Tree of Savior Forum

Preliminary beginners guide to Clerics

Dude, your ‘Standard Chaplain Build’ has 5 in blessing. Just quit while you are ahead. There are arguments against getting 15 points in it that hold merit, but don’t try to dismiss the skill entirely when it is right in your f’in build.

EDIT: I know you are talking about max blessing, but the wording in your response to me is confusing, you should correct your post to say ‘15 in blessing’ and I will correct mine in turn. I don’t want to spread misinformation in this topic as much you don’t want to.

Tfw ppl say Priest is the best way to build DPS Monk bc of Blessing and Sacrament… Feels bad man.
You’re literally getting close to nothing from sacrament as a Monk and Blessing is just flat 130-170 dmg(altho idk why any1 would value 40 dmg so much to waste 10 skill points).
Why cast Carve? Well, it’s stronger than Double Punch(Hits 4 times, base damage of 1.7K) And it has 3 overheat uses with Pierce type. Laima not only gives you the cdr for God Finger Flick and Energy Blast, but also decreases by 20 the Mov Speed of any1 inside of it, which is super valuable for any melee character. I don’t even think I need to mention the Silence and Immunity, a Priest Monk will never deal as much dmg as a Diev Monk, idk where ppl get the idea of priest monk being more offensive than Diev Monk, damn…

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You’re missing the point.

I was responding to the argument that priest was the best dps circle choice for monks/paladins. That dps increase for skill based builds is almost entirely due to blessing hence i zero’d in on that skill.
(chaplains don’t really have a choice as i said before so they don’t count.)

And yes you are right, in the sense that even i wouldn’t recommend you to ignore blessing entirely if you do go priest.
But i’m not sure i’d recommend maxing it, the last 5 points for 20 dmg seems very low. (like i said in the priest detailed run down.)

This vid is c3 cleric -> c2 DDirbys -> c1 paladin?(I saw restoration up) -> c1 kabbal

I don’t think restoration can be scroll’d.

So much wrong with your post, but you’ve proven unwilling to listen to any opinions outside your own.

Paladin’s attack skill has a 9 second cooldown. So what is paladin supposed to do, just sit there twiddling his thumbs while smite is on cooldown? Absurd.

Many skills are often resisted. Sleep, hex, freeze, cure, heal etc. So do you recommend people never take or cast these skills? Ridiculous!

But what irritates me the most is your refusal to admit that you are wrong about chaplain builds.

What is this gibberish? I just got done explaining to you all the skills that scale with int. Cure, Heal, Mass Heal, Aspersion, Exorcism, Aspergillum, ME. You selected at least some of these skills in your skill build. It’s literally IMPOSSIBLE to create a chaplain without investing points in at least 1 skill that scales with int.

Here’s a list of Cleric/Priest/Chaplains skills that scale with str:

Str/dex is bad for chaplain, period. 1 chaplain swing = 5 hits. Base, cafri, sacra, last rites, asper. Str/dex ONLY impacts hit #1. That’s it. By saying this works, you are actively encouraging people to build bad characters. The best scaling by far of those 5 attacks is aspergillum/aspersion because you can increase its damage by 100% with attribute. There is no auto attack attribute.

I DID EXPLORE AND TEST IT. I can log on RIGHT NOW and show you my chaplain in action. Where is your testing? Where is your chaplain? That’s what I thought. Pure theorycraft and youtube, zero actual experience.

Btw, that 170 damage bless you were just criticizing? 850 damage for a chaplain swing. That’s the equivalent of 850 strength, without wasting all of your stat points to get it. I seriously don’t understand how you can recommend a strength build for chaplains in the same post that you’re criticizing bless. Are you intentionally trying to troll people into ruining their characters?

Right, so you are the problem. Since you have never played chaplain or monk, and have no idea what you are talking about. Meanwhile I have one of each and you are accusing me of speaking on assumptions.

Adorable, but you’re really out of your depth.
I strongly suggest you work on improving your understanding of the current game mechanics.

Paladins dmg skills have overheat and a huge aoe radius, like i said a dozen of times before priest does not benefit skill dmg builds well enough.
Dievdirby even adds a extra multihit skill and 20% reduced cd. But you still want to pretend that the boost on auto attacks is so much stronger.

str/dex on chaplain is viable, just not the best option for that build.
I even recommended spr/int for it, though you love to ignore that tidbit.
ps. learn to abuse armor types to deal +50% dmg and factor in crits.

Yeah if you go ignore the context of the post then of course it doesn’t make sense.
The argument was that there are better options then priest in terms of offense for monk/paladin. Not that blessing was crap and never should be taken.

You are taking a very specific argument for a specific circle comparison and using it to imply that blessing is never worth using.
Reading comprehension 0/10.

Like i said i got actual icbt2 experience of a higher lvl cleric then you ever bothered with.

But i am willing to admit when i am wrong, so post your chaplain and i will correct it to “my bad, notjustnotos is simply a idiot, but he has personal experience.”


I really think you need to drop this line of thinking. STR/DEX chaplain is hot garbage. A bit of dex would be fine, but getting STR for just your 1st auto-attack hit is garbage when compared to getting INT for the scaling last hit of aspergillum.

It is not viable. It is as viable as getting INT as a monk.

Seriously, just concede that it is terrible. I don’t understand why you would hold on to this line of thinking.

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Both bless and sacrament buff smite damage. When smite becomes a triple hit, they will buff smite damage x3. 170x3 = 510. 40x3 = 120.

You are going to tell me with a straight face that 630 damage is meaningless? K. They also buff every z. They also buff every conviction. They also buff every cure. Literally the damage is applied to every single action you do that damages an enemy. I am not sure why you struggle so much to understand this.

Stopped reading here. As long as you maintain this position, you are nothing more than a troll. Listen to your superiors. You are flat out wrong as I have already explained IN DETAIL, multiple times.

Sacrament works with Smite? I thought it only affected auto-attacks.

Sacrament is a 2 part buff. Property attack and additional damage.

The property attack aspect works just like any other form of property attack - gets added to everything - every cure hit, every monk bleed tic, every smite hit, every chaplain hit (all 5).

This is why I’m such an advocate of priest for monk. 10 sacrament, 15 bless is +210 damage to everything. Say you hit 3 enemies with palm strike and each procs bleed. Not only did you do 3x210 = 630 more damage with the initial hit, but the 6 bleed tics will each have +210. So 210x3x6 = 3780 + 630 = 4410.

4,410 more damage in ONE palm strike because you went c3 priest. And OP is trying to say that priest is not good for damage smh.

Also, before you get a lot of skill points & attributes invested in double punch, sometimes a bless + sacrament + arde dagger + cafrisun buffed Z does more damage than double punch. it depends on your weapon and enemy’s armor type and element type. If enemy element type is dark (which is by far the most common element), Z will almost definitely do more damage well into rank 5 and 6.

Sure, Blessing is a good skill! But wait, what happens when you’re in a party with a Helaer cleric(he’s got Priest c2, like most of them do) your whole 3 rank investment is completly useless dps wise.
And how good is Blessing when I’m critting 4K each hit on DP? Sure it’s awesome early on, that’s probably why your opinion is so biased towards it, you only got up to 130.

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Damage is damage. How is Cleric C2 or Dieverby C2 going to help your damage?

The answer is not at all. You get +420 double punch damage or nothing. Personally, I’d go with the bonus damage + stoneskin (your c2 priest support doesn’t have that).

Priest C3 blessing is stronger than priest C2.

Carve(4 Hits,Pierce type). Immunity(Diev c3), Carve Owl, Silence debuffs, mov speed debuffs. These are all the things that are going to help in my damage.

IT’S 20 DAMAGE holy damn.

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You can’t cast carve and DP at the same time. Once you have 4k/4k DP, carve is worthless. Carve owl? Ok once every 1:30 you get a stationary nuke (which is a lower damage btw than 1:30 of bless + sacrament).
Sure hope your target doesn’t move

Silence does not improve damage

Move speed does not improve damage

Diev C3? wtf? No monk build goes diev C3.

20 damage per hit adds up over time.

And you also get a minor buff called stoneskin. Maybe you haven’t heard of it. It’s awesome. Your C2 priest supporter won’t have it.

Lowering the mov speed of enemies is a way to increase dps, yes.
Silencing enemies is also a way to increase dps, yes.
I’m sorry if you don’t know about dps enough to understand that.
And no, I’ll cast Carve because it’s stronger than Double Punch(IT HITS 4 TIMES, BETTER BASE DAMAGE THAN DP).
My build is going Diev c3.Monk doesn’t gain much from going c3. 18sec damage immunity that can be reapplied = good.
I give up dude, good luck on your priest monk character, sure it’s not going to be kicked out of parties bc there’s already a priest around.
Let’s see how long your 0 SPR stoneskin going to hold up.
If you’re desperate enough to be saying [quote=“nojustnotos, post:115, topic:143810”]
20 damage per hit adds up over time.
I give up man.

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If you want to delay monk till C6, that’s your decision, but your build is no longer a monk build. it’s a dievderby build. Yes C3 dievderby is good support. You are screwing your monk build for higher ranks though. Rank 8 will almost definitely see the introduction of the str cleric followup to monk.

You lose 5 ranks of double punch.
You have half energy blast. Half thousand inch punch.

Your hybrid build is interesting, and probably has merit. But we are discussing monk damage builds. Thanks for making it clear that you are not.

p.s. 15/15 double punch + maxbless/sacrament outdamages 15/15 carve on 2/3 armor types.

By that logic, you’re running a Priest build, not a Monk build. And no, I’m not delaying monk, I’m getting dievc3 at Rank 7.
Going from Monk c2 to Monk c3 doesn’t make alot of sense to me, but that’s okay. My build still is a monk build nonetheless.
ps: you didn’t count how carve out damages your little bless/sacra DP bc it has higher str scaling. Carve: 1776 +4STR, DP: 1326+420 +2STR.
So yea, it doesn’t outdamage carve.

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Well, if your math holds up then you’re right about carve.

GL with your diev build.

Well, all ToS build are going to be(if they aren’t already) “weird hybrid builds”, that’s how the game’s class system works :stuck_out_tongue: I mean, your build is as much of a Monk as a Priest already, and it’ll just get worse(but not like that’s bad).

You mean monk/diev. Thanks! GL on yours too.