Tree of Savior Forum

PVP rebalance? What do you want?

Agree, I think cap > nerf to 1/2.
If trans cap was 5 on PvP, full pvp players will not spend a lot to put it 6+ … same as upgrade.

If there is ever large-scale world PVP, then I say no holds barred and let full upgrades and transcendence, but at least for arena it should be capped.

The elephant in the room are clerics, no matter what kind of balancing IMC does, it’s all for naught if they don’t gimp clerics big time. You can’t be the tank, dps, healer and res all at the same time. Then they have immunities, PvP shouldn’t have immunities.

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Even sadhu is quite a cancer now in TBL. Thx to bandwagon crying about buffing the class. Safety wall then astral body explosion for 120k damage while with trans 10 +11 regard pike using Max attribute Rush will only deal 1.5k damage on them per hit.

Current damage system is a lot worst compared before. Inquisitors dealing Physical and Magic damage at the same time insta killing anything.

Balance in this game is the absolute garbage among unbalanced games out there.

Anyway rebalancing is already happening. People say nerf clerics and IMC said yes but proceed to nerf Cata Trot instead and left clerics unattended. I think it is also thx to gullible people who believed changing the damage formula will prevent 1 shot fest in PVP for this mess of a balance.

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with trans 10 +11 regard pike using Max attribute Rush will only deal 1.5k damage on them per hit.

yeah no

I get that you are upset about your class but exaggerations like this are unnecessary.

R7X - It should be a self buff, not pt buff. Player takes full damage before reflecting. Only reflects within a certain range. Add a visual cue when skill is on.

Missile Hole - It should be a self buff, not pt buff. Also it should work like it did before the patch, where the attack would do 1 dmg but the effect would do normal dgm (for example, if you used broadhead, the actual attack would do 1 dmg but the bleeding would work as intended).

CON should not give block. Also anyone who isn’t a peltasta>rodelero>murmilo should have a HARD cap on block…

2H weapons should do a lot more dmg or have some other advantage that makes up for a shield/dagger/pistol + extra gems.

Leather should give more crit rate, at least 100.

These are my main concerns. It’s really stupid right now, if you are an archer in TBL and there is a kabba and a sage on the other team you might as well quit.

Some of cleric mechanics has been nerfed long time ago. They are far balanced, like priest revive (freaking nerfed hard like shyt) invicibilty duration halved, pd’s bloodletting and healing factor duration reduced and higher cooldown. But I do agree, some are still broken like counterspell, ein sof and r7x. So if you go tbl, you’d see the meta oracle kabba inqui (I can tell, 75% are them). Imagine if they are balanced like r7x reflect only hit once with additional damage, ein sof duration halved and longer cooldown, counterspell has limited immunity buff (not target limit) like nerfed version of ausrine, i think it would be more balanced.

I wish i was exaggerating lol. Ill present the screenshot of damage when i go in TBL.

Or just make everything standardized again in TBL, this way even newbies will actually enjoy arena and encourage more queues.

Is cataphract even OP in kToS? Since when did high movement speed became an issue? This is really frustrating, first the damage nerf, now mobility nerf.


not only that, they nerfed restrain as well. :muscle:

At this point I don’t care about restrain anymore since they are countered by many things, but mobility on the otherhand is the only manual way of dodging damage for us cataphracts, it’s even barely effective because of the absurd range and hitboxes other class have.

the fall from grace for cata’s rush:

  1. remove stagger from rush
  2. reduce the damage from rush
  3. nerf trot by 50%
  4. nerf restrain by implementing diminishing returns

the cycle is almost complete.

lol ikr, wonder what the 5th nail in the coffin will be

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Same as our server, only few lucky cata3 could reach top 20 or 10, mostly consist of Sage, kino and inqui. Theyre practically the same as ours, however we seems to have more players than KToS, it means we have more people that could test cata performance. 1050 points is only rank 50 or 30 in Sea most of the time in KR theyre top 10.

Season 80 top 10 5v5

1 inqui 1124
2 tao 1101
3 tao
4 dragoon 1053
5 kabba 2
6 sage
7 warlock
8 dragoon 1030
9 PD2
10 inqui 1024

Season 79

1 Sage 1137
2 Tao 1110
3 warlock
4 PD
5 inqui 1075
6 tao
7 Kabba
8 PD
9 Dragoon 1055
10 warock 1051

I also dont know why trot suffered the same treatment as haste. Haste can be shared with teammates, no mount restriction, lesser CD and longer duration. Injustice nerf to already weak clas s in PVP. IMC dont know this apparently and this nerf will become the holy water that could kill the already dead Cata 3.

Nerf Clerics, Buff Murimilo.

Still waitin on those screenies =)

Im farming solmiki with 3 chars so I still havent gone to TBL yet for about 2 weeks already, and I reset my Cata3 into full str during that time. Ill try to request a duel with these people in the coming days since we are on the same server.

these people

What, do they have full solmiki +11 with trans10?


Full solmiki + high upgrade + trans armors. I dont know the exact, 8k+ physical and magic defense is doable already because of gloves and boots. So it all boils down to skill %. They all die from crush quintain.

I don’t know why rush needed to get hit so hard.

Archers can take Falconer to counter it. Flying is a direct counter.
Clerics have Safety Zone as a counter, or just general immunity and zone control.
Swordsman are immune to it.
Wizards have many aoes and CCs that directly counter it.

Honestly, its main use was for bodying archers who had very little to counter it because Pain Barrier could tank through any defense they tried to use. If an archer couldn’t fly then they would lose. I don’t necessarily think that’s a bad thing though, in the 3v3 setting of pvp it would mean archers have to properly utilise their teammates to stop themselves from being crushed by it, and any decent teammates would gang up on a cata using rush.

It’s too much really. There were much much worse parts of pvp that everyone had been complaining about for a long time. CC effects were really at the bottom of the complaints list compared to overall damage, one shots and completely broken skills like revenged.


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