Tree of Savior Forum

Preliminary beginners guide to Clerics

Can be done, just not personally a fan of it.

Divine Might + Cure + Vapors + Incineration 10 is already a 15s debuff, and incineration in ktos has overheat2 even.

You also have monstrance if you need it, though i remember some of these debuffs didn’t hit flying mobs. Not sure which atm.

You could address what I call the R6 filler in your guide somehow. Cleric2 is quite popular and many Cleric2 take Priest3, Krivis3, Diev3 or Bokor3 next. Many of these then want to be Kabbalist or PD, leaving R6 open for wide considerations.

For my Cleric2/Priest3/R6/PD that is SPR based, I did alot of brainstorming between Cleric3/Krivis/Pardoner/Oracle/Diev and ultimately picked Krivis.

For my upcoming Taoist that is Cleric2/Krivis3 right now ( > R6 > PD > Tao) , the same question takes place, adding in Miko.

And I am pretty sure, Diev3 and Bokor3 face the same dilemma.

Well, it is something you could talk about in the guide.

I feel it is sufficient to have the second post and the builds + variations listed. But it’s not something that needs a lot of attention imo. It’s quite simple (but lenghty):

Rank 6 wise:

  • Cleric3: Mostly overkill, ignore. Priest is better for keeping the team alive due to res at this point.

  • Priest1: One of the top picks due to resurrect alone. +200 dmg per hit isn’t bad either for a build using plague doctor2. Blessing also causes heal to hit twice per tile.

  • Krivis1: Useful for daino. But best delayed till you have decent dmg or can’t delay it anymore. For priest3 support focus that’s r8.

  • Bokor1: Decent dmg, far to small aoe without pd. Can be done on select builds, but they always have better options available.

  • Dievdirbys: trap, the cd reduction ceases to work far to often. The slow is nice but since pd’s incineration got buffed with overheat2 it’s unnecesary for a bokor/pd build. (And pardoner beats it at said role by a mile.) All in all, there’s better support to be had.

  • Sadhu1: Only if you feel suicidal. OoB got nerfed far to much, and get used to getting stuck every minute because why not… Bokor1 is superior in every way to it.

  • Paladin1: Definitely worth it, good healing boost and chance to 1hit ko demons & mutants. But most builds that can slot it have more need for direct dmg or dmg prevention. Utility/overkill heal is to low priority.

  • Monk1: Only worth it for physical classes anyway. But neither druid or paladin can afford it at rank 6.

  • Pardoner1: Only worth it for pd builds. Due to their sheer dmg pardoner is only noticeable vs 400k+ mobs/bosses. It’s decent, but niche.

  • Chaplain: Priest3’s should pick this up at rank5, cleric2 at rank6. That’s about it.

  • Druid1: Good for diev/krivis builds due to telepath. The dmg from carni helps as well. One of the better r6 dmg options.

  • Oracle1: Counterspell and prophecy work wonders in pvp, dispell scrolls mean only counterspell is worth it there. Forecast is decent if it doesn’t bug out. Which it will. Change is useless at r8 areas since it doesn’t work on special mobs.

Short version:

Priest3 = grab chaplain/cleric2.

Bokor3 = grab pardoner, priest or oracle.

Diev3 = grab druid, pardoner if planning to pd, priest or oracle.

Sadhu2 = Grab diev2 asap, those interrupts are fricking annoying.

Hopefully miko opens up new builds.

Kabba is in a bad spot atm since it’s second rank is really bad, and both pd and druid need the 7th and 8th ranks to perform well. + 250k health quest mobs are no joke. A lot of ktos support builds can’t progress.

Taoist benefits far to much from druid2 and krivis3. Then go for the 50k+ zaibas hits in r9.

Rank 8 has some very nice options build wise, but overall i think it’s limiting int builds to much at the moment.

O li realy wanted an confirmation about miko… She could change my currently bokor build a lot

@Wurmheart, a last tip please.




To an offensive support.

Take The first one /20characters

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Imo the priest. Can’t go wrong with res and blessing.

Not a real fan of pardoner atm, it’s only noticeable on high health enemies.

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Thanks @Wurmheart and @pedrinsotero for all support. I feel a bit more prepared to the cleric job :smiley:

Krivis 1 is good for 233SPR build clerics as well. With zalciai at least at lvl 3, hogma warriors inside ET, the most crit resistant creatures, get theirs downed to zero.

You are rly too biased with this. I know some ppl who regret taking up chaplain…

Capella is a good thing…but firstly it is not as reliable as it seems on paper…secondly your priest3 won’t turn into trash just because your SS has some cooldown…

I think you see more in Chaplain than it offers and less in Priest3 than it offers… You get the main skills like Blessing/Mass Heal/Res/Revive etc. from Priest3 already…

Chaplain is just a nice addition to it… but I think you are free to choose other classes too that can complement your build and be a nice addition to it. I rly don’t think Chaplain is mandantory.

Any and all arguments against chaplain i have seen so far are based solely on subjective experiences that do not affect it’s combat prowess.

They can dislike it all they want, they can find it boring all they want. At the end of the day it has objective merit that cannot be gotten in other ranks or class combo’s which makes it stand out on top of other priest3 builds.

And let me regurgitate the painfully obvious:

Advice is about telling people what’s objectively the best case scenario when it comes to gaming. The second i start to appease emotions is the second i have to recommend builds i know are horrible.

And that, i simply refuse to do. and i’d really wish more people here did the same.
But apparently being helpful is not high on their priority list.


You take it too personally against chaplains lol… I’m a chaplain myself and I love it. As I said I don’t think it is mandantory. You won’t be much worse if you don’t take it and get other stuff in return.

Also chaplain is not a full support and never will be. If you want a full support char then think about it twice if you rly want chaplain just for Capella.

If somebody would want to make an Oracle3-Priest full support… I’m rly not sure if there is room for Chaplain.

Chaplain is just an option for Priest3, it is not mandatory to take it. And by all means, it is not the superior choice.

You must be Priest3 to even have this option, but does this mean every Priest3 is better off being Chap?

Oracle3 has been mentioned, combined with the mandatory Cleric2, it has no room for Chaplain. And for my own build, I would not want to miss Daino/Zaiciai or Healing Factor/Bloodletting just to have a class that is inferior.

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i was originally planning with Cleric 2 > Diev 2> Monk 3 > Inquisitor
but Monk seem to be little bit boring for me
i found the possibility of Cleric 2 > Diev 3 > Druid 2 > Inquisitor
but then wouldnt this build will be AAing heavily? since both Diev and Druid have limited atk skill, and both owl and carnivory have relatively long CD

You will still spend a fair amount of time auto attacking yes.

But keep in mind you have carve attack that helps quite nicely as well. Owl has a very long cd so it’s not of to much help while leveling but carnivory isn’t that bad cd wise.

And if you play druid2 after the rank 8 update you should be able to use some str/dex transformations to help speed up the grind. ( druid link )

anybody has owl statue with like 80% attribute and can say what damage it does?

I got the feeling teh damage will drop off big time in later level. Or does it scale with something.

Ok, so heres my problem. I was following an older build on here, capped at R7. I haven’t played in quite some time, but i’m only 38 and wondering if its possible to salvage it or not.

Thats the class build I was going for, Cleric 2, Diev 1, Paladin 3, Oracle 1

It was a str/dex build, though the page only shows the skills, not the stats. As it stands right now, i don’t know what changes have come in, but before I didn’t have much issue w/survivability or anything like that and now i’m barely handling Tenet Floor 2.

Current stats are Str 41, Con 10, Int 4, Spr 15 and Dex 10.
Current skills are: Heal 10, Cure, 1, Safety 5, Deprotection 4, Divine Might 5, Fade 3

A little help would be appreciated.

Incredibly easy to salvage.
Check under the 1st post inquisitor section, it lists the variations I’d recommend.

Class-wise it’s fine, but you can pick different r3 or r7 if you want.

For r3:

  • Dievdirby is mostly about carve + laima. Really nice combo to have.
  • Priest adds a res and a bit of dmg via blessing.

For r7:

  • Oracle shines in pvp as magic dmg prevention + condi prevention.
  • PD has a strong 1 man heal.
  • Kabba can reflect dmg and improve max health.

That small amount used won’t matter, put 60-100 into con and rest into dex.

Skill point wise:
Your early points are fine, but for the rest go with:

Excellent, I just hit job 15, so thanks for the response!

I see a few things changed on both Pal/Diev then, and I shall follow along that. I was hoping there was salvage value w/o having to resort to drastic measures, I suppose I really should claim my EA Package, heh.

If i luck out and play with the group i’m with enough, i’ll have a blesser, so no need for that. If i can keep along w/it this time, i’ll let you know how my salvage project works out.

What about a build utilizing paladin and chaplain? Doesn’t going into on it along with spring and con mesh well for a good meta build somehow?