Tree of Savior Forum

Proper PvE Monk Guide - No Theory Bollox

Haha true, anyway when I told about monstrance, I meant to use it as solo playing, to be hitting crits.

Half of the time I don’t even use blessing to solo play because of the duration and holy powder :dizzy_face: The time it takes for a Priest/Monk to deal with a single mob patch can be the duration of monstrance or longer :blush:

Isn’t there’s an attribute to remove the knockback on Energy Blast?

There’s one attribute that helps you not get knocked down, but I don’t think knocking down the enemy is removable

Someone have to tell me how it exactly works though.
But I was pointing out a case where I want them to be knocked down :joy:

True, I have to try that too

Just wanted to drop by and say this.

Stoneskin without SPR is useless at max levels.

Peoples that think otherwise have yet to see how little impact it does in content like Earth Tower and such.

Even in PVP, if you face real geared peoples, you will see how useless it is.

At max level currently about 100 SPR is needed to make Stoneskin viable both in PVE/PVP.

Which is why Chaplin is very good to support at high level except they lack the DPS. 1SPR/1CON is extremely efficient for a Stoneskin oriented build.

Monk on the other hand only get to enjoy Stoneskin benefits until about 230+ then it will start to drastically fall off. Not to mention once they raise the level cap it will fall off even harder and harder.

Anyway, I don’t think monk ever needed C3 Priest except for PVP purpose against under geared peoples. Because that’s what make C3 Priest OP in PVP atm in KTOS.

Don’t bother.

I’ve said that in many topics now and they just don’t care.
Maybe they have to live it to see it.
Or maybe they just think it’s worth loosing attack power for Stone Skin use in PvP.

Either way if they haven’t accepted the truth it’s not because of lack of information, just stubbornness

There is. The attribute makes Energy Blast not knock back the mobs.
The attribute linked makes so you can change direction of the beam while releasing it. So in PvP you can try to catch someone dodging it. To use it hold Alt key, if that doesn’t work try Ctrl.

PvP ( watch 0.44s):

Yeah I think we accepted that shortcoming.
Though when I’m at 230+ I’d have more things to worry about I think
If I have to wait until lv230 until my build can be more useful to parties I think I’d rather not play it, even as a Monk geared towards soloing.
At that level my role as secondary cleric will pretty much be more established.

Yes, you have to worry that 230+ you loose the only reason you chose Priest3.

What build needs to wait lv230 to be useful? Enlighten me.

[quote=“wenoweon, post:98, topic:214220, full:true”]
What build needs to wait lv230 to be useful? Enlighten me.
[/quote]Amazing ideal builds that actually have idiots running around using it and not being helpful?

Why are you so against Priest3?
Do you have a serious hatred towards one mortal enemy that you don’t want to ever see his kind ever around again?

I mean, we can play what we want, that’s the charm of this game right?
We don’t have to be copycats of each other and have idiots running around with the same build that ruins the good name of the person who made that build amazing in the first place.

Empty response with insult, way to go buddy!
Keep it up!


Not at all! I’ve already said if people are happy with it so be it!
Everyday some new monk guide come claiming Priest3 is the best and only option, without even mentioning others.
I just feel obliged to inform other options.

Wow… chill… I think you felt offended because you think I’m talking about you.
You’re a good player.
I’ve partied with idiot players.
I’m lv155. What level are you? I think you’re much higher than me, I don’t think you ever played with me and you haven’t seen the idiots I dungeon with.

Oh wow, I didn’t know that. Strange, though, because I often get placed on lv 200 dungeon parties and there’s always a monk that uses Energy Blast and it doesn’t knockback any enemies. Maybe there was some root effect on them? Dunno.

[quote=“wenoweon, post:100, topic:214220, full:true”]
Everyday some new monk guide come claiming Priest3 is the best and only option, without even mentioning others.
I just feel obliged to inform other options.
[/quote]lol that’s funny, I always recommend monks to go diev instead of priest, but I said if they want a priest/momk experience, I can share my experience.

We’re not saying Priest3 is the only way.
We’re saying it’s a viable alternative, considering everyday someone’s like ‘NO PRIEST3 IS IMPOSSIBLE’

What are we doing that’s different?

Go check my posts in this subforum if I told new players that haven’t taken any priest ranks to go priest instead of diev.

And if you are aware of this, why do you hate Priest3 so much? I don’t mind if you share your mortal enemy’s name.

EDIT: oh also look at OP’s post. The first in the list is cleric2/diev2 not priest3.
If he discounts diev2 then why do he put it first before priest3?

Sorry, I gave you false information. I should have tested before.
The attribute is working as intended and it doesn’t knock-back mobs when active. That’s awesome! :slight_smile:
Edited previous post.

[quote=“wenoweon, post:104, topic:214220, full:true”]
Sorry I gave you false information. I should have tested before.
The attribute is working as intended and it doesn’t knock-back mobs when active. That’s awesome! :slight_smile:
Edited previous post.
[/quote]ehhh seriously?
I really thought it was a popular belief that energy blast sucks for partying because it blasts mobs all over the place.

Then is there a reason for energy blast to suck when partying? Felt like this was a popular argument against it.

A silly question, how can you “avoid” stone skin in pvp at level 230+?

You guys seem to be getting a little confused here.

Energy Blast’s knock back can be turned on & off with a purchased attribute from the Monk NPC. It’s incredibly useful for groups.

Also it’s sometimes better to leave the knock back on. If your group is well organised you can combo the knock back into Ice Wall for tons of extra damage.

As for Stone Skin being the only reason to pick Priest 3. That’s obviously false, you unlock higher levels of Revive/Mass Heal/Sacrament/Blessing.

Why people try to paint such a black & white picture of this discussion is beyond me. We are at the very least talking in shades of grey. An no one build is best suited for every situation.

We all have to accept that an learn to understand the build you’re currently shilling isn’t the only right one. You might feel very confident about it, an that’s good for you.

But me personally I HIGHLY rate Mass Heal, having rank 10 in that skill alone was enough to sway to me Priest 3. An if we’re talking about scaling into future content. I’m confident Mass Heal 10 will scale better than Heal 10.

Definitely on a Monk class with no intellect or spirit. So when we talk about Stone Skin being the only reason to pick Priest 3. Just know that’s utterly false you get 15 extra Priest points to spend not 5.


its great for bosses, when the aoe knocks it back all u have to do is lure the boss to in front of owl again, plus most of time owl is still facing boss anyway.

mass heal will never be better than heal 10.

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