Tree of Savior Forum

PvP and PvE - Ktest's New Gung Ho lv15, or Guardian lv15

I wonder where is Lymsleia right now? He is the most feared murmillo in Tels. I can probably say for whole iTOS.
Is he currently on hiatus too? His build is Hop2, Corsair 3, Murm. I dont play anymore for 3 weeks already. Larena is kino though.

Perks of Hop2-Corsair2-murmillo

Hook duration. Longstride to knock people out of safety wall + can be use to close the gap when you hook someone, good overall synergy with murmillo close range skills . Finestra + C block against physical threats. Even with Lancer initiate still blocking 70% of the time. Hoplite stabbing for high evasive players but squishy, headbutt + scrotum hit are only 5 hits whereas stabbing is more optimal because of hit counts. (hook then stabbing).

Only good about Rodelero in PVP is slithering. Pelt High guard can take that place. Hook duration is more valuable than that. Longer hook duration means you have enough time to Longstride + Frenzied slash to your hooked opponents then perform deadly murmillo burst skills while theyre disabled. Longer hook means less invulnerability from Ausrine like Remiri has said.

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is it worth it to sacrifice sw3 for cor3?

Yes, because ausrine would only last 5 seconds below. 5 secs the longest after calculating their walking distance to the center.

SW3 dont have any use for mumillo. Only pain barrier is good. Some of the most annoying CC are unavoidable with Pain Barrier too (frost tree, subzero shield, Magnetic force, Raise, Hunter’s pet).

There are always a few cashed up guys like Lymsleia and Yugimori and they are not the norm. There was also a cashed up elememe whose name I forgot, he was a beast as well. Looking at the overall picture though, very easy to see that Clerics still dominate the boards out of the 4 base classes and Murmillo is rare to non-existent on the boards.

When you look at PVP in terms of class performance, you gotta look at the overall picture, and not just “Muh Murmillo & muh skillz”

If this is a talk about Swordsman vs Cleric influence then I agree with you that Clerics utilities are more influential. However heavily geared only tell half of the story because good build is also required.

I know a lot of people who have high trans but cant climb because of bad build. Lyms Murmillo being annoying doesnt comes from his equipment, but because of his extremely annoying build. If he has rodelero on it i dont think he can climb higher in “Sea” meta.

Rodelero is like Dopple 3 for me in PVP. ISUD with full solmiki trans 10 is just a mob with high Defense and HP in pvp.

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Murmillo is tough to play well, so I don’t blame people for going the easy route. Doesn’t make it any less strong, just takes effort.

Also trying to claim all the wizzies on your list there aren’t kinos is a bit disingenious.

EDIT: Also murmillos early on went pelta3 rod3 which is a pve build. PVP murmillo needs to have cors2.

You’re really grasping at straws here aren’t you?

Where did I say this? Quote me please.

But for your sake, let’s say all wizzies on that list ARE kinos, let’s do a head count:

Clerics = 10
Wizards = 7

Tree of Kinos eh?

This is just a pathetic argument. Even if people screwed up their build, they have rerolled already to make the build they want, there has been more than enough time and the events make it so much easier to do so and the rank 8 maps have been nerfed.

Yes, Murmillos take a bit more effort to play well, but if its performance is really that good, people would have practised to achieve it already. As stated above, there has been more than enough time for players to reroll and build a geared Murmillo for PVP now. But for there to be ZERO Murmillos in the top 20, that says something about the class.

Again, do you even play this game?

You are choosing to ignore every wizard on there. That is on you. Odds are every single one is Kino3, and just because their last rank isn’t kino you choose to ignore that.

This is a non-argument. Theorycrafting at its finest. My murm/cors2 with ■■■■ gear is able to get top10 consistently.

Says who, you?

zero in your server, doesn’t mean others haven’t put in the effort.

Are you serious? I even gave you the benefit of the doubt and did a head count to for you and you just chose to ignore it. Like really?

You don’t believe that other people have practised to play a Murmillo well? Seriously? You must be that special snowflake then.

Yes of course others have put in the effort. I even acknowledged Lymsleia up there. But again, look at the whole picture - if it’s a good class for pvp there wouldn’t be 0 or close to 0 on the top 20.

“Muh Murmillo”

The difference between you and me is that you use your own experience to determine class performance, whereas I take actual numbers from ranking boards. In the overall big picture, which one is more accurate to go by?

I trust experience over a rank snapshot any day of the week.[quote=“GoldenCross, post:69, topic:356110”]
You don’t believe that other people have practised to play a Murmillo well? Seriously? You must be that special snowflake then.

On Klaipeda, as I mentioned, most went pelt3 rod3. I predict that will change when the resets happen. Most people don’t want to throw away a character they have invested millions and millions of silver on.

10/7 is a reasonable split. People gravitate to classes that are easier to play. Doesn’t mean that well built/played swordies can’t win. Just takes more effort thats all.

An individual’s experience means very little in the collective group
You’re staring at a tree while I’m looking at the whole forest.

Since 1 rank snapshot is not enough, I went and made another one:

I even made a count for you:

Clerics = 10
Wizards = 5

There are also countless discussion topics surrounding Tree of Clerics, use the search function if you wanna have a read as to why.

But it doesn’t matter if I take rank snapshots of 10 weeks worth of rankings or paste numerous links to discussions because you’re the type to deny everything when I throw facts in your face over and over. Because you’re that special snowflake whose “experience” is worth more than facts.

Care to share some evidence of this, especially since we had a rank reset a few months back where people had a chance to correct their builds already? Or are you pulling this out of your a$$?

10/5 in the above pic, and kino’s raise isn’t that easy to land on enemies who know how to work around it either and it is breakable by other classes (such as lancer’s Joust)

Nobody is saying Murmillos can’t win.

However when there is no Murmillos in the top 20, it’s not just a matter of “easier to play” anymore, maybe Murmillo’s performance in PVP isn’t as great as you think it is in the overall picture? But you’re a Murmillo fanboy and a special snowflake so you can’t see anything wrong with the class and why the ranking boards are what they are today.

The last week my result is really bad about rank 30. but normally I alway in top 10.

Shield user is good in tbl just need to spend more con and change position to support/tanker.

I have experience with str dex and never climb up to top10.


I know the people on my server. I especially know the ones who pvp. Do you?

Opinion discarded.

lol this is the best you can come up with as a comeback?
Time and time again ignoring my main points and picking on random points trying to shift attention to the vast majority of what I said seems to be all you are capable of doing anymore.

You’re not worth my time. I’ve played with guys like yugi, hies and MavisVermillion up on the boards. Not going to talk to a brick wall who can’t listen and lives in his own little world of “Muh Murmillo”. Keep spewing your garbage about how great your hook + frenzied slash combo is.

Maybe take some pointers from Lymsleia up there and restat full CON, you might actually learn something about Murmillo lulz

Your ‘main points’ are just posting a snapshot of ranks as if that somehow proves Murmillos can’t pvp well. It is conjecture, and not even worth addressing.

I also play a kino3, it is ridiculously easy to land raise, so I know that you speak from a point of ignorance.

YugiMori RMTs and so do most of the top 10 in Teslai or Varena. Lets be real here everyone in top 10 built a class that was easy to play which is why they are in top 10. We have dragoons and murmillos in Klaipeda and orsha who don’t need to invest in much gear but purely outplay people in TBL with skill alone. perfect example is Remiri, this guy doesnt even have the best gear, he uses nyx armor and some regular catacombs blade and still wrecks in TBL.

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I was using five hammer until yesterday. :wink:

In the end it still looks like swordy is the worst pvp cls.
Even Archer doing better in tbl.

Thats def false I would actually say swordsman doing better then archer in TBL

Yeah, and your opinion outweighs ranks. Again with living in your own world.

Yes, again with your own experiences, since that’s all you have, living in your own little world. Nice part about omitting the fact that it can be broken