Tree of Savior Forum

Preliminary beginners guide to Clerics



Witch is good at hitting anyone in front of you.
Not to the side of you, not behind you. Everyone has to stand nearby and not move out of it’s radius when you cast it.

Nor is that likely that damage is equally divided among the party, even the linker skill that divides dmg still doesn’t take max hp into account.

Heal has the benefit of distributing healing exactly to who needs it, and being capable of healing larger amounts of damage at once. The latter is quite important.

And ofc the int bonus.

It’s a safety net, and not all builds are equally good at preventing damage.

Yes and i’ve run dungeons that didn’t require healing at all, their state does not reflect on healing when it is needed however

I have actual icbt2 experience of up to r6, several ktos players statements who did go cleric1, and youtube videos to back up my claims.
You have admitted to a lvl 130 ish ktos personal experience. Which is insufficient, sorry.

ps. stone skin is quite good, just not versus magic dmg. Meaning you can’t always rely on it.

The point i’m making is that i have no confirmation that cleric1 is still sufficient in terms of healing or has been since the nerf.

As such i won’t recommend something i’m not sure works, but i will be open to proof to the contrary.


Yeah, sorry iCBT had a completely different heal formula and a max of 5 tiles. Your experience is irrelevant.

I have met several 280 C3 monks on KTOS, not a single one of them went Cleric C2. Your recommendations are just bad.

I don’t get why any flavor of monk would go cleric C2 for PvE. If people are taking you into a group they would be taking you for your damage and buffs and off-heals if you went priest.

I get it for pvp…safety wall being as good as it is.

wow you are going to copyright some fake video game build? really? thats a new low.

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There’s a lot about this post that doesn’t make sense.

Str recommended for chaplain? What? Literally zero chaplain skills scale with str, 2 of them scale with int. Literally zero priest skills scale with str (c3 priest req for chaplain), 2 of them scale with int. Zero cleric skills scale with str, 2 of them scale with int. So you have 5 ranks of skills, none of which scale with str and 6 of which scale with int and you’re recommending str? How does that make sense?

Dievderby recommended for monk? What? Where’s the synergy? Monks have no Sp problems. Monks don’t have CD problems, except for maybe energy blast but because of how long the cd on the cd statue lasts, you’d only be able to reduce every other blast which doesn’t seem to me worth an entire rank which could be getting you stoneskin, mass heal, bless & sacrament. Casting carve makes no sense as soon as you get double punch, except maybe against leather type plants which … is definitely a tiny minority of enemies.

Priest is not good for damage? What? A max bless, sacrament is the best investment you could make for damage on monk, chaplain and paladin. Exorcism is fantastic single target damage with a maxed bless & sacrament, and another debuff for PD, as is monstrance.

I can’t speak for support builds. Maybe some of them are good. But the monk, paladin and chaplain builds are highly questionable, and the severe underestimation of the power of bless makes me question how much the OP really understands the game.

STR for chaplain I don’t see…maybe a bit of DEX for accuracy? But yeah you wanna stack INT.

I am wondering if I should even get mass heal as a chaplain -> krivis -> PD…

If I drop it I can focus more on my main role as DPS / BuffBot but im sure it would be nice for triage heals. Getting bless 15 sac 10 is hard if you plan to get mass heal to 10.

Healing Factor pretty much covers tank healing role, so all that would be needed is off-heals for melee or terribads.

This is very true. If you want to go more supportive, bless and sacrament is where I’d drop points from to get mass heal maxed. Which wouldn’t be the end of the world to be honest, but it also isn’t a max damage build. It’s an interesting discussion to be had. If you do plan to go cleric2 though, a maxed mass heal is also not necessary. My whole point was that you can get by with mass heal and 5 tiles.

bless 10 sac 5 isnt the end of the world and I’m sure I would get denied from groups without mass heal 10, lol. Guess I will just have to play it by ear and skill reset if necessary.

You pretty much need:
5 res (lol no way would I drop points in this)
5+ revive (I like 7)
1 mons
1 asp
1 exorcise
5 stone skin

So yeah…not too many places to skip on points other than bless and sac. I plan to go c1 cleric, c3 priest, chap, krivis, pd.

Str/dex works fine for priest/chaplain builds due to their reliance on auto attacks. It’s not remotely as good as spr/int, but more then viable enough for those who wish to build as such.

A int build requires a set amount of skills to scale with, otherwise you’ll simply deal more dmg via auto attacks. A concept you did not explore nor test.

Dievdirby2 provides a aoe silence, decent carve owl dmg and cd reductions. Admittedly it’s not a must have for monks, but it’s still a dps increase and not remotely as bad as you think it is.

Blessing provides a flat +170 dmg per hit. str/int scale with a additional +10% per rank, if you think that minor amount is going to matter for long you’re sorely mistaken.
Nor is it affected by enhance attributes.

Exorcism has it’s issues, as it’s often resisted. Most players prefer to not put any points in it period.
Though i do agree the dmg isn’t bad.

Monks and paladins are both skill based dmg, if you auto attack so much with them you’re doing it wrong anyway. (esp with the buffs pala got to it’s skills and stamina pills for monk)
Chaplain can’t be taken without priest3 anyway.

The issue lies within those who speak based on nothing but assumptions and poor understanding of the game mechanics.

But instead of trying to educate yourself on how the game works or trying to get a better understanding with discussions you skip to lambasting and circlerjerking.

Really classy.


Yeah no, it will never ‘not matter’. It is added damage for a buff slot, as is sacrament. No group is going to say ‘added damage? Man I am doing 9000 per hit so I really don’t need that extra +170’

It is an extra 170. 170 > 0, you use it.

guys i would like to go on full support what can u say about this build?

Only 1 rank in DDirby is questionable. The 2nd circle provides so much I would either go 2 or none. Owl statue is good DPS and Silence is very powerful in this game.

Cleric > priest > priest > priest > cleric > krivis > plague doctor would be fine for full support

EDIT: The krivis for full support is kinda questionable too, you can just use Daino scrolls and the rest of the skills are OK. You could go c3 cleric.

Is silence really that powerful in pve? Just wondering because I’m making a pve support character. Didnt seem worth taking a rank just for silence (spr build so dont really care for owls).

Citation will be needed here, but silence stops all actions including auto-attacks from player characters. I don’t see why it would work differently on mobs.

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That probably wouldn’t work on bosses though… Would it? :o

best class for pvp for me is: “cleric x2, diev x2, bokor x2, kabbalist/PD”

what do u think? can do damage? thinking here to create a intelligent dps cleric… without krivis of course xD thats common

I strongly recommend you to read up on the concept of “Opportunity costs”.
Aka the logic of what you give up to get blessing, and what you could get instead.

I would simply say don’t focus on full support period.
A generic chaplain build is much better off, more stone skin, more dmg, more healing, condi removal etc etc.

Should work, but should be more pvp oriented as bokor isn’t to well suited for most dungeon runs. (unless you grab a linker ofc)

Most mobs simply don’t have that long range atm so is quite good, i don’t expect it to work on bosses though.

ps, youtube embeds show up for everyone right?

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Also a decent earth tower vid from what i think is a cleric3/diev2/?/kabbalist:

Barrier scrolls are darn useful there.