Tree of Savior Forum

Need input from everyone on these two selections

Well, I decided to give the game a shot, spite its possibly doomed in six or so months, or less, but pretty much, heres my dilemma.

I like being able to do heavy damage, but I also wanna be well rounded enough to heal and support my team while doing said heavy damage.

I been looking at 2 build variations and wanted some input, thing is I wanna be able to do Earth Tower eventually, and any difficult endgame stuff the game will have to offer as it goes along, providing it survives in the west.

Yes I am on Orsha server, and yes, I am aware of how rare clerics are, specially full support clerics. Well, from what several people I asked told me anyway.

The two builds are.

Cleric 2 > Priest 1 > Paladin 3 > Plague Doctor 1 > Inquisitor Dex/Con

Cleric 1 > Priest 3 > Chaplain > Cleric 2 > Plague doctor 2 Int/Con/spr.

From my understanding, the first build will have utility and decent-good support. Pretty high damage due to the meshing of all the skills present specially from Paladin and inquisitor, and some pretty good healing to boot. PD will make up for the lack of spirit thus the status immunity. And Healing factor will be a big help in the healing department. Its Well balanced and versatile I like it.

The Second build though, is pretty full support and depending on the stat route you go, either more int over spr, or more spr over int, personally im going with int, and how much you put into aspersion, your auto attacks will do pretty nice damage based on your int and Aspersion/Aspergellium level. Will have Heal, Mass Heal, and Healing factor, all the good stuff PD brings, and pretty much will be a sought after full support character that people seems to be crying for. Of course, could just drop a Plague doctor to pick up something else but I guess it would depend on some factors. That and the fact that bigger heals due to Int…I think? Didnt they change how Heal worked? Plus bigger bonus’s for everyone from the Int/Spr enhanced Blessing.

What is everyones input? I would love to get started on my path as soon as possible. I just cant really decide. But I am aware of the rarity of clerics on Orsha, least ones willing to do dungeons and stuff, so I wanna try and help the server out, spite its dying.

I suggest you throw out chaplain, auto attacks have no place in rank 8.


Theres no reason to go chaplain if you’re not focusing spirit.

Theres no reason to go priest for the same reason, honestly.

May as well go something useful for all that int like Bokor, Dieve or Krivis

I see, what about Exorcism and I think it was called, Magnus? Exorcism? That is getting buffed according to kTOS? Dont those scale off int? From general consensus of people. Alot of the cleric attacks seem to go off both Int and Spirit, if you went with spirit, would Plague doctor still be highly useful? At least for two ranks?

Also, any insight on the first build?

From what those ktos videos showed so far monsters above 280 has insane hp which makes auto attacking really slow for chaplains. Rank 8 DPS skills have very high base damage to compensate for this so most of the time you would be relying on those new skills to dish out damage.

Yeah it was buffed but that damage is still quite poor when used on those new mobs. Even frost cloud falls off at rank 8. Apparently a INT PD2 will gain significantly more DPS than SPR.

Hm, and whats your take on the Cleric 2, Priest 1, Paladin 3, PD and Inquisitor build? That build can have PD switched out for say Monk for more dmg, though, PD would provide more utility.

It is getting a minor buff (it not applying to only one monster as a dot and instead stays as a 2x2 heal pad aoe pulse under magnus’ effect) but it still majorly pales in comparison to any of the above 3 class’ skills that were already fine -> good for what they are.

Basically, Bokor is top dog in terms of rank 3 magic damage dealing followed by krivis and then dieve. Also, pd2 is basically made to be supplimented with bokor damage since they go hand in hand with debuffs and such.
Dieve works well with it too but it has greater synergy with the stationary druid trees.
Krivis works better with daoist but honestly, krivis has enough debuffs to help support pd2 as well, all be it weaker debuffs and less mobile than bokor, it still does it’s job effectively.

As for cleric skills that scale with spr or int, Int increases all magic damage skill’s attacks and spiriit generally adds to effects like stone skin, zalciai and the like. Aspersion is unique in the fact that it does scale magically via spirit and via int. But thats an exception not a rule.

As for weather you could go pd with priest -> chaplain etc, i honestly dont suggest it since the only debuffs youll be able to apply are the unpredicatble and often times unreliable monstrance and that horrible exorsism/magnus exorsism. You still will get the basic cleric debuffs from deprotect and cure but thats about it.

As for the first mentioned build. It can work. If your focus is pve then it could work really well. If your focus with that is pvp, id suggest dropping plague doctor for oracle as oracle offers more protection from basically anything magic or debuff. PD in tbl has some major down time that leaves you vulnerable to debuffs during whereas oracle only leaves you vulnerable to rank 2 and higher debuffs and grants you the ability to become imune to all magic effects and damge for 30 seconds in the wide area bubble that is counterspell. All around, either way is fine for general purpose, mind you.

The funniest part is, that poor damage was used on monsters who were weak to holy, thus getting a 100% boost in the shown damage yet it still pales in comparison to any of the other 3 paths

I see, did they change the PDs Healing factor? Or is it working the same?

Still working the same. Restoration and HP recovery boosts it (aukuras from krivis or restoration from paladin for example)

Really hard to tell the difference if there’s any:

Do you have any (better) more conclusive tests?

Considering that its still just an integer amount, you get more health back from the base stats of healing factor than anything you add to it anyway.

Integer amount? You mean constant amount?

The big question here is wether Healing Factor depends on your HP Regen or not. We know Restoration gives a hidden bonus to Heal skill but that bonus is simply doubling the INT bonus added to it.

Since Healing Factor doesn’t scale up with your INT, that hidden bonus from Restoration doesn’t work with it.

So we’re left with the HP Regen option. I can’t tell for sure if there’s a difference or not, if there is, then the difference isn’t big enough to be noted.

Basically, its almost nothing.

From what i understand, healing factor heals more over time the harder you’re hit. So i think the healing factor’s healing factor is added per certain instance of damage. This means it scales incredibly well based on how hard you get hit but other things attributing towards it is basically not noticable

Doesn’t really seem to be the case. If mobs hit you hard enough, it’s not very hard to die even with Healing Factor on.

Regeneration speed seems to be the same if you’re nearly full hp or almost dying.

I believe the “HP Recovery” mentioned in the skill stands for a fix amount of hp you recover every 0.2 seconds (or some other time interval around that).

If your ping is really low, you can actually see your hp going up in ticks of 100 (at skill lvl 5). If you have a little higher ping, you’ll see it recovering in ticks of 400 or 500 (or even numbers not multiples of 100) but the overall recovery speed does not change.

you can go chap and preist without spirit, in rank 8 spirit preist is worse than int

There is 0 reason to go priest if you’re going int. Stop spreading that misinfo around every chance you get.

Exorcism & Magnus are finally usable since the r8 exorcism buff and they do deal a good amount of damage and have access to decent support skills.
And you’re not interested in arguing either, each time the arguments to the contrary are listed you ignore them anyway.

Hell, nobody is saying you have to like an int priest build, but you have to be honest about its pro’s and con’s if you want to give advice.

And that is the crux of the problem here, you aren’t honest about the pro’s and cons or what info we got from ktos so far.
You simply don’t want to admit that spr builds have no good option when it comes to r8.
Yet you want to play pretend that everything is alright for spr builds and drag everyone along with you.

Cute, but that’s not going to happen.

ps, do you honestly think giving rubbish advice won’t backfire on you?

i’m doing a cleric2>priest3>krivis>pd2 build
with SPR/CON and no INT
duno if its good or not, for now its been a great suport

Are you by chance talking about that one korean video where they use magnus exorcism on a group of holy weak monsters and still take longer than it would have taken to kill them with auto attacks?

I have readily admitted that spirit has no class that scales with it with r8 many times. I dont know where these personal attacks are coming from but its pretty pathetic. Please stop stalking me. Thanks.