Tree of Savior Forum

Preliminary beginners guide to Clerics

ME became wtf, I mean just look at the skill, leveling it from 1 to 5 does nothing now: no longer duration, no higher multiplier, no hitcount/second increase.

Putting more than 1 point in ME is now a 100% waste of points…

Yea it has to be some kind of bug

Isn’t it that the patch was trying to promote better weapons and not skill Lv/modifier reliance?

So these smaller skill modifiers go hand in hand with the increased weapon damage(s) right?

I don’t mind IMC wanting to put the spotlight on Clerics as the primary support class, but it seems like they’re doing it by stripping them of some of their best DPS options. I can only comment on the ones that I’ve played.

Should be okay provided they revert the format of Double Punch back to its original state. As others have said, hopefully this is just some kind of weird test and they’re not seriously considering turning the skill into a cooldown/overheat deal. Having that basically unlimited skill as filler really helps smooth out the gameplay for physical Clerics who, up to the point of taking Monk, have had to use underpowered auto attacks as a source of DPS.

Yeah…about this. Cutting the star DPS ability (Carnivory notwithstanding) just doesn’t make sense. Was it over-performing or broken in some way that I’m not aware of? I can understand if IMC doesn’t want players to be able to sit in Lycanthropy all the time but they’ve taken it too far. Slashing Carnivory’s max number of hits is weird too. It already suffers from the issue of not being a true AoE. The more enemies in its radius, the fewer hits each of those individual enemies receive. Sure, it chews up bosses pretty nicely but, as someone else said, anything mobile can run out of it at any moment.

Obviously it’s still early and there’s no telling how things will look yet but, as of now, that nerf bat hurts.

Tested my main cleric’s hybrid (physical/magic) support build. Not too bad It is actually great! With new balance patch it is easier to build hybrid dps with enough damage in both physical and magic department.

Build switch from C2>Diev3>Miko>Kab>Inq to C2>Priest3>Miko>Kab>Inq. SPR build.

Build is in default package gear from ktest. Max out SPR at 298. Yields around 1300+ blessing damage and 300+ holy from sacrament with max lv50 blessing attribute.

So far changes found.

  • Pears of Agony no longer has the 8+ hits trigger in 8-10secs. They will explode when the mobs go right over them for a 1 hit attack. It behaves more like QS’s caltrops now.

  • Kagura Dance xx Breaking Wheel combo is still intact which is great. Damage calculation isn’t changed that much from currently what we have.

    However it does seem that holy damage of Kagura doesn’t apply now though, which is kind of weird. Need to test more.

Overall the build is really well rounded now. Having really good support + viable dps. Not sure whether to change kabbalist out for Oracle or PD hmm.


I’m not looking only at the skill modifiers, there are some changes that make no sense at all.

I can’t stress enough how nonsensical is the 10s cd/5 overheat for effigy or tet mamak la.
Effigy, for example, deals 3x damage at 3rd hit. With 5 overheat you kill the whole skill.

Tet keeps its 0CD.
Effigy though…

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btw, do all mobs have a normal rank variant now? as in no more ■■■■ ton of special and elite only mobs?

Because that would open up new options for transform and conversion (if it ever gets its bugs fixed).

That’s a (big) relief, at least I’ll be able to move zombies freely.
But effigy stays crippled, I used it as a filler between cooldowns and with the change on PD it would have been very useful.

Time to change it up then… but still, it’s not like the recent update to [k-test] is final right? It could still change again. Or did I miss a memo that they’ve reached the final stage and are ready for implementation to [live]?

Never said it’s final, but:

Would be nice to see a comparison how a Chaplain would do vis-a-vis Kabbalist.:wink:

Looks like Storm Calling overall has earned a special ire from the wild monkeys team.

Look at the numbers with and without it, and also note the earth property of the mobs.

Special mobs are supposed to be eliminated entirely. Elites are staying, as far as I understand.

It’s time for the new Cleric patch watch:


Range 15% increase
Splash Existing : Lightning 1 dog monster 1 rats attack , lightning number 1 deduction
Change : Lightning 1 dog monster up to 4 attacks at the same time, to Marie , lightning number 1 deduction

Divine Stigma
Fixed an issue where attribute effects were not applied to skill tooltips

Stone Skin
Existing : Block numerical increase
Change : Reduces the damage done by your and party members to cut , stab , bow , and total attack ( 22% reduction at maximum 5 levels )


Cooldown reduced from 5 to 4 seconds .

Owl statue
Cooldown reduced to 50 seconds from 105 seconds .


The [ Lost Soul ] effect is added .
[ Lost Soul ]: Soul damage magic damage lasts for 5 seconds by a percentage of fluid explosion damage every 0.5 sec .

Vashita Siddhi:
Characteristics due to the SP fix a problem that does not apply to a synergistic effect

It is changed so that it can not be released even when hit .
Range 60% increase .

Prana Transfer
The following effects are added :

  • give the salt Add property damage in proportion to their minimum magic attack power of the , salt attack skill attribute to 150% gives more damage . Instead, you get 50% more damage when you hit a Salt Attack .
    It will be made available even if there is no target .

Yang Kwang Su
Cooldown reduced to 45 seconds from 60 seconds .


The attack method is changed .

  • Existing : If there are multiple targets , the number of attacks is deducted by the number of targets
  • Change : If you have a large number of targets , a maximum of twice the 8 attack by dogs

Fixed a problem that applied to a poolless point
Corrects an issue that does not apply to Cortas Marta skills

Ho then turned into a bear fight colorectal , fix problems that can continue to summon a monster

Additional damage 5% effect will be removed . (TS note: RIP IN PEACE DRUID 3)
Additional Damage 10% increase , critical generation 100 is added to increase the effect . (DEX BUILD NO LONGER DED BUILD)
1 sec SP consumption is reduced 80 -> 70

Henge Stone
The effect of additional damage 20% and a critical strike of 100 will be added .

Plague Doctor

Range 15% increase .


Pear of Anquish???
The portion of damage that has been fixed is increased by + 24.7% per level .
The number of possible Pears is fixed to 5 in a way that increases by skill level .
The additional damage of a Pears that inflict nearby enemies using magic will change from 200% to 50% (WHY).
Fixed a problem where the tooltip of the skill was incorrectly marked

Personal opinion:

-Sorta buffed Sadhu. A buff is a buff…
-"""""""""""""""""""""“fixed”""""""""""""" Divine Stigma
-Didn’t fix Conversion
-speaking of fix, Pears are “”"""“fixed”""""""" in a totally different meaning
-No, IMC, that’s not how you unburden a niche class/circle that used to rely on one or two skills to work. 80 SP -> 70 SP is still too small
-I [sarcasm]like[/sarcasm] how IMC wants to remove the niche of each Cleric class, like Sadhu’s OOB’s skills, Paladin’s advantage vs. Demon/Mutants, Druid’s Lycan and now Inquisitor’s anti-magic Pears
-Tree of Cleric is finished.

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Things are looking a bit up with the recent patch.
High enough enchant/transcendency weapons can make almost any build decent tbh.
Didn’t find enough videos for every class, and they’re already out of date again. Meh…


things of note:

  • Effigy’s “multiplier” is giving far too little dmg for some reason, no idea why.
  • Discern Evil’s scaling has changed, not entirely sure how. It likely has a % or s based hardcap like the melstis rework.
  • Blessing now works again for the extra hits from last rites, enchant fire and sacrament.
  • Carve owl now has a 25s duration in pve.
  • Conversion actually looks bug free from the bongtos video, return of the zoo build perhaps?

But keep in mind we got a new patch in ktos so there’s even more to figure out:



  • Zaibas has +15% range.
  • Zaibas: Splash attribute now allows you to hit up to 4 enemies at once per hit. (need confirmation it doesn’t burn through hit count in the same fashion as before though.)
  • Divine stigma’s buff is now properly calculated in the skill tooltips.


  • Stone Skin no longer gives block, but dmg reductions to specific dmg types instead. (lvl 5 = -22% to pierce, stab, bow and total attack?)


  • Effigy now has a 4s cd instead of 5s. Huzzah!


  • Carve Owl cooldown was removed to 50s.


  • Astral Body Explosion has a new effect called “Lost Soul”. It deals magic dmg by ?% based on how much dmg ABE did for 5s, every 0.5s.
  • Vashi Sidhi something had a sp issue fixed.
  • Possession is no longer interrupted on hit and gains +60% range.
  • Transfer Prana can now be used without allies present, and now gives extra damage bonuses. (A property attack bonus based on min magic attack, 150% stronger OoB attribute and 50% stronger OoB? Would be my best guess.) AND IT NO LONGER DECREASES YOUR STATS!


  • Energy blast now has a 45s cd instead of 60s.


  • Carnivory can now hit up to 8 enemies at a time. (Might count only as 1 hit. fingers crossed.) And 2 bugs got fixed.
  • Fixed a transform bug.
  • The hengestone buff now also gains +20% dmg and +100 crit rate.
  • Lycanthropy lost it’s 5% atk buff and gained +10% dmg and +100 crit rate instead.

Plague doctor:

  • Incineration now has +15% range.


  • Pear of Anguish now gains +24.7% skill factor per additional skill level. Now has a base 5 pears, may be increased by skill level the translation is a bit wonky. Now deals +50% additional dmg to nearby enemies when they use a spell instead of +200%. And a tooltip bug fix.

You get the idea.

I really hope that zaibas/carnivory no longer have x hits max bullshit, but we’ll have to see.

Aside of pears those are some pretty interesting changes.


Yes, with good enough weapon you can just AA stuff away, but all it means is that the overall game balance has gone off the deep end.

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There’s no way that’s not gonna get nerfed… Imagine this in pvp :cold_sweat:

yes, also this changes:

Monster Group Types now are in the following categories

  • Common Monsters : Most Monsters that appear on field maps.
  • Special Monsters : Stronger monsters that appear in Hunting Grounds & Instanced Dungeon Maps
  • Elite Monsters : Monsters that appear in either general maps or Hunting Ground locations, they are large and use unique skills and can summon allied monsters.

Now Elite Monsters are rare.

Do you think it’s viable with the upcoming changes to keep my Cure at level 15? Or should I just drop it to level 6 and get level 10 Fade instead to benefit my Sadhus OOB autoattacks?

I mean it’s pretty dangerous to use OOB without Fade and since I’m ± going to get as much DEX as possible anyway, why not make the best of it and OOB useful for once since I can’t just rely solely on evasion?

After calculating, I would only lose 45% overall damage from Cure, and as long as Cure is the only magic Circle left with a 1 target = 1 hit-limit and no scaling with the skilllevel, I don’t think that it’s worth it anymore to keep it that high as fast OOB-autoattacks would probably result in higher damage…