again when you let it run out. This is useful for really niche things that all involve having a pocket cleric…all of which you’d have in mind already if you were dead set on it.

I find linker2 enough personally and yeah, many more mobs are link immune in rank 8 content. Lifeline is only half uptime anyway and falconer3 basically does what linkers do but better. lol.

Kino is an interesting choice that Gringe makes good points about!
Meanwhile, chrono1 would be an interesting gimmick with the pyro and stop combo, but generally not a very worthy choice.

Personally I think you should go with the damage-dealing route, because pyro damage is so unreliable. There are fire resistant mobs, there are elementalist rain and taoist storm calling to make your damage go poof, and all the melee in the world kicking around your fireballs. Warlock seems acceptable, but I think Featherfoot and then Featherfoot2 would be better. Featherfoot damage recently got changed from dark type to poison type, which would benefit from joint penalty’s 50% damage bonus on linked targets.

Btw sage isn’t actually a great followup for pyros at the moment, or at least as I’ve seen. The aoe size increase is hilariously piddly and the duplicated fireballs seem to be lvl 1 or something, idk, when I saw it in action it looked impressive until it actually started hitting things.

Good luck!

Edit: I have been corrected, sage duplication does work properly and preserves levels. More testing on how it interacts with other people’s fireballs needed.


Well I noticed no one did my distribution so this is what I did:

Fireball 10;
Fire Pillar 10;
Flame Grounds 10;
Enchant Fire 10;
Hell Breath 5;

I like it, deals a lot of damage and if people don’t ■■■■ up my combo I can easily reach first place in DPS. But as @bckimilin said, Pyro’s damage is very inconsistent. Would be cool if they’d fix the range on Enchant Fire;

Anyways. Good luck with your wizzie.

why enchant fire at 10? does it boost your fire damage significantly? or just for aa purposes?

Enchant fire does 2 thing

It give you an additional line of damage (When Auto Attacking)
And it increase the damage of your spell by is proprity bonus (Not much…)
Lvling enchant fire is mostly for the duration.

I don’t think it worth much to boost enchant fire over lv1 or Full duration enchant fire (that around 5 or 6 if i remeber)

Fireball lv 15 (15 Hit bigger duration why not !!! Kinda annnoying in group but great tool when soloing)
Fire Pillar 10 (Bigger AoE each 5 lv !!! + bonus duration and only control of pyromancer)
Flame Ground 3 (Only get an extra second each lv… Good to lv up if you whant to pass over FlameWall
Enchant Fire 1 (To save point and mostly for Quarrel shootter when I party with one or early lvling for Cafrisum + Sacrement + Enchant Fire + Proprity hat + Arde Dagger etc…)
Hell Breath 1 (Got some nice bonus damage but don’t profit from lvling like other spell does. Also we don’t use this spell that much, the debuff 50% bonus to fire is bad because of the REALLY low chance to proc (You can easily full chanel the whole duration whitout proc it.)
Firewall 15 (Your Another tool vs Flying Mob, do some nice damage and tick faster than most of your other spell, kinda depedend of what you fighting and take a bit more time to setup if you don’t quick press the button.)
…Flare 0 (Flare…)


Yea, i’m not in a hurry with this since i’m making this character to accompany my friend who planned to make miko. But i just need some thorough plan before continue on making progress later since i realised i think i dont know much about wiz class.

Still i dont think it’s worth it to take link 3 just for lifeline. Just my personal preference though. But thanks for input.

Wow long post. Ok so, after i read what u think about thauma 1, it’s actually hammer some sense to me. So i think i wont take thauma. Same with linker 3, i still stand on my opinion not to take it. And no chrono for this build as i already have one going atm.

Now that leaves kino/warlock/FF. Firstly, kino. I dont hate kino, but the thought of PP+fireball combo can’t hit flying mobs bother me a lot. Like i need some extra skills to hit the most hateable enemy type for pyro (not to mention most of them hurt a lot), but the combo can’t help me do that. I feel like a waste of good skills.

Second, warlock. I’m still not sure whether to take sage or WL 2 for r8. I haven’t reach r8 realm yet, so i’m not sure if sage really great or not good like u said. While i can be sure, WL2 currently is not that good after reading other thread for some time.

Third, FF. This is interesting choice. I haven’t thought about this myself. The only doubt i have would be i thought u need to have wiz3 for FF to work well? Or is it still viable without wiz3?

Thanks. Still in progress though. Currently i just leave some skill on 1 point only before deciding to take firewall route or not

That’s a lot of explanation. Thanks! I think i’m one step leaning on firewall route

Also, mind if u guys can suggest me what armor i should take? I totally have no idea on which armor i should use on every level (yes, i know i’m noob. I just use free armor from quest all this time). Thanks!

Ive seen chronos use firewall to deal damage during stop multiple times during tbl. It has to do with the fact that its a debuff that deals damage.

This is misinformation, my duplicated fireballs are lvl 15.

If it’s about the debuff then pillar should also damage during Time Stop. :C
But yeah Pyros go well with Chronomancer. I’d say it’s a good match for control/dps.

Yea but i already have pyro chrono build, so i dont think i wanna take chroni for this one.

But, which build do u guys think is better for r7 & r8?
WL 2 or
FF 2

Given the previous class are pyro 3-link 2


Pyro 3 Kino 3 Sage here. PvE Warlock offers great damage with PoA which is way stronger with link (as everything), sage shield and duplicating lvl 15 fireballs is awesome aswell.
For PvP sage gives you almost perfect immunity to lots of ranged things, while WL provides a really good shield for melee ones. So you can perfectly duplicate 2 lvl 15 fireballs and link them with enemy team, stacking together in a point where you can perfectly throw PoA and you’ll deal godlike damage, while still be safe from those archers in cloak.

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Thanks for the correction!
I wonder if it was some other interaction that was causing this, but when I watched someone demo the skill, their duplicated fireballs disappeared after just a hit or so. Similarly, duplicated structures only dealt 1 dmg. My bad for the misinformation.

Was the one duplicating actually a pyro? It seems to be that if you don’t have the skills that you are duplicating they default to level 1 in a lot of cases.


Alot of spell are made to be duplicated at lv 1.
Take icewall for exemple … That would be kinda… Retarded.
IceTree full duration would be kinda way too strong.

Thanks for the confirmation. Decided to check this out myself, confirm that the duplicated fireballs aren’t level 1 as well.

So how do you like having 15 into fire wall? I want to do the same build, but am not sure if I should do 15 into flame ground or 15 into fire wall. Do you wish you could change it?

I assume he didn’t put points on firewall, based on what he said. @Ouzoo