Tree of Savior Forum

Preliminary beginners guide to Clerics

So my guildy has a build, which most likely depends on auto attack. but i dunno what to aspect from it. Anybody got a idea if this is good or just utter trash?

It’s pretty bad.

Priest-Chaplain’s blessing & aspergillum scale of spr & int.
Magnus/Exorcism/MM also scale of int.
Monk scales of dex & str. (ignore str, it’s bad atm.)
Monks duouble punch is it’s best asset for later ranks tbh.

Not the best healing either.

And I don’t know if Inquisitor benefits from priest/chaplain at all.
Nobody has tested it out yet as far as i know, which is a bad sign.

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he’s using those zalciai scrolls or whatever they are called, but i heard it got nerfed. He seemed to have fun with it. As he mostly auto hits targets and does a lot of damage that way.

But if it’s junk, any auto attack better build? as i just builded my ■■■■ weapon to auto attack with :stuck_out_tongue:

Ah that makes sense, or used to at least.
Zalciai in ktos no longer gives enemies negative crit res. So only up to 200 spr is generally useful for zalciai after the r8 patch.

As for auto atk builds, only 2 cleric builds come close imo.

  • A spr/int hybrid chaplain/pd2. It doesn’t play a huge focus but rill r8 it’s quite capable of doing so.

  • A chaplain / ?? / taoist build that relies on a teammate enchanter with enchant lightning to boost the melee damage of the entire team. Not very good solo.

Otherwise you’ll have to look for the dex base phys dmg builds like druid or inquisitor.

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he also mentions this:

  1. it’s your dmg
  2. it’s your block + mdef
  3. its the dmg/block buff of your friend.
    You don’t take Double punch because it’s dmg will be weaker than your chaplains auto atk.
    for auto atk dmg you can buff them by buffing the aspersion attribute.
    Aspersion dmg are also based on your spr so your dmg on auto atk are 4.44X spr (0.86 spr for blessing lvl 15 X4 cause it appleies on each lines + 1Xspr on aspersion) and 5.44 X spr once you hit 100% aspersion x)
    your auto atk also get patk X1 and matkX1/2 depending on the aspersion attribute level which is the line that gets the magic dmg. You also get elemental dmg X4 (it affect each lines) so weapons like arde dagger/karacha/venom are really good.and since your block comes from the block of stone skin you don’t even need a shield for it ^^
    god finger gun will be really usefull with inqisitor because it will doubles the dmg of god smash. (which is already : X2 with attribute and X2 with blunt weapon and X1.5 if crit)
    blessing also affects your dots
    if you have 800atk basic on a dot for example and a 412 blessing under blessing your dot will do 1212 per hit

So maybe somebody experienced with this stuff, can tell me if it’s any interesting. Because i kinda want to roll something new atm :P.

Otherwise i will go the paladin route.

Most of what he’s saying has some truth in it. Just not a whole lot and it does not mean they stay useful into r8 either.

  1. ???

  2. Stone skin scaling for pve is 4x spr and thus quite good (though not the best dmg prevention.) For pvp it’s 0.5x spr and rubbish.

  3. 100 spr gives 20 magic defense. an spr build gets around 80 magic defense thus. It’s insignificant.

  4. Double punch deals similar dmg to a chaplain auto, but can hit more often with a low ping. And dex we know scales well with inquisitor as well.

  5. The chaplain auto bits are probably correct. Can’t be arsed to check if he’s right or not in perfect detail. Dmg is still low for r8 regardless given chappies hit for 7.5k per hit max vs 250-500k health mobs and lack other sources of spr scaling dmg.

  6. God Finger Flick only adds a +50% blunt dmg debuff. Dual Punch has a 30%.

  7. As a full spr build you simply won’t crit enough, even with zalciai you’d only have an approximate 150+ gear vs a dex’s 564 +gear. (100% crit is around 900)

  8. Blessing works on every hit but OoB. Including dots like palm strike/one inch. That +500 dmg is still really low though.

What I’m saying is:

  • A spr monk loses far to much crit rate compared to a dex variant after the zalciai change.

  • I cannot guarantee chaplain autos work with breaking wheel, but I can show it works with monk skills like double punch.

  • Monk2/3 aren’t that amazing dmg to begin with, and spr adds nothing to these skills on its own.

  • Spr builds simply cannot scale dmg beyond zalciai/blessing/aspergillum. Which isn’t enough on its own vs 250k-500k health mobs of rank 8.

  • Said build isn’t even that defensive considering stone skin only works well vs physical damage enemies in pve.

And use this video for comparison on what a monk inquisitor can do:

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Aha so main issue seems to be crit then. Would somekind of hybrid work? like 200 dex the other points into spr? So you get the goods from both world?

Also what build does that guy has in the video, it seems he’s monk 3, and got atleast priest 2, and obviously cleric 1.

Kinda interesting what the rest is.

i dont reccomend that build for full support

i domt even recocmend full support at all

Cleric2>Diev3>?>?>?(Druid3, or Druid>PD2)

this is a good build that can support well and solo well

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One of the main issues is that spr is a low crit build. Not on par with dex at all, even when hybrid.
(Spr/Int hybrids can be done, but they’re magic based.)

The second is that there’s no longer any benefit to mixing chaplain with monk. Either focus on monk or on chaplain. But never both.

The third issue is that I have seen no sign that the aspergillum + wheel combo a chaplain/inquisitor relies on even works.
It’s best to ensure your key combo works before building such a build.

Ergo if monk focus go full dex (with con ofc.)

If chaplain focus go some variation of int, spr or spr+int.

Full spr chaplain/taoist’s are full support however and are not recommended, they need an enchanter at all times to be worth it.

The build used in the video is a cleric1/?/priest2/monk3/inquisitor.

He literally has no skills left on his bar belonging to that ? rank. Likely took a bad option and ignored it.

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He is priest3 Monk3 Inquis.
He dropped stone skin since he did not have sufficient SPR.

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Well, I was about to come back to the game, use a token, transfer my stuff. but then I thought about it, and looking at the cost of TP, as well as the games current massive problems and the little to non existent updates and fixes, I felt that the game will likely have its plug pulled sooner rather than later, thus ultimately wasting any effort I put in.

Sighs…and I woulda loved the C2, P1, PLD3, PD Inq combo. Oh well…

Maybe if a miracle happens, ill play. Honestly my biggest peeves is optimization, the bad netcode, the massive amount of bots and hackers. Everything else I can live with but not those. I can deal with a player to bot ratio of 5:1, but not 1.5:1.

Im really trying to find a good reason to play but I seen games die like this before, and I feel that if I play, the game will shut down in 6 months due to a population ranging in just 1000 or less, due to the charts I been seeing ._.

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Ah thanks for the reactions, i decided to drop the spirit priest en will start tommorow all over again.

My next build is going to evolve around energy blast of monk. I kinda like the skill and want to make a char to ■■■■ it out with 80% attribute, top gear etc. while still staying relevant in groups etc.

So i was thinking about about the following build.


Reason for this is:

  1. cleric 2 = extra heal tiles + more defense + +1 skill level ( so support is decent then )
  2. priest 2, gives a lot actually ( extra aoe heal, 30% dex, 287 p.atk, ressurect, revive, and buffs to buff your group with in grinds that can be handy ).

So support wise and party play its good, and also gives you loads of more dmg and ultility.

  1. monk3, to max out energy blast basically, and get higher skill levels on teh other dps skills to do more damage on the wheel

  2. so i can nuke down high hp targets without issue’s.

Now my question really is stat’s.

Full dex would be interesting, but full dex also makes anythign with not a high base damage like energy blast kinda weak hitting, sure it crits but the damage that crits is still going to be kinda low.

So if i hit 200 str on the char, and 200 dex, i would probably hit with good gear 500 crit and still have lots of evasion to deal with nasty hard hitting monsters. Specially as i won’t go for plague doctor.

What would you guys suggest?

Because i kinda got the feeling that full dex is going to not yield much damage on other skills other hten the wheel.

Also i’m not sure about monk skills that i really should aim for, any advice on this department is going to be welcome.

Regarding Monk skills, top priority goes to Double Punch, One Inch Punch and Energy Blast. Getting 1 level in God Finger Flick is a good pick since it gives a stronger (100% chance, 50% extra damage) strike debuff for your hardest hitting God Smash (especially against single target, I’ve seen no confirmation whether it spreads via wheel as of now). Hand Knife and Palm Strike also get at least 1 point for their attributed debuffs. Remaining skill points is totally up to which skill you find better and so on. I usually go for palm strike since it has better aoe overall than hand knife, and just ignore iron skin/bell.

I don’t see much reason to go full DEX really. High DEX yes, but full not really. Especially given that priest monstrance 30% extra DEX with full uptime, getting some STR actually helps out your continuous source of damage much more (double punch spamming). A Toy hammer works really well with monks btw (especially if you have higher physical attack), double punch gives 2 charges and each bleeding + OIP dot tick give one more each, so you see yourself exploding enemies quite fast.

I’d really advise you to drop that monk 3 rank. Think about it, the skills scaling isn’t great (just One Inch Punch does tbh, energy blast doesn’t hit longer but needs to be charged longer instead), which’s not surprinsing given they are rank 5-6 and you get nothing useful at circle 3 monk. Getting a PD is the best way I see to actually make sure you aren’t stopped easily by CCs or waiting out heal CD so you can go back to the battlefront (healing factor + blood letting yourself).

I’m not a fan of priest 2 myself as well (I like it for revive for sure, but mass heal and sacrament don’t help monks much and so don’t make priest worth another rank from my pov). I find diev 1 much more suiting. First we get carve knife for helping out against middle armors, and second your main monk/inquisitor skills just get to refresh 20% sooner (Energy Blast, One Inch Punch, God Smash…). And diev 1’s statues usually don’t hinder your DPS routine much since they are stationary and with long CD/duration.

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I noticed in your C2, Priest 3, Chap, PD 2 build that you have no Aspersion, but maxed out Aspergillium, will Asper even work or do any dmg at all without ranks of Aspersion?

Thing is im deciding between the Cleric 2, Priest 3, PD 2 build, or the C2 Cleric, priest 1, Paladin 3 and Inquisitor build. I want to be useful for endgame stuff such as Earth tower, Im more drawn to PVE than I am PVP. Pretty much I decided to give the game a chance to see if it lives within 6 months, so could use the help.

Also got a thread here @Wurmheart if you can answer against those who posted. Need input from everyone on these two selections

bump ya

50-100 ish con, rest dex imo.
Yeah it’s not that good for monk, but it’s future proof for ranks 9 & 10.

You can also still get a fair amount of physical attack from transcending a weapon. Which doesn’t work as well on a str or part str build.
And optionally use a toy hammer to boost your damage. Works for both dex & str builds with multi hits. (for clerics that’s pretty much monks & druids only.)

You can max aspersion’s enhance without getting the skill, and like capella it should use the skills at lvl 1 if you don’t have it.

Both are good options tbh. PD2 shines with a linker (healing factor for all is op) and can act as aoe dmg.
Paladin has much worse damage, but breaking wheel is great for any physical dmg allies.

I’d go with the pd2 variant tbh. Easier to solo with, nice support. And has less junk skills like paladin does.

Edit: also ignore everything kemo says, that asshat puts forth no effort to correct himself when he’s wrong. Had to call him out over a dozen times and he still continues.

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@Wurmheart Im sorry, so, the PD2 variant for the Chaplain build you mean? Alright. And I guess basically go Pure Spirit for better buffs, or Pure Int for better attacks and heals is that right?

And Kemos points, about the limited debuffs and such to utilize with PD, is that really all incorrect?

Pretty much I find the Chaplain Plague Doctor build attractive due to the decent dmg it can do and the high amount of healing and support it can give, im sure it can do Earth Tower floor 20 and the like. I bet you can go Int route but at least get about 30-40 spirit to make stoneskin useful via gear and maybe a few stat points. while the Dex/Con Paladin Inquisitor build is far less in support and healing but has other utilities and high burst damage. But I am unsure if it will be useful for super endgame.

TBH I may just level both the Physical PLD INQ and the Magical Chaplain PD and see what happens, thankfully both can use some of the same gear so, gonna have to see I guess.

So yea…hmm…

Yep chaplain.
Either spr(100-200)/int hybrid or pure int.

Spr only scales well on stone skin.

And no, by default kemos is never right. That’s his stick, he’s so in love with spr priest he will always recommend a build that most know is absolute rubbish.

Debuff wise:
Priest has monstrance (23s cd) & exorcise(26s cd).
Krivis has Aukuras zalciai(20s cd) & divine stigma (36s cd) and aukuras (120s cd).
Bokor has Hexing (9s cd) and the blind attribute of effigy.
Diev has Laima (2 debuffs, 47s cd) & Carve World Tree (92s cd)

Monstrance & Zalciai do not debuff flying enemies however.

Bokor stands out because of it’s ease to debuff. But generally only has 1 debuff to work with asap. It has the highest aoe dmg (though pd2 has plenty) but more importantly is really low on support. (Mackangdal only.)
Bokor has horrible aoe prior to r7.

Krivis is useless dmg wise if you don’t pick taoist due to it’s hit limit. Zalciai does not debuff flying enemies and aukuras has a to long cd. Never pick this on a pd2 build.

Dievdirby is quite nice due to having 3 debuffs, but struggles with it’s long cool downs and stationary nature.

Priest’s monstrance also cannot hit flying enemies, but exorcise can. And you want it for the dmg anyway. AoE wise it is inferior to bokor & diev, but offers more support then bokor and is more mobile than diev. (Also not having to worry of bosses throwing owls around is a plus.)
And due to aspergillum it’s single target dmg is still very good, and should outdamage diev with ease. Close to bokor as well.

  • it’s holy dmg which is by far the best dmg type in this game.

And pd2’s vapor work wonders for incinerate anyway. Don’t worry to much about debuffs when all options help in some form in that regard.,

So 100 spirit is the min needed for Hybrid variation. Otherwise, pure int to get the maximum effectiveness of heals, Aspergellium Autos, and magic attacks. Either way Int being needed to take advantage of what PD offers. Alright, think I may know what to do now. Thankyou Wurmheart.

In the end though, what build is more wanting of players in PVE groups ya think? The first build I mentioned Cleric 2, Priest 1, Pld 3, PD and Inq for its versatility and high dmg, or Chaplain Doctor with its high heals and support?

Keep in mind the spirit amount are educated guesses. Block penetration does scale with enemies but there are also new equips that offer a good amount of spr in r8.

Imo, Chaplain doctor.

Of the paladin skill set only turn undead and resist elements stand out. Turn undead is useless in floor 1-20 of et due to no demons/undead.
Resist elements is good, but not on par with revive + stone skin imo.

  • Mass heal helps with keeping the objects alive.

PS, some videos of said build prior to pd2: