Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread (keep all in-game discussion here)

Suddenly remember…Necromancer’s minions have horrible AI and it will turn out irrelevant in PVE scenario. Decay can’t be apply on bosses as well.


Well, we can hope they figure something to make them bearable at least.

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“Furthermore, a new skill will be added that summons “Skeleton Archers” that use bows. They rely on your control, and deal heavy damage.”


more archer support!

Now that I think about it… a few exeptions such as Wugushi aside because atributes it seems that Linker is going to enter the Paladin camp eh… this is admitedly a problem as much as Iike the idea of just being able to buy Penalties because Featherfoot boyz.

Question on rogue's capture and interaction with sapper skills

this thread has a list of captureable things

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Translated a few things here for those interested.

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Look in their costumes. Isn’t that the Taoist Priest costume, 1 to the left on the far right? I thought it was switched to cleric though? Or maybe an older picture.

Then again there’s swordie’s thrust in the hotbar so…

Lvl 5 Theurge is 4 hits per spirit, not 5.

Lvl 1 = 2 hits
Lvl 3 = 3 hits
Lvl 5 = 4 hits

So Lvl 10 Theurge will only be 6 hits, not 10.

Do remember this is being done by a dude that could make their character have C3 in literally every class at the same time, in other words don’t think too much about that.

Maybe GM or Dev player? His level is 310. lol

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Don’t mine their level or class it is a dev character they even make Sage and Enchanter on lv 280/15 character (with class advancement button still up…).

Sage look cool though.

I’m glad I decided to go Necro instead of Ele 3(I saw the Frost Cloud nerf coming), the skelly archers and new nuke has me sold.

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Look another “new player”.

we had the Frost Cloud nerf from the beginning. it is nothing new to iToS Wizards.

Wizard utility skills being scrollable is a major game changer. Especially seeing the example. This is probably the single most incredible change in my opinion for Wizard R8. Things like Joint Penalty and possibly even Pass scrolls will undoubtedly create a very specific endgame environment as far as what you must have.

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Skeleton archers for necro is cute and all, but won’t really mean much if they and the warriors still get instagibbed at bosses and earth tower. At that point, there isn’t any use for them besides normal grinding, and if you’re already rank C8, how much normal grinding do you still need and for what purpose?


Resume of all of this;


two or three for archers, clerics and swords…



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