Tree of Savior Forum

Question on rogue's capture and interaction with sapper skills

Can you capture more than one skill at the same time? Eg, place a broom trap and stockade on top of each other and capture, and cast both of them at the same time with capture?

Could not confirm off old threads, some said yes and some no.

- Capture Skill cooldown has been reduced from 5 minutes to 3 minutes.
- Capture Skill will no longer be able to steal [Spike Shooter] and [Tet Mamak La]

Use your trap. Capture it when the trap CD is done. Use the trap again > use the captured trap = Double trap.

Its a trap. :joy:

ps: It works.

Thanks dude, yeah i saw this list. However what need to clarify is if you can capture TWO traps with one cast of capture --> Cast broom trap AND stockade, capture it and release broom trap and stockade with one cast of capture. Can anyone please verify

capture only takes on skill casted, and the amount of circles it takes depends on capture skill LVL

it doesnā€™t actually
itā€™s bugged
you can steal as much as you want with capture lvl 1


When you capture one time, the next time you use it ā€œdropā€ the previous skillā€¦

Cool, what do you think of this build AR2/Sap2/Rogue/Scout/Cannon or Musk?
Can capture broom + stock + punji + flare shot and after casting activate sneak hit and run around enemy?

You capture everything that is on captureā€™s range
like if there is 100 heal magic circle, you can steal all of them if theyā€™re in captureā€™s range and use after, independent of capture level

Sounds good
if i didnā€™t go for ranger, i would go for that build

Edited, I will confirm with more tests later.

Care to share your test results?

this. 100% accurate.

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