Tree of Savior Forum

Pyromancer Late Build

Thanks for this post! It’s very helpful.

I’m currently a Pyro2>Linker1 and I don’t know which path to take. It was supposed to be a Pyro2>Linker1>Sorc2>FF/WL but I’m not so sure right now.

I believe Pyro isn’t supposed to be a top tier DPS anyway, so I was also considering Chrono 3 for full support role (with Linker) with a tiny bit of DPS.

Actually, I’m quite fond of this build. I would love to see it in action.

In theory, it is quite funcional: Cryo provides the CC Pyro lacks and Pyro provides the damage Cryo lacks. You also have multiple low cooldown skills and can spam them freely.

It is also experimental and bold, two things I endorse a lot. I enjoy escaping from the traditional paths once in a while and Pyro3>Cryo3, if anything, is very original.

There is also an interesting combo, based on using the long duration multi-hit Pyro skills to keep triggering the Ice Wall shards.

Since I never played it, however, I can just theorize about its practical uses. I hope someone playing a Pyro3>Cryo3 can give us a feedback about its performance!

Pyro2>Linker>Sorc2>FF is a failproof tested build. Linker is a great support for Pyro, Sorc and FF, so you can rest assured it will work.

Pyro2>Linker>Crono3 is also great, as I’ve stated in my previous posts, but is less offense oriented than your previous option. Once you get to Crono3, however, if you heavily invested into INT, you can count on Pass to keep your damage up.

I personally gave up on Sorc because I really hate to rely on potions and the continuous SP consumption of the summon turned me down. And I gave up on FF because I didn’t have a Linker to support it.

You should pick the combination you feel most comfortable with; remember that picking either FF or WL as Rank 7 will allow you to get their second circle on Rank 8, and both of them seemed powerful on that preview we saw.

thank you, already decided by chrono 3, you convinced me!
can show u skill build here?

A lot of people actually regretted going for Pyro2>Linker>Sorc2>FF. It isn’t a great build end game.

I play a wiz1/cryo3/pyro3. and i must say i like it a lot. The snowball + fire balls in it makes it a really heavy burst skill with the cc on top of it.

Really easy to kill monsters, super safe gameplay. The damage does tend to drop off a bit on higher levels tho. But still a fun char non the less.

what is your level ? I’m in doubt between chrono 3 or cyro 3 :expressionless:


20 characters…

I just wanna ask, is Wiz3 pyro3 linker/warlock viable at late game? INT build of course. kinda get bored with ele3 so I wanna try a new build.

Personally I think pyro has too many glaring faults to carry it as a specialized dps end game. Its playstyle suits a secondary dps class. Cryo3 is more than enough to carry pyro which is why that particular build performs alright. With high enough attribute investment and decent gear I’d bet you could make wiz3>pyro3 semi-viable, if you really enjoy the gameplay (or future costume).

In late game grinding/dungeons fireball knockback will be the bane of your existence until you can fully replace it as your main source of damage.

This is my current build:

But I intend to chance a few things once I get a reset potion:

I’ll remove 5 points from Energy Bolt and 5 from Earthquake (since I don’t use them at all) and add them to Sleep and Lethargy.

I’ll remove 4 points from Enchant Fire and add them to Hell’s Breath (Enchant Fire 5 isn’t relevant at higher levels, so I’ll keep it for the debuff attribute; and recently, I started using Hell’s Breath a lot in Missions; it got a little bit better after the last patch).

I’ll remove 1 point from Flame Ground and put it to Fireball (Fireball 15 is more important than Flame Ground 15).

I considered swapping Flame Ground for Fire Wall, but althought a lot of people prefer Fire Wall, I grew fond of Flame Ground for its long duration and useful damage over time. I’m still thinking about it, but I’ll probably keep the Flame Ground (also, I already maxed its attribute).


Reincarnate 1, Stop 1, Haste 10 and Pass 5 will remain. I have to decide two things: first, if I’ll take Backmasking 1 or not; second, if I’ll stick to Quicken 15 or Slow 15. Haven’t decided yet.

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Nice build, i will follow this, i have one more question, double Flame Ground with Chronomancer is possible? thanks

i think fire wall 15 is better than flame ground? flame ground ticks too slow

Linker got recent buffs from kToS in the patch. I think Pyromancers are the class who should be the most happy about this probably.

I doubt any Pyro 3 skills can do more damage now than a Pyro 1/2 > Linker 1/2 if nothing gets changed.

Which linker buffs?



Not sure which skills got better but for example, you can now do ~30k damage on each mob with a 2,5k/hit MM, 1 charge, only JP so the link doesn’t even break.

My friend said his ~4k+ bats were dealing 77k total damage on 5 linked mobs.

This was the way Links worked on kToS, it was only different here, I think Pyro > Linker 2 got pretty strong if AoEs got stronger (which I haven’t tested but someone told me a few could)

Actually it is just bugged. kTos now has our old version and the repository merge just gave iTos the old JP/HK version from kTos. If you didn’t notice, the tooltip in HK tells that it only lasts for 2s at level 5 but in our current patch is lasts for 5s. It might get fixed in the next wave of the update. Also, there currently is no hit limit for our JP. The current kTos version has a JP limit.


Oh, I thought it would turn into this version.

That’s sad to hear, this version should only have AoEs multipliers removed or something like that, they made Linker way weaker on every aspect of the game, not only considering cooldowns and durations.

As much as I wanted the current JP/HK to exist. It is way too overpowered this way. Even high level mobs get obliterated with just jp > hk > mm.


Well that’s a 4~6 ranks combination, Frost Cloud can do that on a 6 rank combination.