Tree of Savior Forum

Preliminary beginners guide to Clerics

Nah, most melee mobs can hit you back. We got the same range as them. (Spears would have been nice… oh well.)

Carve world tree usually works vs 95% of the mobs, a few will resist the debuff due to rng and be immune. And a few mobs are outright immune to silence, like the humanoids in the 190 dungeon. (I’d bet it’s a bug tbh.)

Merkabeh isn’t very good dmg wise tbh, even int builds don’t benefit much from it. But it’s something i guess.

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When it comes to party support, would you recommend:
C2 > Diev3 > something > PD
C2 > K1 > Pala 3 > Pard 1

Or Maybe something with Priest…

For a organised party diev3 is insane.
Paladins are alright, but tend to be closer to full support builds. (And can use kabbalist better imo.)

Otherwise probably chaplain, as it’s least reliant on teammates being clever. Just gotta buff em when they are near.

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Hi, Well it comes to party support and solo pve, would you recommend?

Stats: str\dex

(for Diev3)

(for more dps for carve?) :s

( for Pardoner2)

(for more supp pvp\gvg)

None tbh.

A) is a one trick pony that shines in difficult content vs high health mobs. But there’s not a lot of that. Also depends on whether r8 brings anything better. (That’s assuming you go int + max carve owl at least, the str variant is considerably worse but easier to level.)

B) Dievs don’t make very good str builds as carve alone isn’t enough. You should always max carve owl though. Druid transform would help with grinding as a str build, but that takes a while to get. (int transforms are not as good.)

A int variant would do considerably better, but it still not that good for solo content due to the long cd’s. Nice for parties though.

C) The paladin/pardoner is solely to turn it into a alt that makes barrier scrolls. Pardoner2 i could only recommend for a priest3 combo for spell shop. (Pardoner needs some decent combat skills.)

D) Never go oracle2, at least not yet. Death sentence is a r1 debuff that every cleric can cure (with cure). Also rumored not to work vs bosses.

Has same issue as B, better off as a int build. And diev3s usually need to fill their lack of spammable dmg skills with the last 2 ranks, oracle hinders that quite a bit. (Int based Diev3/oracle/PD is decent though.)

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Thank you for the tips,
I already tested a build int Diev lv111 and I did not like to wait CD , and a weak damage.
I feel better with tank \ supp , so I’m in the build A.

I think the skills: Smite+Conviction+Carve Attack for PvE this good since.
I use that weapon?, thought to build with Golden Falchion+A.Dagger.
I’m using Plate armor.

For Stats is good?

Conversion: I never understood.

Quick question:

What synergies better with Plague Doctor? Chaplain(int) Route or Paladin3(str) route?
I have a Druid, and I want at least a Kabbalist and Plague Doctor, but I don’t know what synergies better with those. (I have a Chaplain CON:INT:SPR 1:3:2)

Neither stands out.

-Chaplain deals more dmg with incinerate, but lacks conditions to scale it with. Also better for pvp, where pd does shine defensively.
-Paladin has conviction at least which benefits from pandemic. But won’t deal as much dmg from incinerate due it being magic dmg and 2 debuffs have to long cd’s. (conversion & resist elements.)

Dievdirby/bokor are optimal fits for pd imo, but it’s flexible enough for any build.

Clerics don’t have agro skills, so don’t expect to act as a tank.
They’re decent weapons for a crit build.

Conversion is to bugged to be useful atm, turn undead is quite nice though. 30% ish chance to 1hit kill mutants & demons. (not bosses ofc.)

statwise imo around 100 con is sufficient, rest into str.
Dex is tempting, but unless you spend a lot of silver on crit rate gems it won’t perform very well at later levels. (And even if you do it should still lose out to a str build.)

ps, i would recommend kabbalist/pd/oracle as r7 instead of diev2 for a str build.

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Just the player skill then, not the monster skill? Because when I tried to cure that one it never worked. (monster)

Mobs use a carbon copy skill of DS, it functions exactly the same as that of a player. The visual timer can bug out and persist even after curing it.

Plus during icbt2 it was a rank2 debuff, but it’s now r1.

Thank you , I thought if I had more hp I did not die , to help pt. :confuso:
with dex 52 I will hit the mob good, and spr 0 will not be missed ?

ps: my dex this 52 and I have not reset.

As long as you use a high lvl glove then accuracy is unneeded for pve.

Depends on whether you want crits + evasion really, but you lose out on dmg.

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What about Paladin/ Kabbalist? (STR:CON)
Or Kabbalist are pure INT?

I need a rank 7 for my Paladin3

It’s fine, both revenged sevenfold and ein sof are not really affected by stats that much.

Merkabah does require int to be better, but it’s not very good to begin with.

:frowning: Hi, is not good to have more con for more hp (100 con=15k hp)?
and spr leave without for paladin?
Plague is good for build str\con?
That weapons is good for this build?

What is the best for this build ?(PVE ONLY )

  • Full spr ?
  • Full int 50 con ?
  • 100 spr 50 con the rest in int?
    I can not choose :confused:

I can definitely say that 3500 damage and above for dex to be better is for the level 280 cap however I don’t know what it is for the level 330 cap.

I do know that archer (w/ swift step) went from 2400 to 3400 though.

I`m thinking about a crazy build. A FS one, with these guys:


It’`s a very, very, very full support, without damage, with 3SPR:1CON (for scalling with Priest buffs).

Any tips or comments?

@cardox Just no, if you already sacrifice 1 rank of Pd why not 2 ? Then get diev to 3 but… You will have a hard time on leveling… And… Partys from endgame realy like offensive support

I have a 251 cleric2/priest3/diev2. Spr/con.

In short, it 100% works as a full support.

It is very party dependent so i don’t recommend it unless you have a static group. It is extremely painful to kill things solo on the higher maps. I also find the support to be a bit overkill. I’m mostly just using heal and carve world tree for map pve support–throw in revive/stoneskin for dungeons/missions. It works as a full support, but after all this time i still question whether full support will ever really be needed in this game.

I’ll continue to level my guy up, but if the overall game remains this difficulty, I might reroll a diev3druid3… Or Miko if it turns out well.