Tree of Savior Forum

Preliminary beginners guide to Clerics

Thank you for this wonderful guide!
I’ll be spending a few nights reading it.

I can’t wait to main a cleric. I think I’ll be going full support though.

Normally I’m more of a tank player, so this is completely out of my comfort-zone. But I’m ready. :heart:

Question: Do plant type monsters receive more damage from Incineration [Magic - Fire]? If so, how about a Chortasmata+Incineration combo? Overkill?

Edit: I meant overkill as in the dictionary definition, not the ToS mechanic.

As far as i know there’s no innate dmg bonus or penalty vs specific monster races tied to any type of damage.

There is however:
-Elemental types: Fire deals +50% dmg vs ice and -50% vs fire.
-Armor types: Magic dmg deals 50% bonus dmg vs ghost armor.
-Mobs may have different magic def/resistance vs specific elements, but i have not been able to confirm that. (tosbase implies they don’t.)

I think people need to stop having this idea that healers in ToS are like healers in other MMOs that keep everyone topped off at all times…

Heal has a 20 second cooldown. Mass heal 30 seconds. In dungeons you pull much more frequently than that.

My zero int monk with 1 rank of cleric and a 10/10 mass heal has solo healed every dungeon up to 130. At some point folks need to learn to be self sustaining. If I were to make a monk again, I would go priest3 again. Stoneskin is amazing, and 10/10 mass heal + 5/5 heal is significantly better healing than 5/5 mass heal 10/10 heal in a zero int build (remember mass heal hits the ENTIRE PARTY), and will only get better as hp pools go up.

I wouldn’t get sucked into the mindset that cleric 2 is required for support. It is simply not true.

I wonder if this is true, because I’d super enjoy the idea of having room for krivis1 in my chaplain build, for more buffs and zaibas harassment in pvp.

Then again seems kind of silly to not get divine might support.

Thank you for the insight c:

My main concern is that immature players might see a Plague Doctor and immediately assume support. I have been playing MMOs for 8 years but I have never played as a cleric class before :sweat:

Nope, it’s a circular aoe right in front of the cleric that also hits him.
Has decent range, but not good enough when the team is kiting or walking in different directions.

Heal has several benefits other healing skills do not:
-It can be cast in advance.
-It has overheat so can be cast twice.
-It has excellent int scaling per tile.
-It’s the best spike heal skill we have in the game, since it at lvl 10 2 uses can fully heal any character back to full health.

Mass heal now heals around 30% max every 30s.

Also judging based on lvl 130 content is extremely silly, content hasn’t even got difficult at that point yet.
You haven’t handled 3 star maps, earth tower or even the lvl 170 ish general difficulty spike.

ps, did you test it in icbt2 prior to the healing nerfs?

We know cleric2 is sufficient atm, due to the sheer amount of youtube videos with such builds.
I have seen nothing to suggest cleric1 is viable enough under those conditions, as such i simply cannot recommend it.

But people with spr builds doesn’t have a reason to lvl up incinerate all the way. How would you handle a spr plague Docter? This is my idea=

Where did you get the impression that I will be going for a SPR build? Did I imply that? I have bad memory, don’t do this to me :cry:

Sorry about that, I mean me.

I’m still interested in what idea you had for Plague Docter though. What did you have in mind? (skill build)

I think I’m either onto something here, or I’m missing a key point that will have me going up in flames :joy: If you want, I can PM you my notes on this build (and anyone else who wants). They are quite long to just copy+paste here, and I don’t feel like spoon feeding the lurkers.

Oh I already have my build, I’m just interested in the choices u made in PD.

It’s very likeable, b/c its what I did at first.

Why Simony 1? Like I wouldn’t bother to take it at all if you’re just going to put one point into it. It works like this: In order to make X level scroll you need both your skill that you want to make into a scroll and your Simony level to be at X. So Simony 1 + Daino 5 = Daino Scroll 1. Indulgentia isn’t that great for damge imo and you got a lot of other skills that could do you better for that. You probably don’t even need 1pt in it considering you want to take Plague Doctor which can also prevent/heal level 2 status effects. Indulgentia doesn’t heal as in the skill Heal in case you didn’t know it’s just worded bad. It only cures status effects.

There’s a possibility you’re spreading yourself a little too thin. Imo I’d drop either Pardoner or Druid for Diev 3.

I don’t plan on using Simony and Indulgentia at all. I was just randomly allocating points into them. That page was not meant to be shared anyway so I didn’t put much thought into how it would look to s/o else.

As for Diev C3, I did the maths and the numebrs say C2 gives me everything I need out of Diev.

Edit: Ok, I took the points off Simony and Indulgentia to avoid confusion.

Right, so you stand behind your party, and it hits THE ENTIRE PARTY. It’s a massive circle.

Heal tiles only hit 1 person. 10 tiles for 1 person. I mean, this is very basic math. Mass heal is a superior healing skill when more than one person needs a heal, which is pretty much all the time in dungeons.

There are videos of non-clerics soloing the level 200 dungeon. Earth tower you said yourself isn’t even about heals it’s about prevention. You think that a c2 cleric can heal spam 3 star maps? Laughable. 2 hits is enough to need 2 heals. Then what?

Also you’re judging content by YOUTUBE videos, I’m judging content by actual KTOS experience. I think it’s pretty clear which of those is more silly.

It is a massive flaw with your post that every single build has 2 circles of cleric. There are plenty of c1 cleric builds that can do perfectly fine and at end game prevention skills like stoneskin and barrier are far superior to 10 heal tiles.


Hmm well in that case why are you taking Pardoner? I mean you could sell Daino scrolls if you wanted if you gave it 5pts. Is it just for Discerning Evil + Incineration? I kinda feel like the extra timer for just one skill isn’t worth as much as all the benefits of Diev 3. I mean it’s 10 extra seconds + a bit of Magic Def vs Invulnerability for 18s, more damage with your owls as well as duration, and almost double duration with World Tree. Just sayin.

Yeah, Pardoner is just for Discerning Evil. Nothing more. Single skill. 10s.

I don’t think you can sell scrolls made with Simony w/o taking C2? Even if you can, I would rather farm mats than sit around waiting for people to buy stuff from me.

You sell the scrolls at the marketplace. The shop at c2 is for buffs and you can also be logged off selling them.

You can sell Simony scrolls in the marketplace. (Circle 1 Pardoner)