Tree of Savior Forum

PvP build (SW3 v pelt/hop)

With the announcement of lancer, it makes it even harder to decide which way to take my swordie which I rerolled.

Originally, I was taking him the traditional pelt, hop3, dopl, dragoon route, and obviously that is still super viable with dragoon 2 on R8.

What I was wondering was, is pelt->hop->cata3->goon an acceptable route (planning to go lancer for R8) or for a PvP build, is it basically mandatory to go SW3->Cata3->Goon?

And last question, for those who go SW3->Cata->Goon, how has it been leveling up? I understand it’s rough without pelt to find grind groups and I’m not sure how easy it is to get into a group as a PvP build?

Thanks for any input.

There is still so much we don’t know. It’s very hard to speculate right now with so much information withheld from us.

Well from what I’ve read from the Korean version, Swordsman concentrate gives scalable damage based upon Str and Dex. Worked it out as being 56% (Of Str) +26 +Attribute up to 100 at level 15 without taking dex into account. I might be wrong, but here’s the link:

14/07/2016 kTOS15
Damage increased by concentrate is now boosted by the caster’s STR and DEX.
Original + { ([STR] × 0.04 + [DEX] × 0.02) × ([Skill Level] -1) }

And I leveled both a Sw3>Cata3>Dop1 and Sw2>Hop1>Cata 3>Dra1 pretty easily, but I solo most of the time anyway.

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Sw2 pelt cata3 dgoon is the same case too lol.

current level: lv133 - sw3>cata2 (going for cata3>dragoon1>lancer or dragoon2)

my experience in-game PvP: somewhat advantage from patk classes, easy to stun+knockdown enemies. using plate set for higher hp and planning to add cloth set soon (recommended stat is dex for higher accuracy if you dont want your knockdown skills to get missed and stun)

my experience in-game PvE: mostly play solo. i grind in mission and dungeon (full run) for additional matchmaking exp buff. for questing, im saving silver for cloth attribute for future use of cloth set for better survival.

STATS: 2:2:1 dex con str

best part: “VROOM VROOM~ :motorcycle:” …yeah… it feels so good

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Ya i kinda agree.

But there is a slightly better lol. But its too early to say which.

If you want to be serious in PVP, of course SW3 > Cata 3 is superior.
Especially with the Bloodletting nerf in arena and the Restrain buff (60% at max level).

This is a very good reason why swordsmen that appear on the kTOS PVP ranking boards are dominated by SW3 > Cata 3 > XXX builds

I missed this one. How is it nerfed exactly?

EDIT: is it possible to have access to kToS PvP ranking boards without knowing how to read korean?

Bloodletting nerf source

Keep in mind this is in battle league only.

At skill level 5, it lasts 25 seconds with a cooldown of 80 seconds now.

There were heaps of discussion about kTOS ranking boards, I can’t be bothered digging through months of threads. Do a search if you want.