Tree of Savior Forum

Proper PvE Monk Guide - No Theory Bollox

Maybe this thread will alleviate some of your frustration?

I can only agree about the player running behind youā€¦ It happened so many times unfortunately.
Weirdly enough, Iā€™ve met one Cleric rang 3. I let him do all the heal since wellā€¦ Heal lvl 15 was more than enough haha.
And from what Iā€™ve seen, Heal lvl 15 would be better than Mass heal. But well, a two ranks used for Heal and Safety Zoneā€¦Itā€™s not worth it in my opinion.

The problem with ā€œbadā€ players is, when they dieā€¦They resurrect at the beginning of the map without even letting me the time to resurrect them :confused: Itā€™s kind of a vicious circleā€¦ And in the end, the damage they made is reduced by a lot since they ā€œcouldnā€™tā€ attack. Anyway, thanks for your input. I appreciate it.

Oh! This. This thread is important. I wish they were more people reading this thread! But seems like a lot of people are not even going on the forum soā€¦Itā€™s quite hopeless x)

owl is a boss killer skill , go diev monk, even with no int, owl can outdmg a lot of ur stuff (except for energy blast maybe)
and its good for grinding
carve laima ( laima taunts mobs ) > carve 2 owls ( owl is overheat )
and u have ur own grinding trap, mobs will run and try to attack the laima statue or the owl and th own will kill them in less than a second

i would really recommend getting owl, even though it scales with int, it deals really good base dmg at lvl 5, even at endgame it kills monsters fast with no int points

owl is amazing, i wont use it late game for doing that.
but in dungeons or field where im grinding, owl can out dps ur monk skills
u use carve laima then set up 2 owls aimed at laima, then the monsters run towards laima and ur owl killls then fast. its a good way to grind fast, using double punch in a situation like that wont be effective as using owl.

So I actually went the path that you said probably wasnā€™t a great idea.


Granted Iā€™m going pvp monk
My whole thought process was magic defense over

I didnā€™t feel as though stone skin was worth it enough, compared to resto/smite/ele resist.

What do you think?

Safety Zone at level 5 w/ Cleric C1 blocks 10 attacks.
Safety Zone at level 10 w/ Cleric C2 blocks 40 attacks.

This isnā€™t that hard.

Well I went that build during the CBT, problems I noticed are as followsā€¦

  1. Restoration isnā€™t everything itā€™s cracked up to be. Itā€™s range it limited an doesnā€™t act like a proper buff, instead your character acts like a pylon an only close close receive the benefit.

This is further a disappointment when you realise how useless the HP recovery stat is compared to standard heals like Mass Heal & Heal. Even then unless youā€™re really close party members arenā€™t receiving the benefit.

As for the SP recovery component thatā€™s slightly more useful but only for party members if theyā€™re close enough. Itā€™s no use to me what so ever as a Monk, I never run out of mana. So overall the skill isnā€™t great or even good in my opinion.

Long story short restoration is useless to a Monk, itā€™s merely a party buff.

  1. C1 Smite is only useful against mobs itā€™s super effective against, otherwise I simply didnā€™t use it. An just didnā€™t generally rate the skill anyway. The animation is slow.

The cool down an use ratio is reasonable. but for dealing damage smite isnā€™t that great of a skill at all. Unless youā€™re fighting a monster type itā€™s super effective against. But I donā€™t rate skills with limited use situations like that.

  1. Elemental Resist is pretty good an the only reason youā€™d consider C1 Paladin. However for PvE purposes that elemental resistance can easily be overcome simply be healing more with more points in Mass Heal from C3 Priest.

An Stone Skin isnā€™t the only advantage. You can have higher rankings in Mass Heal, Sacrament & Revive. Would I swap Stone Skin for Elemental Resist probably. But I wouldnā€™t lose 5 ranks in Mass Heal Sacrament, extra rank in Revive & 15 priest skill points for it. Not a chance.

@mdurben Whatā€™s your point Iā€™m completely aware of the difference between Safety Zone C1 & C2.

I see where youā€™re coming from. Thanks for the feedback too.

9% magic nullification with 150 extra resist just seemed to irresistible for me in pvp terms.

I was also thinking about the future in terms of r8 and above when considering pally

What are the drawbacks of my decision you think?

C2 Paladin doesnā€™t get anything good. You either go C1 for the resistance or C3 for Barrier & Conviction. So youā€™d need circle 9 to make it worth while.

Even then I think picking up Plague Doctor after finishing Monk is better for both PvE & PvP. So really you need circle 10 to be unlocked for that possibility.

That also assumes better choices arenā€™t developed in the mean time. Which I also find unlikely. So overall I donā€™t see you ever finishing Paladin for the good stuff.

I mean I think if 9 circles where unlocked at some point Iā€™d like to try C3 Cleric, C3 Paladin, C3 Monk. But thatā€™s a lot of development of being possible. An future classes may put Paladin to shame.


I love monk but I canā€™t see myself remaking to fit a p3. Priest leveling was grueling enough haha.

Iā€™m happy with the resistance. And I guess I can party with a p3 configuration to pick up where Iā€™m lacking.

i made a cleric2>diev2>monk3 im at diev 2 right now and leveling was easy. carve 1 shot everything and when theres 6+ monsters or im grinding for a quest i just use carve owl and carve laima combo

Donā€™t worry if youā€™re already a pala1.
Iā€™ve seen monks running around with a pala1.
These are just guidelines. We just find that these fit our playstyle.

Try with what you have and see if you like it.
Thereā€™s no ā€˜wrongā€™ build - only less effective ones.
Plus as I always say - ā€˜bestā€™ build is useless if you donā€™t enjoy it because youā€™ll end up playing it half heartedly.
Just like my poor cleric2/dievā€¦

Plus in my case the reason I went priest3 is mainly for soloing. Sure I can support (and unfortunately Iā€™m doing that more than I expected) but my initial plan was lonely tos life.

A question, you are a STR monk, I think you dont crit because your dex is low at lv 230, I have a question, how hard do you hit with DP?

I am still in two minds about high dex or high str haha, to be hitting crits all the time or forget it and go high str.

And acolyte, why didnt you go straigh with your cleric2/diev2?

[quote=ā€œhotarudiao, post:74, topic:214220, full:trueā€]
And acolyte, why didnt you go straigh with your cleric2/diev2?
[/quote]You mean why I donā€™t keep on it?
I still play it, just really slowly.
Itā€™s too reliant on burst damage, and I run around too much waiting for heal/cure/carve/statue cooldowns, and using heal to attack and heal yourself is more annoying to manage than I thought.
Plus when I dungeon, noone cares about the statues and safety zone, and I had too much downtime, feeling like a heal bot, and I had to keep saving sp for heal because somehow I feel sp drains fast.

Just didnā€™t suit my playstyle, I can see how fun it is to some people but I prefer supporting my party up close, and not worry about cooldowns that much.

My archer and wizard friends hate their cooldowns and sp consumptions too, but I havenā€™t tried their classes. Felt like I get a taste of what they meant.

Yes I meant that

Are you talking about an INT cleric/diev? Because I dont use heal for attack at all, I always have SP lol. I use carve attack, DP and owls when the situation is shouting to me to do it hehe.

Maybe the correst question is, if your idea is to be Monk, do you have two monks one from priest and another from diev?

Why do you keep saying that owl is a boss killer? Almost every boss will knockback ur owl to the space. If you lucky it will dmg boss one time. This is good for aoe dmg but not for bosses.

He did same amount of damage actually. But keep in mind he didnt changed his gear for STR build. So I can guess that STR build actually will provide more damage.

Yeap talking about an int cleric/diev
I wanted it to go on the int dps route, want to see if it is less boring. Plus I want to see how much better is the heal for a full int when supporting a party.
Hmm are you just meleeing with your diev then?
The cooldowns are still horrible and damage as a priest without blessing on was pretty low iirc.
I do run out of sp as priest when supporting party but with this cleric2/diev it runs out even quicker once I use carve and statues.

Ah youā€™re a monk already? Nay Iā€™m not going to make an str/dex diev - Iā€™m already really happy with my first character and wanted to go a different route this time.

Unfortunately I donā€™t have that much time to experiment.
Iā€™m lv155 after playing since like the 4th day. You can see how long it takes me to level.

Well if youā€™re already a Monk, the situation will be different because you have DP when everything else is in downtime.
Itā€™s just the annoying journey to get thereā€¦

It might even feel better because you got a pool of sp to use up for cleric2/diev2 stuff while partying.
I still like to see them and want to feel how it is like playing, but I havenā€™t actually seen a single diev/monk when I dungeon and I donā€™t have the time to try one myself :frowning:
All the Monks Iā€™ve ever dungeoned with in game were Priest3, Priest2/krivis, Priest2/Pala. Not a single cleric2.

Do share if youā€™re having fun :slight_smile:

Is this cbt?
I kept hearing a lot about dex builds nerf so they might not even crit as much as the vid?