Tree of Savior Forum

Questions for Pyro 3

Hello. I’ve got questions for all Pyro 3 out there. I only ever played pyro 2 all this time, so i’m not sure how i should distribute my skill points for pyro 3. So, how many points will u put for Hell Breath, Enchant Fire and Flame Ground? And mind to give the reason as well?

For now, my plan is:
Fireball 15
Enchant Fire 5
Flame Ground 10
Fire Pillar 10
Hell Breath 5

Is that ok?

if you don’t like Firewall then yeah that’s good

it’s not like i hate firewall, it’s just that i read in some other thread, firewall usefullness affected by aoe def ratio of mobs. so actually i’m not sure whether to get firewall or not since u have to put 15 points on it which is a lot and i rarely see other people using it.

edit: oh and also, is it possible to circling fire wall around the boss just like ice wall?

Icewall and firewall are used the same way (You create it whatever you like it and a quick presss will make a line.)

Def ratio is = to the size of monster
Small = 1 (Will take all firewall charge)
Med = 2 ( Will take 2 charge hit)
Large = 3
Boss = 4

Firewall also hit flying isn’t that bad and got a good ratio with agni comming
But it possible to do a build whitout it yeah.
But defenitly not a bad spell !

I see. this is why i’m not sure whether to leave it or not. how about u? did u invest on firewall? if so, how’s ur skill distribution?

My own distribution is like that

Fireball 15
Firewall 15
Flameground 3
Hellbreath 1
Enchant Fire 1

Because the damage is = to spell damage + Your Magic attack, the little you gain from the lvlup don’t matter this much late game (Still i’m not soo sure with those new monster and their insame Magic resit XD)
What you whant from lvling your spell is more damage tick / cast
And in case of firepillard, A bigger AoE is alway nice.

I haven’t lvlup flameground that much because it only 1 sec per lv and it start with 15 sec that I consider plenty of time.
Also Agni mutiplier on flameground is around 1,6 (+160% or 260% in total)
While firewall is 2,45 if i remeber right. (345% in total)

It don’t mean lvling flameground won’t be usefull because the extra second won’t be lost later when the monster become WAY more tanky (R8…)

But the choice is between Flameground and Firewall.

How about Flare? Will having it a good boost to damage, or will we be too busy casting other skills that we have no time to cast Flare?

I see. Btw what armor do u use? Cloth or plate?

Alternatively you could just go Flare 15 and just save the other 30 skill points to have the icon say 30 in red which looks cool.
With less skills to distract you you also get to invest in Flare attribute to +100 quickly.

I accidentally put point on flare when i started playing tos. So i tried to use it one day, and i regret put point on it. Flare damage isn’t that high. And since most pyro skills debuff is burn which is dot, u wont have enough time to do it cause u’ll be busy casting ur other skill and by the time u wanna cast flare the enemy already dead or the debuff already gone.

The other thing is i dont know if it’s because i’m lag or not, when i tried to use flare, the enemy keep running so i miss my chance to use it. If this is ice blast, i might consider putting point on it since ice skill freeze enemy and u can just cast it while they stop. And also, imo, i think it’s more effective to just use enchant fire then auto attack, since using flare will cost sp too.

Edit: i only put 1 point in flare that time, so i’m not sure if the damage is good if it’s higher level and max attr. Then again all of this is just my personal opinion. But i’ve seen most build dont even consider putting point on flare

I have that exact skill point distribution on my pyro3 thaum3 sage. It works fine.

On the whole fire wall thing, It largely matters on your build how useful it is.

For instance linkers can share the hits so it hits multiple targets per charge, Thaums can lower aoe defense to 1 on non bosses, Fire wall does damage during stop for chronos.

I personally find Fire wall too much of a hassle to use even though I have shrink body that synergizes well with it.

have u tested it?

and i assume u have 5 points on hell breath. is it worth it? like do u use it often? or is it better to leave it at 1 point only? also, when u use hell breath can u move? or is it like when using PP?

i planned to build wiz- pyro 3- link 2- warlock/thauma- sage. and like u said firewall can be shared via link, leaving me uncertain as to leave or take firewall since it’s hit count limit also depends on enemy size. not to mention u need to dump 15 points on it to make it work well. which is why i’m still not convinced to sacrfice all my other skill just for firewall.

I currently have Hell Breath at level 1 but someone on Reddit said that its chance to debuff seems to go up with the levels :scream:

Using Hell Breath is like Psychic Pressure. You can’t move

is damage ok for lvl 1? and by debuff, do u mean knockback chance? @tampon

What build do you want to follow? That’ll drastically change your skill point allocation.

I for example am a Pyro 3 Chrono 3 and I have 0 points on hell’s breath, in my case it’s pointless to use a skill that snares you when your build is meant to have mobility.

wiz-pyro3-link2-warlock/thauma-sage. which i intend to be more dps since i played with a FS cleric. and also since i said at the start, most of the time i only play pyro 2, i dont have a chance to ever try hell breath nor firewall. so i kinda uncertain as to stick to my initial point allocation or choose firewall instead @Anarth

this debuff


oh i didnt know this. thanks for info :grinning:


If you pick Sage for R8, Hell Breath gives you meelee immunity, Missile Hole gives Mages/Archers semi-immunities. You want a mobile character but almost all Pyro skills are groundbased.

Also hell breath debuff does not work as quickcast with Agni Necklace because it’s applied on the target so they add up mutltiplicatively (different tiers of multipliers).

My character is indeed mobile, I wasn’t talking about my skills though…

And I’m getting Enchanter instead :open_mouth: